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The Teacake Club Building a learning community of front line welfare to work staff

The Teacake Club Building a learning community of front line welfare to work staff. Richard Scothorne, Rocket Science Faye Thomas, Cardinalis. Creating a learning network of third sector front line staff to enhance service performance and create sustainable organisations. Outline.

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The Teacake Club Building a learning community of front line welfare to work staff

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  1. The Teacake ClubBuilding a learning community of front line welfare to work staff Richard Scothorne, Rocket Science Faye Thomas, Cardinalis

  2. Creating a learning network of third sector front line staff to enhance service performance and create sustainable organisations

  3. Outline • The situation • Needs and responses • Sustainability and replicability • What is happening elsewhere?

  4. The situation… • Range of small community based third sector organisations • Some specialist providers (eg BME) • Varied staff skills and experience • Mixed performance • Managing shift to outcome based approach

  5. Objectives… • Deepen staff skills • Enhance client experience • Strengthen organisational performance • Increase likelihood of thriving with outcome funding

  6. Needs… • Feel part of a sharing and learning community • Understanding who can help • Specific areas of learning – facilitated sharing and external input • Ready source of tools and techniques • Strengthen performance management • Help to put into practice and deal with issues

  7. An integrated response… • Monthly networking lunches (‘The Teacake Club’) • Members only website • Development programme – workshops tailored to needs • Access to new tools/methods • Support to develop bespoke tools for their role • Support hotline (email and phone)

  8. Teacake Club website

  9. Development Programme • Designed with participants • Priority areas for development • Confidence levels around each topic • Key issues for exploration • Specialist skills • Learning from peers • External input and discussion • Good practice, tools and techniques • Action planning

  10. Development Programme • Assessment • Great CVs • Helping clients get motivated • Collecting and using management information to improve performance • Engaging with employers for sustained outcomes • Helping clients stay in work

  11. Workshop Taster….Assessment • Objectives • The Learning Journey • Assessment types • Key aspects of good assessment – What works for you? • The assessment process • Assessing employability • Legal and Quality Assurance requirements • The Individual Learning Plan • Review and action planning • Useful tools

  12. Supported breakouts

  13. Observed role play

  14. Role play

  15. Action Planning • Each adviser creates an action plan which: • Describes what they will do individually to improve their practice • Describes how they will influence their organisation to improve performance

  16. Big themes emerging • Demand led – start with jobs and work back • Clarity about markets – Which clients? Which employers? • Measure, review and improve performance • Draw on clients and employers: intelligence, co-design • Get the match right • Staying true to values • Creating a cost effective delivery community • Co-designing the commissioning process and KPIs (funder present)

  17. Big themes emerging Observe Anticipate Influence Control

  18. Scorecard results….

  19. Before and after scores/5 • Assessment 2.7  3.9 • Management information 2.8  4.0 • Client motivation 2.9  4.4 • Employer Engagement 3.1  4.4 • Retention in Work 3.0  4.3

  20. What they said... “Thanks for the sessions last week…awesome… they have all said how much they enjoyed it.” John Powell Senior Project Officer Employment and Skills Team

  21. What they said... ... delivered in an enthused, refreshing way. Tackled the hurdles, practices and procedures welfare to work providers encounter...extremely useful both personally and for the development and motivation of my staff. ..well structured and informative..new ideas which I have used to improve the quality of our provision. … good to share best practice and experiences with other advisors and find out more about their organisations and what they can offer. ...took away best practices, reflective practices, useful information, experiences from other people, which we have used to improve performance.

  22. Why it works… • Led by staff needs • Responds to different ways of learning • Accessible when people need it • Creating a community – feeling less isolated and part of a greater service • Take away techniques and approaches that are seen as practical and valuable • Low cost, maximum impact

  23. Questions and issues • Other integrated approaches? • Other development programmes and the difference made? • What works in other areas?

  24. Thank you! • Richard Scothorne • 07774 141 610 • richard.scothorne@rocketsciencelab.co.uk • Faye Thomas • 07929 430 035 • fayethomas@cardinalis.uk.com

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