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This document outlines the activities and discussions held during the IFEX 2006 event, including goals achieved, areas for improvement, and plans for future research activities. It covers various tropical storms and hurricanes, as well as the use of measurement technologies and understanding physical processes in intensity change. Insights from previous missions and plans for the upcoming year are also discussed.
Discussion Outline IFEX 2006 • Goals • What we did well…what we need to work on HFP Research Activities • Tropical Storm Debby (SALEX; G-IV) • Hurricane Ernesto (SFMR Module; P-3) • Hurricane Helene (SALEX; P-3/G-IV) • Aerosonde update HFP Operational Activities • Synoptic Surveillance (Chris, Ernesto) • Doppler Winds (Ernesto, Helene) IFEX 2007
IFEX 2006 • Goal 1 • Collect observations that span the TC lifecycle in a variety of environments (EMC): NASA/NOAA coordination (Debby, Helene) • Goal 2 • Develop and refine measurement technologies that provide improved real-time monitoring of TC intensity, structure, and environment (NHC): SFMR Module (Ernesto); Doppler Winds (Ernesto, Helene) • Goal 3 • Improve our understanding of the physical processes important in intensity change for a TC at all stages of its lifecycle (HRD): SALEX (Debby, Helene); Doppler Winds (Ernesto, Helene)
IFEX 2006 • What went well: • Pre-season discussions with TPC and EMC** • HFP pre-brief to NHC** • HFP director contacting NHC Hurricane Specialist before and during HRD deployments** • GMex pre-season ocean survey (EMC) • Debby-Ernesto (research to operational transition) • SFMR module (piggy-backed on the Ernesto landfall mission) • What do we need to work on: • “Off-season” discussions to focus on overlapping interests** • Communications during the hurricane season** • Debby-Ernesto type transitions **2005
01 September (DC-8 west of Dakar) NASA DC-8 Science Flights (NAMMA) 19 August – 12 September • Science missions: 13 flights; ~90 hr; 6.8 hr average durations • -Cyclogenesis: 59 hr • -SAL/Dust: 18.5 hr • -Microphysics: 12.5 hr • Mission #13 (12 September); pre-Helene • -lightning strike damaged an airframe component, ending the deployment a few days early • Data from aircraft and land based platforms will be made available in ~3-4 months
Tropical Storm Debby (35 kt)G-IV SALEX Mission 060825n Drops 2-8: 11-30% RH at 700 mb; winds E 15kt Drops 8-9: 700 mb RH from 15% to 60%; 700 mb E jet from 15 to 35 kt Drops 13-16: 20-25% RH at 700 mb Drop 20: 14% RH, 20 kt from S at 700 mb
Hurricane Ernesto NASA:19-20 August (DC-8)NOAA: 29/31 August (P-3)
1-2-3 (S-N): 6 BTs 4-5-6 (W-E): 6 BTs 10-11-12 (SE-NW): 6 BTs SFMR Module
Hurricane Helene (SALEX)NASA:12 September (DC-8)NOAA:15-16 September (G-IV); 18/20 September (P-3, G-IV)
Hurricane Helene (65 kt)SALEX Mission 060916n Drops 4-10: (dropsonde sequence-CloudSat/Calipso overpass) Drops 18-24: SAL intrusion: 10-30% RH 500-850 mb Drops 18-24: SAL intrusion: 35-45 kt SSW jet 600-850 mb Drop 31: SAL: 26% RH 700 mb; 3.5C T inversion at 825 mb Drops 4-10: Calipso Overpass coordination (7 sonde sequence thru the SAL) Drop 15: Leading edge of SAL wrapping in around E side
Hurricane Helene (110 kt)SALEX Mission 060918n/h Drops 1-6 (G-IV): 9-33% RH at 700 mb Drops 19-26 (G-IV): SAL intrusion: 5-40% RH 200-800 mb
Aerosonde UAV • Primary Objective • Fully demonstrate the Aerosonde platform Fully demonstrate the Aerosonde platform’s overall capabilities (including survivability) in a hurricane environment • Key Participants • NOAA HRD (Cione, Uhlhorn) • NOAA NHC (Sisko) • NASA (Turlington) • Aerosonde (Bale, Smith, Fowler, and Andrew) • Location and Duration • Key West Naval Air Station • 26 day demonstration project (01-26 September 2006) • Demo ended 26 September (weather & CoA) • Funding ($370 K) • NOAA HRD ($70 K) • NOAA NMAO/AOC ($100 K) • NASA ($200 K) • $80-100 K credit for 2007
Aerosonde UAV • Insights from 2006: • Remote command and control at an operational center (NOAA/NHC) is possible and in fact was established at the onset of the 2006 Demo. • Second year of NASA/NOAA/Aerosonde coordination paid dividends: Building on 2005 Ophelia successful coordination, we were able to more easily (& efficiently) reach out to outside groups such as the NAVY, FAA & various media outlets as needed. • Underestimated the difficulty in getting a timely (and useful) US-based CoA. More work to do before 2007 season. • Overestimated mother nature (’06 no semblance to ’04 & ’05) • Given the last 2 lessons, it is highly recommended that multiple sites (1 domestic; 1 international) be established for any planned 2007 TC-UAS activity.
Aerosonde UAV Outlook for 2007: • Key Participants • HRD, NHC, NASA, and Aerosonde • Proposed Locations & Duration • International: Barbados (proven NOAA P-3 deployment location; used for decades) • 45-day Early Season Demonstration (01 August - 15 September 2007) • Unlikely to encounter mission-restrictive airspace/clearance issues • Domestic: Key West NAS • 45-day Late Season Demonstration (15 September-31 October 2007) • Objectives • Fully demonstrate the Aerosonde platform’s overall capabilities and survivability in a hurricane environment (including ≤300m flying). • Demonstrate remote command and control capability at NHC, and possibly, using NOAA/NASA manned P-3 assets. • Utilize NOAA P-3 manned aircraft to enhance UAS-Hurricane missions (e.g. vertically stacked coincident data collection).
Synoptic Surveillance • 2005 vs 2006 • 50 missions vs 7 missions • TS Chris • 02 August (1 mission) • no HRD scientists support (Aspen used for the 1st time) • Hurricane Ernesto • 27-30 August (6 missions) • all missions were HRD staffed
Doppler Winds Hurricane Ernesto: 29/31 August (2 missions)Hurricane Helene: 18/20 September (2 missions)
Real-time P3 Doppler-Winds analyses transmitted during 2006 Hurricane Season • 3 analyses on 29 August in Ernesto* • 6 analyses on 31 August in Ernesto* • 3 analyses on 18 September in Helene • 1 analysis on 19 September in Helene • 2 analyses on 20 September in Helene • *NWS-tasked NOAA P3 flights--Quality-Controlled Doppler radial data made available via ftp to EMC a few days after the flights
0.5 and 12 km Wind Analyses (m/s) Showing Easterly Shear over the center of Tropical Storm Ernesto on 29 August 2006 at 1520 UTC as it approached Florida 0.5 km 12.0 km
Center SW Radial cross-section of total wind speed (m/s) outward from center toward SW in TS Ernesto on 31 August at 1700 UTC
Real-time Doppler data Issues • Further automation is needed to start analysis jobs--we will explore complete or near-complete automation during this off-season • Further automation in determining systematic error corrections for radar pointing angle is needed • Network path from P3 to inside NWS (for both TPC and EMC) firewall still to be determined--need help on this from outside HRD • More reliable SATCOM communications will be needed to successfully send enough data to EMC • Further automation in transmitting files from P3 needed • Better pre-season training needed for those operating HRD Doppler QC software aboard the P3
IFEX 2007 • Operations • Off-season discussions with TPC and EMC • Provide Doppler data to EMC (HRD) • Provide ocean data to EMC (HRD) • Validating Air Force SFMR data? (HRD) • Supporting Synoptic Surveillance mission planning (HRD) • Limited HRD resources to support a potentially substantial number of operational flight hours • Research • HRD: very limited P-3 flight hours/likely zero G-IV flight hours • Aerosonde, Genesis (weak systems), SALEX, Landfall/Inland decay