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Hormones!!!!1!!. By: Marc Gaulier Jim Gillies. http://1kai.dokkyomed.ac.jp/mammal/images/living/medium/19-04m.jpg. Introduction to Hormones.
Hormones!!!!1!! By: Marc Gaulier Jim Gillies http://1kai.dokkyomed.ac.jp/mammal/images/living/medium/19-04m.jpg
Introduction to Hormones • Hormones are chemicals which are transported to a specific part of your body which will then perform a specific function (i.e. muscle development, etc.) • The hypothalamus (located in the lower cortex) transmits a signal to the pituitary gland which then transmits a specific hormone to the target body part. • From the Greek όρμή, or to set in motion
The Hypothalamus • Located in the forebrain • Attached to the pituitary gland • Contains hormone-secreting cells which in turn activate those of the pituitary in the form of TSH x1000 http://www.hippopotamuses.org/hippolink.jpg
Steroid Hormones • One of the three types of hormones, these are derived from lipids or phospholipids. • Examples include sex hormones, which are synthesized in the endocrine glands (gonads), and are instantly circulated into the body. • Are cholesterol-based and are lipid soluble and can thus pass through cell membrane and interact directly with DNA to carry out target function.
Peptide Hormones • Composed of protein and/or amine-groups • Examples include insulin and thyroxine. These are produced also in endocrine cells but rather than instantly being utilized, they are stored vesicles for later usage. • Because they are non-lipid soluble, they can not penetrate the cell membrane. They bind to a receptor protein on the cell membrane which continues to follow a second-messenger pathway.
Insulin • From the Latin “insula” for island- produced in the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas • Peptide hormone • Released when blood glucose levels become too high. • Accelerates glucose mostly into the liver cells which will be further synthesized and stored (taken out of the bloodstream) • Glucagon has the adverse effect.
Amino acid chains Disulfide bridges
Diabetes • Caused by an insulin deficiency • Type 1- from birth, the body does not produce insulin at all; mostly diagnosed in children. • Type 2- insulin resistance caused by hypoglycemia (high blood pressure, obesity) • Type 1 requires constant insulin injection, type 2 not necessarily.
Adrenaline (Epinephrine) • Steroid hormone • Produced in the adrenal medulla, a sympathetic branch of the automatic nervous system. • Known as “fight or flight” hormone. • Raises blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen consumption automatically. • Uses all energy stores in the body, including glucose, ATP, and fatty acids. • “EpiPen” • PNMT-used in synthesis
Synthesis of Epinephrine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Biosynthese_Adrenalin.png
Thyroxine • Peptide hormone • Synthesized in the thyroid gland (located under the jaw) • Used in release of given enzymes- essentially a growth hormone. Also, regulates the body’s metabolism. • Thyroxine and triiodothyronine. • Iodine is a key ingredient for thyroxine, and lack of iodine causes a swelling of the thyroid gland (goiter). • Thyrotropin (TSH) • Influences enzyme synthesis, BMR • L-Tyrosine • Hyperthyroid vs hypothyroid
Thyroxine Synthesis http://www.vivo.colostate.edu/hbooks/pathphys/endocrine/thyroid/synthesis.html
Sex Hormones (teehee) • Anabolic steroid hormone • Derived from cholesterol • Steroid hormones “lock in” to receptor proteins • Synthesized in relatively small quantities in the gonads • Three major groups: • Estrogens • Androgens • Progestins http://img.timeinc.net/time/magazine/archive/covers/1993/1101930215_400.jpg
Different Sex Hormones • Estrogens • Female sex hormones • Principally estradiol • Androgens • Male sex hormone • Principally testosterone • Progestins • Pregnancy hormones • Principally progesterone
Cholesterol Vs. Sex Hormones • As stated before, sex hormones derived from cholesterol • In fact, all steroid hormones in the human body are derived from cholesterol • Difference lies in R-groups http://www.wissensdrang.com/media/wis2d.gif
Oral Contraceptives • A.k.a. ‘the pill’ • Trick the female body into thinking it is pregnant- bind to the progesterone receptors • Usually a mixture of progesterone and estrogen • Delays menstruation • Slightly different than natural hormones • Side effects
Different types of Oral Contraceptives • ‘The pill’ • ‘Mini pill’- only synthetic progesterones • RU-486- sometimes referred to as the ‘Morning after Pill’ http://www.americanheritage.com/assets/images/articles/web/20060511-pill.jpg
Steroid Abuse • Certain androgens can be used in moderation • Injected directly into bloodstream for maximum potency • However, some decide to abuse these anabolic steroids, particularly athletes, etc. • Effects in males and females • Anabolic steroids are defined as a controlled substance http://membres.lycos.fr/go2bed/DA/popeye.jpg
To Review... • Hypothalamus -> pituitary -> desired endocrine gland • Steroid, amine-based, protein-based • Cholesterol vs. sex hormones • ‘The Pill’- tricks the body • Steroid abuse -> looking like Popeye