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Charlie Chen the Japanese Medaka fishy

Charlie Chen the Japanese Medaka fishy. By: Duell Thompson, Tyler Skerkavich. Our lil’ eggy.

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Charlie Chen the Japanese Medaka fishy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Charlie Chen the Japanese Medaka fishy • By: Duell Thompson, Tyler Skerkavich

  2. Our lil’ eggy • This is a picture of Charlie in stage 26. During this time we counted 117 heart beats. His chorion was to help protect him it is like a membrane. The oil globule he has help feed him and the filament which are little hairs helped keep him clean.

  3. Our big lil’ eggy • In this picture Charlie has grown quite a lot since the last photo. He is in stage 34. Pictured here are the cytoplasm that helps protect him. Also pictured is the heart that pumps the blood through his body and the yolk sac for protection.

  4. Our lil’ eggy all hatched • Now pictured is Charlie all grown up and hatched. Pictured here is his optic eye that helps him see, his brain that helps him think and function and his mouth that lets him eat. Also pictured are his Pectoral fin and his Dorsal fin that help him swim.

  5. Our lil’ fish tail • In this last picture of Charlie is the caudal fin which aids in his swimming and the somites that help with structure.

  6. Charlies Nutrition • When Charlie was just a little embryo or egg all he needed was fresh spring water and a clean habitat. Now that he is grown up he needs much more attention. He now needs his water changed and fish food fed to him. He also needs a filter that circulates oxygen and cleans the water.

  7. Charlies Favorite Sources • “The Japanese Medaka: ITS CARE AND DEVELOPMENT” • <ref>http://www.embl-heidelberg.de/mepd/medakastages/MedakaDevStages.html<ref>

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