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EXAMINATION of NARCOTIC DRUGS and ETHYL ALCOHOL AMONG the SOLDIERS in LITHUANIA. Robertas Obrikis Darius Jankauskas. Introduction.
Introduction Life of Lithuanian people is changing as quickly aseconomics and social sphere. Very serious problem - using of narcotic drugs – today stands already beside other social habits – smoking and alcohol abuse. Today there are almost no problems to obtain narcotic drugs; illegal offer and supply of narcotic drugs increase, demand of narcotic drugs comes into existence. Narcotic drugs could be described as natural or chemical substances, which are included in the approved lists of controlled substances of the Ministry of Health, using of which causes severe health disorder due to their harmful effect, evoking psychological and physical dependence or danger for human’s health.
Statistics Since 2001, 69 968 patients who suffer from dependence have been registered in the medical care institutions. 4087 of them are dependent on narcotic drugs. Distribution of addicts according age: • till 14 years old – 0,1% (5) • 15-19 years old – 11,3% (461) • 20-24 years old – 28,0% (1142) • 23-24 years old – 37,0% (1513) • 35 years old and elder – 23,6% (966) Distribution of addicts according gender and residence: In town – 94,0% male – 81,5% In village – 6,0% female – 18,5%
Research target Trying to decrease using of narcotic drugs and alcohol in the country, it’s necessary to identify the persons using alcohol, narcotic and toxic drugs and medicinal substances. Referring of epidemiologic examination executed among conscripts of Lithuanian army and soldiers of initial compulsatory army service, it was determined that a problem of using narcotic drugs and alcohol exists in some department of army. Using of the above mentioned substances menaces on physical and mental health of soldiers, could cause illness of dependence, due to which a soldier could not be able to carry our his commitments.
Research object From 2002 until 2004 years neurological reactions as well as blood and urine toxicological analysis of 318 soldiers in Lithuania army have been evaluated. Soldiers belonging to supervision group have been tested first. These are persons, who either are under major risk of using narcotic drugs, or those who have some disorder because of using narcotic or psychoactive substances, but who were adjudged as proper to serve in the army.
Testing means identification either a person uses narcotic drugs and alcohol. It’s reliable medical method to determine which kind of substances are used. According to the tenth revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, the following groups of substances that affect psyche have been determinated during testing: -ethyl alcohol - opiates - cannabinoids (marijuana, hashish, grass) - tranquilizers and sedatives (tranquilizers, barbiturates) - cocaine - stimulants (amphetamine, extasy, ephedrine compounds) - psychoactive substances and narcotics used simultaneously.
100 ml of urine into special platic containers has been taken from persons in supervision and randomly selected groups. Preference was alloted to determination of narcotic drugs and medicines. Ethyl alcohol has been searched in all cases. For persons, who were tested using symptomatical method, blood from elbow vein (vena ulnares), urine or both objects, depending on what substance was used (blood for determination of ethyl alcohol and its concentration; urine for determination of narcotic drugs and medicines), have been taken after evaluation of medical examination and neurological symptoms.
Research methods Persons have been tested referring to approved order of physical examination for intoxication: appearance of exploratory, changes in behaviour, consciousness, orientation at the point of time and place, memory, speech, walking, coordination of movement, mime, neurological and somatic condition, vegetal reactions (breathing, pulse, blood pressure), subjective and objective information about using of alcohol and other intoxicating substances, results of additional tests and laboratory analyses. Ethyl alcohol was identified by gas chromatography methodusing gas chromatograph Chrom-4.
Research results and their consideration 318 soldiers have been tested during 2002-2004 years. Average term of observation – 9 monts. 25 cases of using alcohol and narkotic drugs were determined (it composes 7,86 % of all exploratory).
Using methods of toxicological analysis it was determinated that 17 soldiers used ethyl alcohol, 5 soldiers – ethyl alcohol and heroine, 2 soldiers – amphetamine derivatives, 1 soldier – carbamazepine.
All exploratory have been divided into three groups. Supervision group contained 20 persons. No facts of using ethyl alcohol and narcotic drugs were found during testing. 272 soldiers have been randomly selected for testing. 9 positive cases were found: 8 cases concerned ethyl alcohol and 1using of medicine – carbamazepine (this medicine was not prescribed by doctor according to medicinal indications). 26 case was examined using symptomatic method; 16 results were positive: • 2 persons used narcotic drugs only – amphetamine and metamphetamine (0,63 % of all exploratory); • intoxication during service was determined to 5 conscripts of initial compulsatory army service. While testing it was determined that they used ethyl alcohol and heroin simultaneously (1,57 % of all exploratory); • 9 soldiers used ethyl alcohol only (2,83 % of all exploratory) No cases of using of narcotic drugs have been found testing soldiers of professional service.
Taking all positive cases of using ethyl alcohol, subclinical drunkness (0,18 – 0,35 ‰) was determined in 12 cases, slight drunkness (0,64- 0,92 ‰) – in 6 cases, middle drunkness (2,19- 2,41 ‰) – in 3 cases and severe drunkness (2,53 ‰) – in 1 case.
Conclusions Executed examination allows making the conclusion that the soldiers abused ethyl alcohol, narcotic drugs and psychoactive substances in separate cases only. The above-mentioned substances have been used once or twice and they did not cause permanent mental disorder or change in behaviour. As ethyl alcohol could be obtained easily, it was used most frequently (in 22 cases from 25). There are no conditions for such harmful habits in the army.