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Presentation on the topic: My region. Contents:. Geographical position. The administrative-territorial unit. The minerals. The rivers. The vegetation The animal world Population. G eographical position.
Contents: • Geographical position. • The administrative-territorial unit. • The minerals. • The rivers. • The vegetation • The animal world • Population.
Geographical position • Orenburg region - is boundless fields of beauty. Pristine nature and fresh air do not change in the Orenburg region. You can wander barefoot, roll in the grass and just breathe to get great pleasure from contact with nature. But despite the fact that the more we hear about Orenburg steppes, this does not mean that the area has little forests and plantations. • The forests of the Orenburg region go to such heights, it seems that top of the trees are hidden behind the clouds. Tree trunks are immense, and the shaded areas of trees hiding the huge butterflies, are huge, fluffy and white as snow. Orenburg forests are dense, they do not give way to the jungle, where mosquitoes awaiting sacrifice in readiness and a huge cloud instantly stuck to the person. Moose, wild boars, wolves, foxes, hares and even bobcats are found in the forests of the Orenburg region.
Административное делениеPolitical division
Administrative division • Novoorsky district • Novosergievsky district • Oktyabrsky district • Orenburg district, • Pervomaisky district • Perevolotsky district • Ponomarevsky district • Sakmarian district • Saraktash district • Svetlinskaya district • Northern region, • Sol-Iletsky district • Sorochinskij district • Tashlinsky district • Totsky district • Tyulgansky district • Sharlykskogo district • Yasnensky district • Abdulinsky district • Adamovskiy district • Akbulaksky district • Alexander district • Asekeevsky district • Belyaev district • Buguruslan district • Buzuluksky district • Gai district • Grachevsky district • Dombarovsky district • Ilek district • Kvarkensky district • Red Guard District, • Kuvandyksky area • Kurmanaevsky district • Matveevsky district
Administrative-territorial division of the Orenburg region is represented by 614-th municipalities. • 9 have the status of city district, 35 - Municipal District ,566 - rural settlement, 4 - urban settlement. • The region has 12 cities, 1707 villages. • The administrative center is the city of Orenburg.
minerals • Oil and gas and total proven oil reserves (1998 )was about 500 million tons, natural gas - more than 1000 billion m3. About 87% of natural gas is concentrated at the Orenburg gas condensate field. Among the major oil fields are PokrovskoyeBobrowski, Sorochinsko-Nikolskoye and Rostashinskoe field. In total proven and probable reserves may provide the current level of oil production during 150 years of gas - for 60 years. • The region is the southern part of the South Ural lignite basin. 8 deposits of brown coal with total reserves of 740 million tons .Since 1983 has been operated Tyulganskoe deposit in coal that can meet a lot of preserved plant remains, charred tree trunks. • Oil shale. Shale deposits are part of the Volga River shale basin. The explored reserves of oil shale in the area of 1.3 billion tons .Most of them are located in the south-western region near the border with the Samara region.
Rivers • Territory of the region is characterized by a rather large density of rivers and marsh network, which reaches 2-4 km / 1 km2 except for the extreme eastern and southern regions, where it is less than 0.5 km / 1 km2. The largest river Ural is a transit, but the bulk of its flow is formed in the region at the expense of the main tributary- Sakmara. Two large rivers Ilek and Sakmaraoriginate respectively in Bashkortostan and in Kazakhstan and in the fall already within the Ural region. Most other major rivers (Samara, Chagan, Greater and Lesser Kinel, Dema, Tobol) have origins in a significant part of the catchment area, but have their lower reaches of its limits. Almost all the rivers belong to the basin of the Caspian Sea ,basins are distributed between the Urals and the Volga.
Vegetation • The nature of the Orenburg region is quite varied. In the Orenburg region dominated xerophilous vegetation. Forests cover only about 4% of the total area. • Medicinal plants that grow in the region: licorice, small-leaved lime, Rhamnuscathartica, St. John's, bird mountaineer, Valerianaofficinalis, Solomon's seal drug, oregano, ephedradvuhkoloskovaya, May lily, Solomon's seal drug, lady-fern, Dryopteris male, etc. • Wild fruit-bearing shrubs: blackberries, strawberries, steppe cherries , stone bramble, blackthorn (the turn), rose, Siberian cow parsnip.
Honey plants: tree Karaganda, Karaganda bush, mountain ash, willow, dandelion, coltsfoot, strawberries steppe, small-leaved lime, mouse peas, clover, chicory, thistles, etc. • Aromatic plants: wormwood ,mint water, peppermint, sweet woodruff. • Approximately 100 species of wild flora - blackberry blue-gray, forest strawberries, strawberry steppe, steppe cherry, blackthorn (the turn), water chestnut (chilim), etc. High starch differ mace, white water lily, spatterdock yellow. • More than 300 species of plants are among the honey ones. Spring honey plants are yellow acacia, mountain ash, willow, coltsfoot, strawberries steppe. Summer honey plants - small-leaved lime, mouse peas, yellow and white sweet clover, chicory, raspberry, etc.
Animal world • In forest and steppes live 60 species of mammals, over 200 species of birds. Extensive hunting grounds . Their area of over 10,000 hectares .The field is home to elk, wild boar, hare, fox, muskrat, marten, marmot, muskrat. • Since the early 70's there is progress in number of lynxes. At present, it is noted in the most southern parts of the region. • Antelope (characteristic and numerous inhabitant of the Orenburg steppe ) is now found in small herds during the summer migration to the extreme south-eastern region. Highly commercial are weasels. This is a first: a badger, weasel, marten, polecat steppe and forest. Among the rare and very rare species are columns, polecat, mink, and otter. At the same time, the number is acclimatized.
Population • The resident population of the Orenburg region on January 1, 2010 was 2,112,900 people, the urban population - 1212.6 thousand people. (57.4%), rural population - 900.3 thousand people. (42.6%). Population density - 17 people. / 1 kV. km.
The peoples of the Orenburg region • One of the highlights of the Orenburg - multinationality. The region is home to more than 80 ethnic groups (people), mainly related to Indo-European, Uralic and Altaic language families. The largest - Slavic group of Indo-European family of languages: Russians (72% of the population), Ukrainians and Belarusians. Russians share is almost universally higher than 50%, and only in Abdulinsky, Asekeevskom, DombarovskyYasnenskom areas is below 40%.
Presentation done byTukmanbetovaLyudiyaRafikovna teacher of EnglishNikitino 2012 год