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method of moments. This technique was developed in a Ph.D. thesis by Ken Mei in 1962. His adviser was Jean van Bladel. Method of moments. a known charge causes a potential what is the potential? a measured or known potential is caused by an unknown charge what was that charge?
This technique was developed in a Ph.D. thesis by Ken Mei in 1962. His adviser was Jean van Bladel.
Method of moments • a known charge causes a potential • what is the potential? • a measured or known potential is caused by an unknown charge • what was that charge? • used in em to find current distributions on antennas, scattering objects such as cubes, sleds, planes, and missles • PhD theses, faculty publications
V(a) V(b) Q2 Q1 2 equations 2 unknowns
V(a) V(b) Q2 Q1
>> A = [1/4 1/5 ; 1/5 1/4] ; >> V = [1 ; 1] ; >> Q = V’ / A % ‘transpose Q = 2.2222 2.2222 >> QQ = A \ V; or QQ = 2.2222 2.2222
complications??? r1 r2 • The potential @ each charge sphere is specified as V1 or V2 • Locations are with respect to an origin.
solution to singularity Assume that the potential is uniform within the sphere and it is equal to the value at its edge r = a.
1 1 1 1 1 1
Q = • 4.69 2.56 4.69 -4.69 -2.56 -4.69 • >>
Capacitor C = Q / V rj ri
MATLAB • clear; clf; • N=9; • az=37.5; • el=5;
%identify subareas • for m = 1:2 • for h = 1:N • for k = 1:N • a((m - 1)*N*N + (h - 1)*N + k, :)=[m, h, k]; • end • end • end
%calculate matrix elements • for h=1:2*N*N • for k=1:2*N*N • aa=norm(a(h, :) - a(k, :)); • if aa==0 • b(h, k) = 2 * sqrt(pi); • else • b(h, k) =1 / aa; • end • end • end
%set voltages on plates • for h=1:N*N • V(h) = +1/2; • V(h+N*N) = -1/2; • end
%calculate charges • Q = V*inv(b); • %top plate • QA(1:N*N) = Q(1:N*N); • %bottom plate • QB(1:N*N)=Q(N*N+1:2*N*N);
%plot • [x,y]=meshgrid(1:N); • for i=1:N • za(1:N,i)=QA((i-1)*N+1:(i-1)*N+N)'; • zb(1:N,i)=QB((i-1)*N+1:(i-1)*N+N)'; • end • mesh(x,y,za) • hold on • mesh(x,y,zb)
QT=0; for j=1:N*N QT=QT+Q(j); end QT
What have you done? You have learned a technique, to accurately calculate the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor! Big deal!
2a C a
note the charge density at the corner
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Academic Kiuas-Seura is a sauna and sausage society, formed mainly by older members of Liisankadun Osakunnat, whose main task is taking sauna baths, sloping of time together and sensory testing of the sausages. The assembling is 6:30 on Tuesdays, the sausage tests continue in spite of the environmental terrorists.