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Teacher and Principal Induction Tools and Resources Karen J. Wyler, Ph. D. Teacher and Principal Induction Specialist IHE Evaluation System Specialist Georgia Department of Education kwyler@doe.k12.ga.us 678-458-3763. Learning Targets.
Teacher and Principal Induction Tools and ResourcesKaren J. Wyler, Ph. D.Teacher and Principal Induction Specialist IHE Evaluation System SpecialistGeorgia Department of Educationkwyler@doe.k12.ga.us678-458-3763
Learning Targets • Develop a common understanding of an effective induction program • Become familiar with the Georgia Teacher and Principal Induction Guidance and additional resources • Identify your next steps to support quality induction in your RESA districts
Norms A: Appreciate one another’s expertise E: Engage fully in all learning experiences I: Invest in your own learning O: Open your mind to new ways of thinking U: Unite in purpose—improving student achievement! Learning Forward
Induction Expectations • Induction guidelines should be scalable, with required components and optional components so that districts can tailor the induction programs to their specific needs. • RT3 school districts are required to develop and implement teacher and principal induction programs using the GaDOE Induction Guidance. • All school districts in the state will be encouraged to use the induction guidance for teachers and principals.
Education Reform Areas • Recruiting, preparing, rewarding, and retaining effective teachers and leaders, especially where they are needed most • Building a P-20 data system that provides seamless data access to all users: students, parents, teachers, administrators and researchers • Turning around our lowest-achieving schools • Adopting standards and assessments that prepare students to succeed in college and the workplace and to compete in the global economy
Effective Induction Programs • Comprehensive - There is a structure to the program, consisting of many activities/components and many people who are involved. • Coherent - The various components, activities, and people are logically connected to each other. • Sustained - The comprehensive and coherent program continues for many years. Wong
TEACHERS MATTER There are 1,702,758 reasons to have effective teachers and leaders in Georgia.
Induction Guidance Domains • Roles and Responsibilities • Leadership and Organizational Structures • Mentoring • Orientation • On-going Performance Assessment • Program Evaluation • *Professional Learning
GaDOE Resources • Teacher Induction Guidance • Principal Induction Guidance • Teacher Implementation and Evaluation Resource Guide • Principal Implementation and Evaluation Resource Guide • Georgia’s RT3 Story • Principal Mentor Training/Videos
Lessons Learned From First Year Implementation • Communicate clear goals and expectations of an effective induction program, • Articulate roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders in the induction process, • Provide the resources needed to implement and sustain a quality induction program, • Develop and implement ongoing mentor training for teacher and principal mentors, • Build interdependence across institutions and • Go slow…so we can go fast!
Georgia’s Induction Journey: Learning, Sharing and Growing • Shift from a focus of teaching to a focus on learning • Develop a collaborative culture • A Focus on Results…teacher and leader effectiveness
Two Questions Do your current induction practices advance learning and teaching? Will your current induction practices improve student growth and achievement?
GaDOE Website http://www.gadoe.org/School-Improvement/Teacher-and-Leader-Effectiveness/Pages/Teacher-and-Principal-Induction-Guidelines-.aspx
GaDOE Induction State Contact Information Cindy Saxon Associate Superintendent, TLE csaxon@doe.k12.ga.us Robin Gay Director, TLE rgay@doe.k12.ga.us Karen J. Wyler, Ph. D. Teacher and Principal Induction Specialist Teacher and Leader Effectiveness kwyler@doe.k12.ga.us 678-458-3763