SLO’s and HPDP’sBest Practices in EducationSetting rigorous and ambitious goals for student growth, combined with the purposeful use of data, leads to…Greater academic growth and performance by studentsTeachers being systematic and strategic in their instruction, which leads to increased teacher performance as wellTeachers reflecting and examining their instructional strategies, techniques and methods to reach each student
Learning Targets I can explain the purpose of SLO’s and HPDP’s. I understand the similarities and differences between HPDP’s and SLO’s. I can recognize high quality SLOs and learn how to develop, review, monitor, approve, and assess them.
What is an EFFECTIVE EDUCATOR? An effective teacher consistently uses educational practices that foster the intellectual, social and emotional growth of children, resulting in measurable growth that can be documented in meaningful ways. Effectiveness is the goal.Evaluation is the merely the means.
Guiding Principles of the System An educator evaluation system must deliver information that: • Guides effective educational practice that is aligned with student learning and development • Documents evidence of effective educator practice • Documents evidence of student learning • Informs appropriate professional development • Informs educator preparation programs • Supports a full range of human resource decisions • Is credible, valid, reliable, comparable, and uniform across districts
Educator Effectiveness Measures Educator Practice Student Growth Practice measures State Assessment (value-added model) District Assessment Student Learning Objectives School-wide Reading (Elementary-Middle) Graduation (High School) District Choice
Student Learning Objectives What are SLOs? SLOs are collaboratively established goals for growth in student achievement at the classroom level that are: • Specific and measurable • Aligned to standards and to school improvement plans/district strategic plans (if applicable) • Based on learning needs as determined by data • Established for individual teachers, teams, or schools, and for all students or selected subgroups • Developed collaboratively by educators and their supervisors • Based on rigorous, yet attainable growth goals • Goals can be GROWTH or ATTAINMENT • Behaviorial goals allowable only if they directly support an academic goal
Baseline data Goal approval meeting with Principal Mid year review meeting with Principal Scoring meeting with Principal
HPDP/ SMART Goal Template By June 2013, _____% of ___________ will score_______ on ___________assessment.
SLO Evidence Possible Evidence Sources • Many potential sources of SLO evidence: • End of course exams (with appropriate pre-test/baseline measure of student knowledge) • High-quality classroom assessments • Performances/Portfolios of student work (when scored with a rigorous rubric) • SLO evidence should generally be kept separate from data used to determine areas of student need, in order to avoid “double-counting” of student outcomes • WKCE is not an appropriate SLO evidence source (measures November-November growth) • Use of benchmark data (MAP, etc.) discouraged, but could be appropriate in limited circumstances
October/ November Baseline Today’s Staff Meeting Nov. 12 Day 6 November 20 Roll Through
How is Hudson Preparing for Educator Effectiveness? Pilot of CESA 6 Practice Tool High School- Kevin Moore Middle School- Jim Dalluhn EP Rock- Amy Hambourg North Hudson- Dolf Schmidt WI DPI Pilot of SLO (Student Learning Objectives) Hudson Prairie