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Welcome. Algebra 1B Ms. Falvo. welcome. seating. names. info sheet. Oreo Personality Test. How do you eat an Oreo?. 1. The whole thing all at once. 2. One bite at a time. 3. Slow and methodical nibbles examining the results of each bite afterwards. 4. In little feverous nibbles.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome Algebra 1B Ms. Falvo

  2. welcome seating names info sheet

  3. Oreo Personality Test How do you eat an Oreo?

  4. 1. The whole thing all at once. 2. One bite at a time. 3. Slow and methodical nibbles examining the results of each bite afterwards. 4. In little feverous nibbles. 5. Dunked in some liquid (milk, coffee…) 6. Twisted apart, the inside, then the cookie. 7. Twisted apart, the inside, and toss the cookie. 8. Just the cookie, not the inside. 9. I just like to lick them, not eat them. 10. I don’t have a favorite way because I don’t like Oreos.

  5. INFORMATION YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WAKEFIELD Non-negotiables • Class or Pass – you must have a pass • Stay or Pay – stop whenever a teacher asks you to • Comply or Goodbye – you must comply with teacher requests • On Time, In Time, or Your Time – tardies will be made up Saturdays or after school • Truth or Consequences – don’t lie

  6. MORE INFORMATION Dress Code • Wear pants at the waist • No skinny straps on tops • Must cover all areas of your body – no stomachs or other areas exposed • Skirts or shorts much be longer than the tip of the longest finger when arms are at sides • Nothing gang related is tolerated

  7. EVEN MORE INFORMATION No hats, headgear, cd players, ipods are to be worn or visible in the building. They will be confiscated. If you refuse to relinquish them, you will be suspended. Cell phones are to be turned off and not used during the instructional day.

  8. WHAT? THERE’S MORE? Start Smart • You can be in the cafeteria, gym, or basketball courts. • You need a pass to attend the Media Center or teacher remediation (extra help). • No one should be in the halls. • Use this time to get teacher help, make up missing assignments or meet with counselors.

  9. syllabus/layout parent letter/form calculators/books communication diagnostics scavenger hunt

  10. January 26, 2010 8-1 Zero and Negative ExponentsObjective: Evaluate expressions with positive, negative and zero exponents.

  11. Evaluate if x=3. • x3 • 2x4 • -6x2

  12. Evaluate if x= -1. • x3 • 2x4 • -6x2

  13. For any nonzero number a, a0 = 1. Examples: 1. 50

  14. 2. 3. (-4)0 4. -(4)0 5. -40

  15. 6. 52.1 + (1000 · -20)

  16. For any non-zero number a and any integer n, Examples: 1. x-4

  17. 2-5 • 5d-3

  18. For any non-zero number a and any integer n, Examples: 1.

  19. 2. 3. 4.

  20. All Mixed Up 1. 2. 3.

  21. ConclusionDiscuss the following: What’s zero raised to any number? What’s any number raised to zero? So what’s 00?

  22. Homework – p. 397 14-32 evenAccountability Forms

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