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Hoy es el 5 de marzo. ¿ Qué tiempo hace hoy ?. Anuncios. Quiz tomorrow (summertime vocab ) 5 identifying, 5 T/F Writing corrections can be turned in at any time (as long as you don’t lose the original) come before or after school if you have questions. Make up tests today or tomorrow.
Hoy es el 5 de marzo ¿Quétiempohacehoy?
Anuncios • Quiz tomorrow (summertime vocab) • 5 identifying, 5 T/F • Writing corrections can be turned in at any time (as long as you don’t lose the original) • come before or after school if you have questions. • Make up tests today or tomorrow.
El pretérito • The preterite tense is used to describe actions that began and ended at a definite time in the past • Yesterday, I went to the store. • This morning, I ate breakfast. • This weekend, I played tennis. • There are two “past” tenses in Spanish, so be sure to understand the difference.
El pretérito de los verbos -AR • Ayer, mi amigayyocaminamos al gimnasio. Allí, yonadé en la picsina, yellahabló con los muchachosguapos. Los muchachostrabajaron en el gimnasio, y no hablaron mucho. ¿Ejecitastetúeste fin de semana?
-AR verb preterite endings -é -amos -aste -ó -aron
Cambiosortográficos • -car, -gar, -zar verbs have spelling changes in the yo form • ¿Porqué? • buscar(to look for) is pronounced “BOOS-KAR” • Therefore, all of the forms ofbuscarshould start with the sounds “BOOS-K” yobusc éwould sound like “BOOS-SAY”
Therefore… busqué buscamos buscaste buscó buscaron
-GAR verbs • Jugar (HOO-GAR) • Jugé* would be pronounced (hoo-hay) jugué jugamos jugaste jugó jugaron
-ZAR verbs • Empezar empecé empezamos empezaste empezó empezaron