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Hoy es el 14 de marzo . Es viernes. La pregunta Are you more like Selena in that you belong to many different cultural groups without being defined by one of them, or do you see yourself as definitely within one or a limited range of cultural groups? La tarea
Hoy es el 14 de marzo. Esviernes. La pregunta Are you more like Selena in that you belong to many different cultural groups without being defined by one of them, or do you see yourself as definitely within one or a limited range of cultural groups? La tarea Examencito de Selena- el 18 de marzo *Themes of the movie *Sentence writing *Vocabulary from packet
La meta de hoy: Students will identify Spanish vocabulary related to music. Students will write sentences and use new vocabulary in the context of the movie Selena. El plan de hoy: • Review Vocabulary and verbs • Review –ar verb conjugation • Dice game • Translations • Sentence Writing • Mini-whiteboard review La tarea Examencito de Selena- el 17 de marzo *Themes of the movie *Sentence writing *Vocabulary from packet
El vocabulario de Selena Review vocabulary from packet using the vocabulary cards
El vocabulario – los verbos Remember that the most basic form of a verb is called an infinitive. What are the three endings of an infinitive in Spanish? -ar -er -ir In your notes, make 3 columns: -ar -er -ir Now fill in the chart with the verbs from the packet.
El vocabulario – los verbos -AR escuchar– acabar de- tocar – descargar – comprar – cantar - -ER conocer– tenerque– saber – querer (e>ie) – aprender - -IR oír– ira – preferir (e>ie) – Now, add the English meaning next to each Spanish verb
Focus on: los verbos -ar Remember the steps to conjugation a verb? Remove the –ar, -er, -ir ending to find the stem. Add the new ending to the stem based on the subject.
= cant- = escuch- = acab- = toc- = descarg- = compr- Los verbos -ar Step 1: Remove the –ar, -er, -ir ending to find the stem. STEM + ENDING Cantar Escuchar Acabar Tocar Descargar Comprar
Focus on: los verbos -ar Step 2: Add the new endings based on the subject or the subject pronouns. What are the subject pronouns? Singular yo tú Ud. él / ella Plural Nosotros Nosotras Vosotros vosotras Uds. ellos / ellas
Focus on: los verbos -ar Step 2: Add the new endings based on the subject or the subject pronouns. What are the endings? -o -as -a -amos -áis -an
cant cant cant o as a cant cant cant amos áis an Focus on: los verbos -ar cant ar cantar
Focus on: los verbos -ar In your packet, complete activity C and conjugate the following verbs: CantarBailar EscucharTocar Review conjugations as a class.
Focus on: los verbos -ar In your packet, complete activity C and conjugate the following verbs:
Focus on: los verbos -ar • Now, complete activity D and write the correct verb conjugations in your packet: • Selena (cantar) • canta • Yo(tocar) • toco • Selena y Chris (bailar) • bailan • Selena y yo (escuchar) • escuchamos • Selena y tú (descargar) • descargáis
Los Dados y los verbos -ar • Roll the dice to determine what subject you should use. Roll the dice to determine what verb you should use. Write the subject with the correct verb conjugation on your board. Then, write the it in English. • First Roll: • Yo • Tú • Selena • Selena y yo • Selena y tú • Selena y Chris Second Roll: Cantar Bailar Descargar Tocar Escuchar Comprar
Focus on: los verbos -ar Complete activity E and conjugate the verb CANTAR in each sentence, then translate. Yo ___________________________ muchas canciones en español. I singmanysongs in Spanish. Selena________________________ en español durante sus conciertos. Selena sings in Spanishduringherconcerts. Selena y Chris____________________________ en español. Selena and Chris sing in Spanish. Tú y yo______________ las canciones de Selena en la clase de español. You and I singSelena’ssongs in Spanishclass. ¿_______________________ tú con tus amigos? Do yousingwithyourfriends? CANTO CANTA CANTAN CANTAMOS CANTAS
Focus on: los verbos -ar Now write your own sentences! In your notes write 6 sentences, using 6 different subjects and 6 different verbs and any other vocabulary you wish. Be sure to skip lines between your sentences! Give your to your partner. Translate your partner’s sentences to English. Make corrections in their Spanish sentences if they need them!
Focus on: los verbos -ar • Write one sentence on the board • From your seat, look for errors in other people’s sentences. We will discuss these as a class. • Discuss the translations of all the sentences with your partner.
Repaso del vocabularioy –ar verbs • Using the mini whiteboards, review with vocabulary and verb conjugation with your partner.
La Tarea Examencitode Selena- el 18 de marzo *Themes of the movie *Sentence writing *Vocabulary from packet Start studying the vocab!