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Pye Elementary School

Pye Elementary School. Title 1 Annual Meeting 2012 - 2013. What is Title 1?. Title 1 is a federal fund. It was authorized by the No Child Left Behind Act (but began with the passage of the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965).

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Pye Elementary School

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  1. Pye Elementary School Title 1 Annual Meeting 2012 - 2013

  2. What is Title 1? • Title 1 is a federal fund. • It was authorized by the No Child Left Behind Act (but began with the passage of the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965). • The intention of Title 1 is to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach grade-level proficiency. • Title 1 funds helps students who are behind academically or at risk of falling behind. • Funds are only used to help students reach proficiency in the following academic subjects: English Language Arts and Mathematics. • Title 1 never replaces what other students receive (it is supplemental to the regular program). • Title 1 uses research based practices.

  3. Title 1 Must… • Involve the parents in all phases of planning and provide opportunities for involvement and parent trainings. • Establish a compact between the parent and school outlining expectations. • Establish a Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy. • Inform parents of their Rights to Know. • Share information with parents on their child’s progress and the school toward the accomplishments of goals set forth in the plan. • Inform parents when schools have sanctions placed on them due to not meeting the Federal Accountability standards. • Involve parents in the development of School Improvement Plans when necessary.

  4. How is Title 1 School Funding Determined? • Title 1 is a federal entitlement program (non-competitive formula). • It is allocated on the basis of student enrollment for ages 5-17, the census poverty levels, and other data. • The U.S. Department of Education distributes these funds to State Education Agencies that in turn, distribute the funds to local education agencies or school districts. • Local school districts allocate the funds to qualifying schools based on the number of poor children in a school.

  5. What are the federal and state standards for low income students and schools in poverty? • A percentage of poor (free and reduced eaters) of 35% or greater in order to be eligible for Title 1 services. • School-wide Title 1 serves all students in a school. They may be developed at schools in which at least 40 percent of the children are on free or reduced lunch. It addresses 11 strategies in the required Title 1 plan.

  6. Dorchester Two Title 1 Schools • There are currently ten Title 1 elementary schools in District Two. All of these are school-wide programs. • They are located at Pye, Flowertown, Newington, Knightsville, Summerville, Windsor Hill Arts Infused, William Reeves, Spann, Oakbrook, and Eagle Nest. • These school-wide programs have Title 1 Facilitators assigned to them who help with the plan, parent involvement, and professional development.

  7. How will Title 1 funds be used at Pye Elementary this year? • This year our Title funds will be providing Literacy and Math support teachers (Mrs. Palmer-Sipp and Mrs. Manning) for first and second grades and Math support teacher Mrs. Juneja for third, fourth, and fifth grades. • Title 1 funds will be providing READ 180 literacy support teachers in fourth and fifth grade. (Mrs. Runions & Mrs. VanPatten) • Title funds will also be used for professional development for our teachers and all the food, supplies, and materials for our parenting events.

  8. You will be receiving the Title 1 Parent Involvement brochure containing information regarding rights, compacts and parent involvement policies. Documentation of this information, required meetings, trainings, etc. are required. • If you need more information about Title 1, please contact me Sheila Salsman, the Title 1 Facilitator at Pye Elementary School at 695-2979 or Mr. Mike Windham the Director of Federal & State Programs & Deb Hargrove the Title Coordinator for Dorchester District Two Schools at 873-2901.

  9. Pye Elementary Title One Program Working in Partnership to Impact Student Achievement Parents - Teachers - Students

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