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Counterplans. Debate should be a means of significantly improving one's education through analytical development and extension of advocacy positions. The negative strategy of counterplan would seem to be highly congruous, if not essential, with that ideal.

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  1. Counterplans Debate should be a means of significantly improving one's education through analytical development and extension of advocacy positions. The negative strategy of counterplan would seem to be highly congruous, if not essential, with that ideal. Steve Mancuso – University of Kentucky, 1981

  2. Introduction • Learn It, Live It, Love It • Life Is A Series Of Counterplans • Even K Teams Use Counterplans • The Theoretical Justification For Counterplans CP > All The Plan + Any Portion of the CP

  3. History of Counterplans • The 70’s and 80’s: The Wild West of Counterplans - Why Counterplans? - Early Standards of Counterplans - The Evolution of Competition - Fiat. Should the Negative Get it?

  4. Competition and Permutations • Simple model: The CP alone must be better than the plan or a combination of the plan and any part of the CP. • Standards of Competition - Mutual Exclusivity (boooooo!!!) - Net Benefits (yayyyyyyyy!!!) Opportunity Cost

  5. Competition and Permutations • Textual Competition - Text of the CP must directly compete with the text of the plan. • Functional Competition - the function of the plan and counterplan rather than their text

  6. Common Permutations • The Classic Permutation – Do Both • The Logical Permutation - all of plan and the logical parts of the counterplan. • Do the CP

  7. Abusive Permutations • Severance Permutations - Do part of the aff plan and all or part of counterplan • Intrinsic Permutations - of plan, all, part, or none of counterplan, and an action found in neither the plan nor the counterplan. • Time Frame Permutations - any of the above permutations that also changes the time of adoption of the plan or counterplan

  8. Status of the Counterplan • Unconditional - a commitment by the negative to forgoe the status quo and advocate the single counterplan throughout the debate • Unconstrained Conditionality -A conditional counterplan status means that negative accepts no limitation on its ability to advocate the CP. • Dispositional - a negative commitment to the counterplan provided that the affirmative straight turns it. • Logical Limited Conditionality – a negative commitment to a single counterplan while reserving the right to always to kick the counterplan and revert to a defense of the status quo.

  9. Impact Your Theory • Punishment Paradigm • Reject the Argument Not The Team

  10. Counterplans On The Topic • CPs on this Topic • Actor CPs – Courts, Congress, Agency, XO. • Process CPs: Lots of Them • CIR CP – Do the plan as part of the larger review of Immigration Reform to be presented as a bundle. Probably a politics Net Benefit. • States CP – Devolve Immigration Policy to the States • Consult CPs – Mexico and EU • Do the plan as a series of bilateral or multilateral treaties. Probably politics, maybe econ net benefits • Broad Strokes CPs – Open the Borders, Amnesty • UQ CPs – Enhance Border Security, Close the Borders, Etc. All your right wing DAs are net benefits and the CP gives them uq. • Advantage CPs – generally deployed to solve for the larger impact of the aff. Hegemony example. • Dirty Word PICs – Immigration, Aliens, Temporary Workers, Visas. Be ready to defend any word you put in your plan. If you can’t don’t put it in there

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