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Counterplans 1.0

Counterplans 1.0. Neg’s Best Friend. What are Counterplans ?. A counterplan is a competitive policy option to the affirmative plan. What is a Competitive Policy Option?. It is a policy that either Creates a forced choice with the affirmative plan (is MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE) and/or

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Counterplans 1.0

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  1. Counterplans 1.0

  2. Neg’s Best Friend

  3. What are Counterplans? • A counterplan is a competitive policy option to the affirmative plan

  4. What is a Competitive Policy Option? • It is a policy that either • Creates a forced choice with the affirmative plan (is MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE) and/or • Is not desirable to be implemented alongside the plan (net beneficial)

  5. Why Run a Counterplan • The status quo is bad • Affirmatives will (or at least should) choose to defend the (allegedly) best topical policy option • Taking out the entire case is either often hard (the aff is right) and/or time intensive (requires lots of evidence) • Hedge against add-on advantages

  6. Types of Counterplans • Agent: adopts virtually the same policy as the aff using a different actor • Mechanism: attempts to solve the aff harms using a different policy approach • Process: alter some way the plan mandates are implemented (normal means)—consult, condition, steal the funding/offsets ,etc. • Mutually exclusive: policy options that are PRECLUDED by the plan that the neg claims are just better (now rare)

  7. How Did We Get Counterplans? • Bad old days: neg only gets the status quo (but at least they had inherency?) • Reciprocity kicks in: if the aff gets a plan, the neg should get one too (non-topical, non-PIC, mutually exlusivecounterplan) • Game theory: neg gets net beneficial counterplans (non-topical, non-PIC) • Modern: neg gets any net beneficial policy option

  8. Major Counterplan Issues • Can a counterplan be TOPICAL? • What makes a counterplan COMPETITIVE? • Can a counterplan be plan-INCLUSIVE? • What is the counterplan’s STATUS? • Can a counterplan CONTRADICT other arguments? • Must a counterplan be offered in the 1NC? • Can a negative advance MULTIPLE counterplans? • Must a counterplan use the SAME ACTOR?

  9. Topicality • What would debate look like if counterplans were not allowed to be topical? • Topical counterplans are OK because: • Predictable • Aff an use own research against • Are real world • Encourage topic clash and research

  10. CounterplanCompeititon • Two accepted methods • Mutual exclusivity • Net benefits • Other (poor) methods • Philosophical • Normal means • Textual exclusivity

  11. Counterplan Status • Under what circumstances can the negative get rid of the counterplan? • UNCONDITIONAL—’til death do you part • DISPOSITIONAL—anytime the neg wants UNLESS the counterplan is straight-turned • CONDITIONAL—whenever the negwants • FUN-DITIONAL

  12. Counterplan Consistency • Is it okay for counterplans to contradict other negative arguments • YES: laboratory/hypothesis testing model • NO: advocacy model

  13. Counterplan Placement & Number • Must a counterplan be read in the 1NC, if at all? • Yes: Aff fantasy land • No: Negrational world • How many counterplans?

  14. Questions of Fiat • Is the counterplan durable? • Can counterplans fiat actors outside the resolution? • Other levels of domestic government • Private individuals and institutions • Governments of other nations • Intergovernmental organizations • Can a counterplan be fiat contingent (if/then)? • Can a counterplan be initiated in the future?

  15. Major Topic Counterplans • (Un)conditional • Domestic agent • Int’l agent

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