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Welcome. Access to Technology and Know-how on Cleaner Production in Central Europe. A CENTRAL EUROPE project (2008 - 2011) www.act-clean.eu.

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  1. Welcome UBA | Horst Pohle | Welcome and Introduction to Act Clean

  2. Access to Technology and Know-how on Cleaner Production in Central Europe A CENTRAL EUROPE project (2008 - 2011) www.act-clean.eu UBA | Horst Pohle | Welcome and Introduction to Act Clean

  3. Ausgangspunkt für das ProjekteHauptakteure im Mittelpunkt von Umweltinnovationen sind UnternehmenSie sollen bei einem nicht eigendynamischen Markt innovative Techniken entwickeln und umsetzen !!Treiber: Staat: Muss Politik entwickeln um Innovationen in diesen Markt zu bringen • Wie kann der Staat es managen, dass sich in diesem Sektor Produktlinien (supply chains) entwickeln? • Wie macht es die EU, wie machen wir es und wie machen es die Partnerländer des Projekts? • Mit welchen Konzepten, Regelungen und Instrumenten sind die besten Erfolge erzielt worden? In unserem Fall dokumentiert mit Beispielen aus den Partnerländern? UBA | Horst Pohle | Welcome and Introduction to Act Clean

  4. Welche Bedürfnisse haben die Unternehmen? • Wie werden diese von den beteiligten Akteuren aufgegriffen? • Was läuft gut (Treiber/Anreize)? Was läuft schlecht? Wie kann man diese beheben? Barrieren/Hemmnisse) • Wie kann man grenzüberschreitend (in Regionen) (Transnational) eine Stärkung der Entwicklung (Innovation) und Anwendung von Umweltschutz in den Betrieben erreichen? • Welche Vorschläge lassen sich für die Projektregionen ableiten? UBA | Horst Pohle | Welcome and Introduction to Act Clean

  5. The Act Clean network supporting tools: • Country reports on SME needs, barriers, incentives • Direct support from an Act Clean National Contact Point, which can directly connect you with over 200 outstanding institutions in the field of Cleaner Production throughout Central Europe. • Matchmaking events focusing on your specific needs and giving you access to best solutions from Germany, Austria, Poland, Italy, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Slovakia. UBA | Horst Pohle | Welcome and Introduction to Act Clean

  6. Knowledge sharing via the Act Clean Database on over 1000 examples of best available technologies, management systems and support tools for eco-efficiency. • Knowledge sharing about existing Tools to support SMEs (Toolbox). • Act Clean Transnational Newsletter (Biowaste, Decentralized wastewater treatment, Eco-innovation tools) UBA | Horst Pohle | Welcome and Introduction to Act Clean

  7. Outputs • ☆ Transnational Act Clean network with permanent national contact points, connecting 200 outstandinginstitutions in the field of cleaner production☆ Good practice database with over 1000 good practice examples of environmentally friendly technologies and activities☆ Minimum 2500 SMEs reached via the Act Clean Network ☆ Cleaner production toolbox providing SMEs with selected tools for eco-efficiency☆ Policy recommendations on incentives for the introduction of eco-innovations in SMEs UBA | Horst Pohle | Welcome and Introduction to Act Clean

  8. Bedarfsanalyse/Anreize/Hemmnisse in den Partnerländern • Erste Handlungsempfehlungen • Ausführliche Diskussion • Zusammenarbeit bei spezifischen Projektaktivitäten • Veranstaltungen in Deutschland und in den Partnerländern • Transnationale Projektnewsletter • Best Practice Beispielen und Tools • Sonstige Aspekte/Weiteres Vorgehen UBA | Horst Pohle | Welcome and Introduction to Act Clean

  9. Wh? Cost structure in processing businesses in Germany Rent, depreciation capital and tax costs Employees Miscellaneous Merchandise Materials Energy Source: DeStatis, Berlin 2010

  10. Keywordsofthe Final Conference!Driving Ressource Efficiency (Policies, programms)Support Structuresand InstrumentsKnowledge TransferFinancingandInvesting Environmental TechnologyConnecting Demand andSupplyDrivingforcesandBarriersNot onlyonesolution! Different Options and Innovation Paths UBA | Horst Pohle | Welcome and Introduction to Act Clean

  11. Resource Efficiency: Cleaner Production vs. End-of-Pipe • increases the Resource Efficiency in the production • reduces the input of resources, the need for end-of-pipe-technology and the mass of waste process optimisation + use of innovative and future-oriented technologies

  12. Albert Einstein • „Example isn`t another way to teach, it is the only way to teach“ UBA | Horst Pohle | Welcome and Introduction to Act Clean

  13. Case History: „SurfaceCleaning“:Innovation paths/drivingforce/barriersProblem: Emission ofChlorinatedHydrocarbons (CHC)/CHC-Waste1990 CHC-Ordinance- Driver (Regulation): 95% emissionreduction/technicalregulation/reduce CHC-concentrationbeforopeningthecleaningmachine/a sensordid not open befor (Drivingforcetodevelopnewsensors): - Driver(Public Support) UBA support a Zero-Emission-Machine (Condensation/Charcoal-Filter) todemonstratethetechnique.- But therealizationis expensive (Driverfor Innovation)3 Solutions available: (regulatetargets not techniques)Solution 1: CHC-TechnologySolution2: Water TechnologySolution3: Hydrocarbon Technology UBA | Horst Pohle | Welcome and Introduction to Act Clean

  14. Solution1: CHC-Technology • - Driver: Deadline 1994 Barrier: badexecution: 50% • - Recycling rate only 50% (Barrier: Angryabouttherecyclingquality; Driver: Public supportconcerninginformationandpracticalexamples)) • - Driver:Combiningandreductionofmachines (Example: 40% was not necety): personal reduction; combining different cleaningsteps (rationalization) UBA | Horst Pohle | Welcome and Introduction to Act Clean

  15. Solution 2: Water Technology- Driver: possible a future CHC-ban (sustainability) - Driver:new CHC facilityvery expensive: lookingfornewsolutions- Driver: Increasingproductquality/anti corrosionchemicals- Barrier: CHC-Cleaningiseverywherepossible. Nowworkforspecificsolutions/tests/constructionofnewmachines/complex material flows/technicalproblemswithdrying (energy/time)- Barrier:Watertreatment (limitvalues)/topayforpollutedwater- Barrier: approvalprocedere/Länder /Driver: Federal approvalprocedere UBA | Horst Pohle | Welcome and Introduction to Act Clean

  16. Solution 3: HC-Technology • - Barrier:expensive/Explosion Protection/ newvacuumdryingtechniquesNot onlyonesolution!!!!!! • Whyweneedto clean thetools? Production Chain Innovation - Reductionofcoolinglubricantsornomorecoolinglubricants/dry technologies - New Cleaning Technologies (Sonic-Systems, Plasma …)Result: Highly Ressource Effecient UBA | Horst Pohle | Welcome and Introduction to Act Clean

  17. Painting-Facilities (car-painting) • Problem: Lacqer-Waste (overspray) • Problem: Emission of VOC • Main Driver: 20 mg/m³ VOC emissionlimitvalue • Innovation 1: CatalyticAfterburner • Driver : very expensiv catalyticafterburner/bigairvolumes • Innovation 2: Waterbasedlacqer • Driver : waterandwasteproblems, productquality after recycling • Innovation 3: Powderlacqer • Near Zero Emission Techniques - Driver: 100% Ressource Efficient UBA | Horst Pohle | Welcome and Introduction to Act Clean

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