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Atlantis: Excellency in Mobility Project BORDERscape – Border Society, Culture and Policy Education. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin , Oregon State University, University of Washington, Warsaw University. Description and Objectives.
Atlantis: Excellency in Mobility ProjectBORDERscape – Border Society, Culture andPolicy Education Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Oregon State University, University of Washington, Warsaw University
Description andObjectives • BORDERscapeis an international curriculumdevelopmentprojectthatinvolvesshorttermtransatlanticstudentandfacultymobility • BORDERscape provides the next generation of academic and policy leaders with the skills to conceptualize and manage the increasingly complex transborder policy issues resulting from economic and cultural globalization. Built upon an innovative concept of teaching in an inter-national and interdisciplinary environment, BORDERscape engages 48 US and EU students in independent research and intercultural student collaboration in leading centers of transborder practice and innovation
Annual Student Mobility: 3 3 1 1 1 Warsaw Corvallis 1 1 Berlin 1 Seattle 2 2 4 4 Symposia (BE, WA, CO, SE)
Component 1: • Borderscapeseminarson Border Studies intheoryandmethodologyand on the relevant aspectsfocusing on thespecificthematicperspectiveofeachyear (taughtatthefourhomeinstitutions). • These pre-departureseminarspreparestudentsforthestayabroad. Studentsdeveloptheirresearchproposalshere. The seminarsare also open forinterestedstudents not participating in BORDERscape • Curricula oftheseseminars will bejointlydevelopedby all fourpartnerinstitutions (corecurriculum, commonsyllabus)
Component 2: • Language Instructionfor US students, withthosedestinedfor Berlin in German … • Language instructionfor US studentswiththosedestinedforWarsaw in Polish … • Language instruction will becontinuedatthehostinstitution.
Component 3: • Online Orientation: Beforetheirstayabroadstudentsestablishcontactwithfacultyattheirhostinstitutionandspecifyresearchprojects, choosepossibleelectivesandobtain organisational assistance.
Component 4: • Borderscaperesearchworkshopsatthehomeandhostinstitutions (for BORDERSCAPE studentsfromthehomeandhostinstitutions) on questionsofresearch design andselectedproblems in Border Studies – taughtbyfacultymembersfromthehomeand/orhostinstitutions . • Curriculaforthese workshops will bejointlydevelopedby all fourinstitutions (corecurrucula, commonsyllabus)
Component 5: • Borderscapestudentresearchprojects on individual topics. Students design researchprojectswhichtheyundertakeduringtheirsemesterabroad. The projectsaredeveloped in thepre-departureseminarsatthehomeinstitutionandrealizedatthehostinstitutionwithsupportandsupervisionby a facultymemberofthehostinstitution.
Component 6: • ElectiveCourses.Studentsselectoneelectivecourse (minimum) on a topicrelatedtotheirfieldofresearchatthehostinstitution.
Component 7: Symposia 10-12 days The symposia, takingplaceatoneofthepartnerinstitutions, arethecentraleventsofeachyear, assembling all annualBORDERscapestudentssharinganddiscussingthefindingsoftheirresearchprojects, developingquestionsandideasforcontinuedresearch.
Society, Culture, Policy, Education Yearly Focus ofBORDERscape Place ofthe Symposium • 2012: Borders, health, sustainabilityandtheenvironment(Symposium USA: Seattle, October) • 2013: Borders ofthemind, race, ethnicity, gender andsexualities(Symposium Europe: Berlin, April) • 2014: Minorities, migration, diasporasandborders (Symposium USA: Corvallis, October) • 2015: (Supra-)national borders, (trans)national identities, citizenshipandbelonging(Symposium Europe: Warsaw, April)
Component 8: • Excursions.Students will participate in relevant excursions on bordertopics in theirhostcountry. Excursionsmaybelinkedtothesymposium. • Excursions also servetheestablishmentofcontactswithfuture professional fieldsforthestudents.
Component 9: Colloquia • Reports andevaluationoftheSymposiaproceedingsattheinstitutions not hostingthem. The colloquiacommunicatethecontentsoftheSymposiatothosewhodid not participate (facultyandinterestedstudents) andserveas an orientationforfutureparticipants.
Component 10: Internships/Service learning • Studentsmaysupplementtheiroverseas-staywith an internship in a relevant institution (NGO, international organization, multi-nationallyorientedcompany, embassyorgovernmentorganization)
Component 11: Digital resources, websiteand -tools • General websitewithinformation • Interactive classrooms (moodleorother) forstudentinteraction (wikis, choices, blogs, groups, etc.) • Sharedcourse material • Thematicand organisational information on thesymposia • Tools forcommunicationsof individual participants • Links torelatedsitesandactivities • Componentandprogramevaluation • Video Conferencing
Time Schedule (2012) ( ) ECTS points
Evaluation • The consortium uses a number of measures to track success of the project and its components as well as to evaluate the overall success, the impact of the project on host universities, and future possible improvements for the cooperation. • Continuous online evaluation of the pre-departure seminars, the study abroad component and the symposia. • Annual evaluations among the partners at the symposium and the colloquia. • Final evaluation conference • External evaluation