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Trichoderma eijii sp. nov .

Nectria cinnabarina CBS 279.48 (AF163025). H. psychrophila Hy 8 (EU330957). H. microcitrina GJS 97-248 (DQ835424). H. sulphurea GJS 95-190 (DQ835425). H. victoriensis GJS 99-130 (EU330952). H. lactea GJS 95-183 (DQ000624). H. citrina CBS 894.85 T (DQ835417).

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Trichoderma eijii sp. nov .

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  1. Nectria cinnabarina CBS 279.48 (AF163025) • H. psychrophila Hy 8 (EU330957) • H. microcitrina GJS 97-248 (DQ835424) • H. sulphurea GJS 95-190 (DQ835425) • H. victoriensis GJS 99-130 (EU330952) • H. lactea GJS 95-183 (DQ000624) • H. citrina CBS 894.85 T (DQ835417) • H. pseudostraminea GJS 91-135 sensu Overton et al.2006a (DQ835419) • H. americana GJS 92-93 (DQ835410) • H. pulvinata GJS 94-20 (DQ835409) • H. protopulvinata CBS 739.83 (DQ835405) • TUFC 61490 • TUFC 61509 • TUFC 61505 • TUFC 61502 10 changes • TUFC 61496 • T. brevicompactum CBS 112447 (EU330942) • H. melanomagna GJS 99-153 (AY737770) • H. lutea CBS 102037 (AY737773) • H. luteocrystallina CBS 123828 (FJ860774) • H. decipiens GJS 97-207 (EF558546) • T. pseudostramineum TUFC 60440 (JQ797393) • T. longibrachiatum DAOM 166989 ( EU330961) • T. citrinoviride DAOM 139758 (EU330960) • H. pseudokoningii DAOM 167678 T (EU280097) • T. lieckfeldtiae CBS 123050 T (DQ109529) • T. theobromicola CBS 119120 T (DQ109525) • T. asperellum GJS 90-7 (EU330956) • H. flaviconidia GJS 99-49 (DQ023301) • H. pezizoides GJS 01-257 (DQ000632) • TUFC 100002 • T. pubescens DAOM 166162 T (EU280121) • T. hamatum DAOM 167057 (Z48816) • T. evansii CBS 123079 T (EU883568) • T. atroviride CBS 142.95 (AF456917) • T. rogersonii GJS 90-108 (DQ333550) • H. stilbohypoxyli CBS 992.97 T (DQ109533) • T. koningiopsisTUFC 60895 (=CBS 817.68) • T. koningiopsisTUFC 60205 • T. koningiopsis DAOM 222105 (AY380901) • H. rufa CBS 101526 (X93979) • T. viridescens CBS 333.72 (DQ315441) • H. koningii CBS 988.97 (DQ323409) • H. phyllostachydis CBS 114071 (EU330959) • T. stromaticum CCRC33614 (AF414337) • H. cinnamomea CBS 114235 T (AY737759) • H. catoptron CBS 114232 (AY737766) • T. aggressivum DAOM 100525 (AF057600) • T. harzianum CBS 226.95 T (AY605713) • T. pseudogelatinosum TUFC 60186 T (JQ797389) • H. parmastoi TFC 97-143 T (FJ860805) • H. leucopus CBS 122495 (FJ860765) • H. nigrovirens CBS 114330 T (AY737777) • H. gelatinosa GJS 88-17 (AY737775) • H. tremelloides CBS 121140 (FJ860861) • H. subalpina CPK 312 (FJ860851) • H. aureoviridis CCRC33594 (AF414326) • H. peltata GJS 10-105 (HM466663) • H. ceramica CBS 114576 T (AY737764) • T. strictipileTUFC 100004 • H. strictipilosaCPK3135 (FJ860850) • T. fertile DAOM 167161 T (DQ083018) • T. strictipile DAOM 167072 (FJ442219) • T. spirale DAOM 183974 T (EU280068) • T. virens GJS 00-108 (DQ083023) • H. cuneispora CBS 111148 T (AY737763) • T. longipile DAOM 177227 T (AY865630) • H. chlorospora GJS 98-1 (AY737762) • T. mienum TUFC 61533 T (JQ621972) • H. semiorbis DAOM 167636 (AY737758) • T. oblongisporum DAOM 167085 (DQ083020) • H. pilulifera CBS 814.68 (Z48813) • H. pachybasioides KRCF347 (AB298695) • H. minutispora DAOM 167069 (DQ083015) Hypocreanumclade 58 54 Trichodermaeijiisp. nov. 56 96 64 Trichodermapseudolacteumsp. nov. 100 96 97 99 61 Hamatumclade 58 97 100 66 52 93 67 70 ITS region 74 taxa 542 characters 130 parsimony-informative 27 trees 626 steps CI = 0.5288 RI = 0.7403 HI = 0.4712 81 55 86 Fig. S1 One of 27 most parsimonious trees inferred from a heuristic analysis of ITS sequences. Broad black and gray branches indicate PP>0.95 and 0.89<PP<0.95, respectively. Only MPBS values >50% are shown above or below branches. TUFC strains are named in bold. NectriacinnabarinaCBS 279.48 (AF163025) was used as the outgroup 95

  2. T. longibrachiatum TUFC 61535 (=CBS 816.68) T • T. citrinoviride TUFC 61231 • TUFC 61490 • TUFC 61505 • T. pleuroticola GJS 09-01 (JN133598) • H. tawa GJS 97-174 (FJ442570) • H. lixii GJS 97-96 T (FJ442533) • T. spirale DAOM 183974 (FJ442818) • T. spirale CBS 120963 (FJ442552) • T. mienum TUFC 61533 T 1 changes • T. flavofuscum DAOM 167652 (FJ442587) • H. virens GJS 01-287 (FJ442589) • H. longipilosa DAOM 177227 (JN133592) • H. chlorospora GJS 98-1 (FJ442559) • T. thelephoricola GJS 95-235 (JN133611) • H. strictipilosaDAOM 167072 (FJ442586) • T. strictipileTUFC 100004 • H. catoptron GJS 02-76 (FJ442584) • H. estonica GJS 96-129 (JN133589) • T. strigosum GJS 05-02 (EU856278) • T. paucisporum GJS 01-13 (DQ111956) • T. theobromicola CBS 119120 (DQ111955) • T. asperellum GJS 01-294 (EU856271) • T. evansii CBS 123079 T (EU883564) • T. pubescens DAOM 166162 T (DQ111961) • T. pubescens GJS 01-207 (EU856249) • TUFC 100002 • T. lieckfeldtiae GJS 00-15 T (DQ111959) • H. flaviconidia GJS 99-49 (DQ111960) • T. hamatum GJS 04-207 (EU856250) • T. hamatum DAOM 167057 T (DQ111962) • T. austrokoningii GJS 99-146 T (DQ367717) • T. viridescens GJS 89-142 (DQ111965) • T. viride ATCC 28020 (DQ111970) • H. rogersonii GJS 04-158 T (DQ333567) • H. stilbohypoxyli CBS 992.97 T (DQ111967) • H. koningii GJS 96-117 T (DQ341180) • T. koningiopsis GJS 93-20 T (DQ381954) • T. intricatum GJS 97-88 T (AY376684) • T.ovalisporum DIS 70a T (AY376671) • T. dingleyae GJS 02-50 T (DQ367718) • H. petersenii GJS 04-355 T (DQ333570) • T. caribbaeum GJS 97-3 T (DQ328607) • T. taiwanense GJS 95-93 T (DQ323455) • T. dorotheae GJS 99-202 T (DQ323454) • T. caribbaeum var. aeqatoriale DIS 320c T (DQ328610) 100 91 Trichodermapseudolacteumsp. nov. 60 90 63 Trichodermaeijiisp. nov. 96 act gene 46taxa 429 characters 38parsimony-informative 392 trees 112steps CI = 0.5536 RI = 0.7475 HI = 0.4464 56 • Fig. S2. One of 392 most parsimonious trees from a heuristic analysis of the act gene. Broad black and gray branches indicate PP>0.95 and 0.89< PP <0.95, respectively. Only MPBS values >50% are shown at nodes. The TUFC strains are named in bold. TrichodermalongibrachiatumTUFC 61535 was used as the outgroup

  3. H. orientalis GJS 88-81 T (EU401500) • H. virens GJS 01-287 (HQ342488) • H. brunneoviridis CBS121130 T (EU498340) • H. brunneoviridis CBS120928 (EU498341) • H. epimyces CBS120534 T (EU498343) • H. alni CBS120633 T (EU498337) • T. inhamatum CBS 273.78 T (AF399271) • H. lixii CBS 110080 T (FJ623107) • T. barbatum DAOM 230008 (HQ342484) • T. floccosum GJS 01-238 T (HQ342478) • T. ivoriense GJS 01-312 T (HQ342477) • T. vermipilum PPRI 3559 T (HQ342479) • T. lanuginosum GJS 01-176 T (HQ342481) • T. stromaticum GJS 97-183 T (HQ342440) • T. medusae GJS 01-171 T (HQ342474) • T. caesareum GJS 01-225 T (HQ342476) • T. mienum TUFC 61533 T • H. stellata GJS 99-222 (AY240222) • H. pilulifera CBS814.68 T (AF486003) • H. pachybasioides GJS 90-63 (AY240215) • H. pachybasioides GJS 99-221 (AY240220) • H. alutacea CBS 120535 (FJ179584) 10 changes • H. leucopus CBS 122499 (FJ179588) • H. nybergiana CBS 122496 (FJ179592) • H. seppoi CBS 122498 T (FJ179597) • H. lacuwombatensis GJS 99-198 (AY240228) • H. minutispora CBS 901.72 (AY240223) • H. minutispora CBS 121276 (FJ179591) • H. rufa CBS119326 (AY665591) • T. atroviride DAOM 165779 (AF188920) • T. atroviride DAOM 165782 (AF188921) • T. pubescens CBS 345.93 (AY665712) • T. hamatum Tam-61 (Z71415) • T. hamatum LU593 (AY258898) • TUFC 100002 • H. flaviconidia GJS 99-57 (AY665692) • H. flaviconidia GJS 99-49 (AY665691) 100 100 73 54 100 58 94 85 100 66 68 74 96 93 61 89 99 chi18-5 gene 37taxa 496 characters 181parsimony-informative 3 trees 652steps CI = 0.5092 RI = 0.4908 HI = 0.7958 94 97 58 100 Hamatumclade 90 Trichodermaeijiisp. nov. 96 57 88 100 • Fig. S3. One of 392 most parsimonious trees from a heuristic analysis of the act gene. Broad black and gray branches indicate PP>0.95 and 0.89< PP <0.95, respectively. Only MPBS values >50% are shown at nodes. The TUFC strains are named in bold. TrichodermalongibrachiatumTUFC 61535 was used as the outgroup

  4. b T. eijiisp. nov.TUFC 100002 9 d 7 d 7 d 5 d 5 d 9 d 3 d 9 d, rev. 3 d a Lentinulaedodesstrain A817 20 ℃ 20 ℃ 25 ℃ 10 d 25 ℃ 25 ℃ [controls of competition test at the different temperatures (9 cm diamPeri dish)] 30 ℃ 30 ℃ c T. pseudolacteumsp. nov. TUFC 61490 7 d 5 d 9 d 3 d 9 d, rev. Fig. S4. aLentinulaedodes(strain A817) were incubated on PDA at 25 °C after 10 days, and then they were incubated on three different temperatures (20, 25 and 30 °C). b, cCompetition test between L. edodes(strain A817) and Trichodermaspecies on PDA medium at different temperatures (20, 25 and 25 °C). 20 ℃ 25 ℃ 30 ℃

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