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Plot Level Variables

Plot Level Variables. National Manual Version 1.55. State. No change. Arkansas 05. Georgia 13. County. No change. Plot Number. Plots numbers are now 4 digits: 0001-0999 Standard field plots 4001-4999 Intensification plots 9000-9999 Temporary and supplemental plots.

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Plot Level Variables

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Plot Level Variables National Manual Version 1.55

  2. State No change Arkansas 05 Georgia 13

  3. County No change

  4. Plot Number • Plots numbers are now 4 digits: • 0001-0999 Standard field plots • 4001-4999 Intensification plots • 9000-9999 Temporary and supplemental plots

  5. P3 Hexagon Number No change, P3 plots only

  6. P3 Plot Number No change, P3 plots only

  7. Sample Kind 1 Initial plot establishment (new plots) 2 Fixed plot remeasurement 3 Replacement plot (lost plot) 9 Prism plot remeasurement/ Fixed plot establishment Arkansas: SK 1, 3, and 9 Georgia: SK 1, 2, and 3

  8. Manual Version Version 1.55, Updated May 25, 2001

  9. Current and Past Dates Format: Year, month, day Example: 20011001

  10. QA Status 1 Standard production plot 2 Cold check 3 Reference plot (off grid) 4 Training/practice plot (off grid) 5 Botched plot file 6 Blind check 7 Hot check of production plot • Usually use code 1 • If working with QA on a plot, code 7

  11. Crew Type 1 Standard field crew 2 QA crew (at least one QA person on plot

  12. Cruiser Number No change

  13. Number of Accessible Forest Land Conditions No change

  14. Number of Tree Entries • Only includes trees and saplings • Seedlings are tallied separately • Still record an entry for no tree and sapling tally

  15. Number of Prism Points Remeasured or Subplot Centers Reverted No change (SK 9 ONLY)

  16. Trails or Roads Code the nearest trail or road within 1 mile of plot center: 0 None within 1 mile 1 Paved road or highway 2 Improved gravel road 3 Improved dirt road 4 Unimproved dirt road 5 Human access trail

  17. Road Access Record the first road access restriction encountered while traveling to the SP: 0 None 1 Road blocked by locked gate or cable 2 Road blocked by human-made obstruction 3 Road blocked by natural occurrences 4 Posted no motorized vehicle signs 9 Other

  18. Public Use Restrictions Record restrictions posted for the plot area: 0 None 1 Keep out/ no trespassing 2 No hunting or fishing 3 No dumping 9 Other

  19. Recreation Use 1,2,3 Record up to three signs of the following recreation use on the four subplots: 0 No evidence of recreation use 1 Motor vehicle (4-wheel drive, ATV, motorcycle) 2 Horse riding, dog team trails, ski trails 3 Camping 4 Hiking 5 Hunting/ shooting 6 Fishing 7 Boating– launch site or dock 9 Other

  20. Human Debris No change

  21. Water on Plot Water sources on the four subplots that are not already identified on the plot: either too small to qualify as non-census water, or water in an accessible forest land condition: 0 None 1 Permanent streams/ponds 2 Permanent swamp, bog, marsh 3 Ditch/ canal 4 Temporary streams 5 Flood zones 9 Other temporary water

  22. Horizontal Distance to Improved Road • No definitional change • Codes are now one digit categories: 1 100 ft or less 2 101 to 300 ft 3 301 to 500 ft 4 501 to 1000 ft 5 1001 to 0.5 mile 6 >0.5 to 1 mile 7 >1 mile to 3 miles 8 >3 miles to 5 miles 9 Greater than 5 miles

  23. Horizontal Distance to Urban or Built-Up Land • No definitional change • Use the new one digit distance codes

  24. Horizontal Distance to Agricultural Land • No definitional change • Use the new one digit distance codes

  25. Size of Contiguous Forest Land No change

  26. GPS Coordinates • Average 180 readings • Try to keep error reading no more than +/- 70 feet • Elevation is recorded in feet, and above mean sea level • New option of reporting offset coordinates

  27. GPS Unit • New item • Codes: 0 GPS coordinates not collected 1 Rockwell PLGR 2 Other brand capable of field averaging 3 Trimble GeoExplorer or Pathfinder Pro 4 Recreational GPS (Garmin, Magellan, etc.)

  28. GPS Serial Number • New item • Record 6 digit serial number of the GPS unit

  29. Latitude No change

  30. Longitude No change

  31. GPS Elevation Change: Now recorded in feet and mean sea level

  32. GPS Error • New item • Make every effort to collect readings with <= 70 ft of error

  33. Number of Readings • New item • Make every effort to average 180 readings

  34. Azimuth and Distance to PC • New items • Do not code if coordinates are collected at PC • Do not code if coordinates are range calculated with a • PLGR unit within 200 feet of plot center • If position is obtained more than 200 feet from plot • center, record coordinates of where you are standing and • the azimuth and distance to plot center

  35. Plot Level Notes

  36. The End

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