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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. Introduction (1-7). In 2004, PM Lee envisioned to have an inclusive society which brought upon the Enabling Masterplan. People with disabilities were supported and be included as part of Singapore.
Introduction (1-7) In 2004, PM Lee envisioned to have an inclusive society which brought upon the Enabling Masterplan. People with disabilities were supported and be included as part of Singapore. People with disabilities (PWDs) could not reach their full potential because of their physical environments, attitudes of society, lack of education and employment opportunities.
Vision (1-7) Singapore to be an inclusive society • PWDs to be given opportunity to be equal, integral and contributing members of society. • Special needs children receiving effective intervention and education. • Equal opportunities for PWDs in employment. • PWDs be appreciated and respected. Parents reassured and PWDs can contribute back to society. • “Many Helping Hands” approach. Approach • Committee adopted life stage approach (birth to adulthood). • Committee also look out for views and feedbacks from PWDs, families, VWOs, professionals, practitioners and employers
ENABLING MASTERPLAN 2007-2011 KEY RECOMENDATIONSMore Effective Leadership Through Setting up of an Office on Disability (8-14) • The government body and industry play the crucial role involving disability issues. • National office that manages issues regarding disabilities should be set up. • The office should be supported by the governing panel.
Specialist from different areas should work together to create the best environment and education system for the child’s bright future. • The workforce should support PWDs employment by providing adequate job training and opportunities. • MCYS together with other social organisations are given the task to help the aged PWDs. • Community involvement e.g: charitable organisations
EARLY INTERVENTION & EDUCATION (15-20) • The committee believes in 6 different strategic thrusts. • Leadership revamp, planned and purposeful integration, quality programme & staff, empowerment of family caregivers, transition management & funding of enabling services. • Committee believes that MOE and MOH should join hands to support children with special needs. • Family care groups can lend their helping hand. • Committee also believes that the system of a Continuum of Education Models should be approached so that there will not be any social integration.
EARLY INTERVENTION & EDUCATION (15-20) • No segregation of ‘special schools’ and ‘mainstream schools’. • Committee recommends the development of a shared framework for excellence. • Children should be assessed before placement in school. • Age limit for special schools should be extended to 21 for more benefits. • Committee thinks that the government should review the funding of Early Intervention Programme for Infants and Children (EPIC) services. • Due to rising costs of living in Singapore.
EMPLOYMENT (21- 23) • The committee recommends essential shift in the employment based on the industry needs and business case. It supports the idea that PWDs must be given best opportunities to be prepared and trained for employment.
EMPLOYMENT (21- 23) A structured employment framework should be adopted: a. Assessment/Placement • Ensuring job fit for the PWDs • Separate Vocational Assessment/ Job placement for people with disabilities b. Training • Should be based on industry requirement and recognised certification. • Skills training should be with employment training bodies. c. Support • “The Open Door Fund” allow companies to participate and hire PWDs. Employments’ Network • Network of employers who included and support employing PWDs.
Empowering The Family(24-31) • To help families better care for PWDs, the committee recommends that a training grant be given to caregivers to attend specialised training. • That domestic worker levy also be extended to PWD’s who cannot manage independently and need additional assistance. • Provide free financial planning and legal education to parents of children who are PWDs. • Allow CPF to be used as a savings mechanism for children with special needs. • That Medishield & Eldershield benefit PWDs in the same manner that they benefit those persons who are non-disabled.
(24-31)Community-Based Services & Residential Care • To help PWDs whose caregivers have aged or passed on, the committee recommends that more residential options be availablesuch as Group Homes and Hostels. Institutionalisation should be the last resort. Disability Sports • That PWDs be given the opportunity to participate in sports and use sports for rehabilitation, as well as to achieve sporting excellence. • This can be done by increasing resources to The Singapore Disability Sports Council. Barrier-Free Accessibility • To make public transport completely wheel-chair accessible for PWDs. • The committee recommends that the government expedite this process as it is only fully achieved by 2023. • In the meantime an affordable and viable alternate transport arrangement should be made available.
(24-31)Public Education • To counter flawed perceptions of the public of PWDs, the committee recommends that MCYS’s Disability Awareness Public Education be sustained as a year round programme. • That CDC’s and grassroots leader do what is necessary to get the community to be more involved and aware of the needs of PWDs. Manpower Management • To further support PWD’s, it is recommended that the government should build up skilled manpower for disability services. • The government needs to hone the skills of professionals to teach and support PWDs. • This can be done by tapping on experts within this field, either locally or abroad. • They can help develop expertise in the VWO sector, local professionals and academics. • Developing centres of excellence for different disability groups is vital to develop the best practices in education, therapy and services. • This will not just support PWDs, but could possibly nurture a disability and special education industry to benefit the economy.
CONCLUSION (32-33) • 3P (People, Private and Public Sectors) approach to 5P approach (People, Private and Public Sectors, Parents & PWDs) • Committee goal to address challenges faced by PWDs to create opportunities to be fully included in the society.
Group Members & Work Allocation • Nur Afni - PowerPoint Slides , Points 1-7, 32-33 • Fauziah - Points 8-14 • Sulochanah - Points 15-20 • Chua Wee Nee - Points 21-23 • William - Points 24-31