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Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Customer Service Training Overview

Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Customer Service Training Overview. Program Overview. Program began as Pilot in Swinney Recreation in the Spring of 2009 Extended to Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Fall of 2009 for all student employees

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Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Customer Service Training Overview

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  1. Division of Student Affairs andEnrollment Management Customer Service Training Overview

  2. Slide #

  3. Program Overview • Program began as Pilot in Swinney Recreation in the Spring of 2009 • Extended to Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Fall of 2009 for all student employees • Since Fall 2009 have trained over 600 student employees in this two hour program Slide #

  4. ProvidingCustomer ServiceStarbucks Customer Service Video Excellent Slide #

  5. Who is the customer? Faculty Staff Commuting Students Residential Students International Students Future Students Community Members University Guests Slide #

  6. Customer Service Basics • Your stress level affects your ability to serve others effectively. • Customer perceptions, satisfaction and complaints MATTER to us. • We must close the customer service gap. • There are critical customer service areas and mistakes. Slide #

  7. The Customer Service Gap EXPECTED SERVICE Customer Service Gap PERCEIVED SERVICE Slide #

  8. Perceptions of Customer Service For your customers, perception is reality! • Perceptions are created at every contact. • Perceptions are dynamic and individual; perceptions change moment to moment and from person to person. • Assess perceptions of customer service by asking: • How do my customers see me? • How do I know they see me this way? • How do I want them to see me? • How do I see my service? Slide #

  9. The Four “P”s • PRINCIPLE • Represent UMKC with HONESTY. • Abide by the RULES. • PRIDE • Show respect • To YOURSELF. • To UMKC. • To the CUSTOMER. • POLITENESS • Be THOUGHTFUL. • Be COURTEOUS . • Be KIND. • PROFESSIONALISM • Do your BEST. • Use your BEST. • Present your BEST. Slide #

  10. Where are the Critical Customer Service Moments? Everywhere! • Primacy: The first contact leaves a powerful impression. • Visual- front office space • Verbal- greeting • General tone of conversation • Recency: The last contact leaves a lasting impression. • Result: Did the customer get what they expected? • What was the last interaction…? Slide #

  11. Critical Customer Service Areas in Most Offices Stay consistent during hectic and slow times. • Phone call after phone call • Face-to-face contact with student after student. • Mail, mail and more mail • Form after form to be processed Not all customer service moments are equal. What do you think they will remember most? Slide #

  12. Actively Avoid the Critical Mistakes • Absence of any communication • Use the person’s name when you know it. • Hear the message: “please tell me more about…” • Interpret the message: “I apologize that you were cut off…” • Evaluate the message: “What can I do to help…” • Generic comments out of habit • Be descriptive: “In similar situations, we…” • Refer to their story: “Thank you for talking to me today about…” Slide #

  13. Avoiding the Critical Mistakes (continued) • Poor body language or appearance • Matching aggression with aggression • “I disagree…” • “You never…” • “You should…” • No emotional response - flat affect • Showing no empathy or acting like you don’t care • Focusing on WIIFM (what’s in it for me?) Slide #

  14. Focus on Satisfaction over Service • Each student deserves to be treated as unique • How customers rate service providers: • Reliability: Deliver as promised • Responsiveness: Positive, prompt and polite • Empathy: Care, concern and consideration • Tangibles: Quality, appearance and ease • Assurance: Courtesy, respect, helpful and knowledgeable “Customers do not care what you know until they know you care”. L.L. Bean Slide #

  15. Video Shep Hyken - Customer Service Cab Story Slide #

  16. Student Employees & Staff Administrations Plan & Goals CustomersCurrent & New IncreasedRevenue Get the Picture Everyone working toward a common goal of providingAwesome Customer Service! • Meet the goals of your administration. • Happy current customers. • Happy new customers. • Office harmony • Employees are happy. • Job performance excels. Slide #

  17. Resources • Cramer, Kathryn D., PH.D. and Wasiak, Hank.(2006). Change The Way You See Everything. Philadelphia and London: Running Press. • Gilleylen, Shawn E., Success with Etiquette™ Training Program. (2007), Administrative Support Associates: http://www.successwithetiquette.com • Institute of Customer Services (Turban et al (2002): http://www.instituteofcustomerservice.com • Mackey,Customer Service Training and Proper Etiquette. Customer Service Training. Kansas City: LJoyce’s Coordinating and Consulting, 2008 • Moran Consulting, Inc: http://www.moraninc.com Slide #

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