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JRA2 Report “Fast Detector for AO” Opticon Mid-Term Review chairman: Philippe Feautrier – INSU/CNRS. Content of this talk. Who we are? What we do? Work Packages review Highlights of the JRA2 Schedule and comments Future plans for FP7 Conclusion. Who we are?. European Community.
JRA2 Report“Fast Detector for AO”Opticon Mid-Term Reviewchairman: Philippe Feautrier – INSU/CNRS JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
Content of this talk • Who we are? • What we do? • Work Packages review • Highlights of the JRA2 • Schedule and comments • Future plans for FP7 • Conclusion JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
Who we are? European Community Opticon board WP2 Detector procurement WP1 JRA-2 Coordinator P. Feautrier WP4 Cryogenics WP3 Detector Controller WP5 Detector testing Industrial partner Detector subcontract JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
What we do ? JRA2 “Fast Detectors for AO” Goal as defined in Annex I of the contract: “define, fabricate and fully characterize the best possible detector working at visible wavelengths for Adaptive Optics (AO) wavefront sensors.” JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
Next Generation Systems 40x40 SH-WFS (mag~10, RON=1e-) 240x240 pixels Each Sub-aperture 6x6 pixels Detector requirements Present Systems 14x14 SH-WFS • 40x40 SH subapertures x 6x6 pixels/sub-aperture 240x240 pixels. • Versatility: 100% fill factor / 240x240 square grid array of pixels that can be used with any type of WFS system; SH, curvature, or pyramid. • > 1.2 kHz frame rate to match the increased spatial sampling. JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
OP 4 Gain Registers OP 3 OP 2 Gain Registers OP 1 Image Area 240x120 24µm Image Area 240x120 24µm OP 8 OP 6 Gain Registers Gain Registers Store Area Store Area OP 7 OP 5 The CCD 220 Design Metal Buttressed 2Φ 10 Mhz Clocks for fast image to store transfer rates. Store slanted to allow room for multiple outputs. 8 L3Vision Gain Registers/Outputs. Each 15Mpix./s. Split frame transfer 8-output back-illuminated e2v-L3Vision CCD. JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
White-Yellow GS Red GS Strehl ratio Strehl ratio EMCCD RON=0 EMCCD RON=0 Thick CCD RON=2 Thick CCD RON=3 RON=2 RON=5 RON=3 RON=5 GS Magnitude. GS Magnitude. L3CCD with lower read noise wins • Low read noise of EMCCD is clearly better for white-yellow guide star • and better even for red GS if RON of Thick CCD > 2e. • Conclusion low RON (~ 0.1e-) is better than higher red response. • Reason e2v-L3 CCD was chosen. JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
Funds and detector sub-contract • CCD220 funds for the first contract with e2v: 700 k€ from Opticon JRA2, ~ 400 k€ from ESO internal funds. • Contract signed between ESO and e2v after official call for tender, e2v UK is a sub-contractor, not a partner. JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
The CCD220: firsts e2v CCD220 detectors provided JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
WP3 : Controller • Test Camera controller is being built by a collaboration of French Observatories (LAM Marseille, LAOG Grenoble, and OHP Haute Provence): • It will be loaned to e2v for testing. • Very challenging design • To be delivered to e2v next month JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
WP4: mechanics and cryogenics • This WP was delivered and is achieved • Cooling specifications achieved JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
Cryogenics results JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
The OCam Test Camera • OCam, the Test Camera of the CCD220, is the product of the WP3 + WP4: JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
OCam will be duplicated for a lot of European places: On loan to e2v for detector testing OCam will be delivered to IAC (normal JRA2 plan), but also duplicated for ESO for their CCD220 testing facility. Free OCam license transfer between CNRS/INSU to help for ESO NGC development But also implemented on the GTC… Very high probability of OCam license transfer to Andor Technology Belfast (UK) for commercial applications (Astronomy, WFS, medical imaging…): our mission is not to infinitely duplicate cameras. Good progress of negotiations. The OCam story JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
OCam on the GTC OCam will also be used, with the CCD200 on the GTC (Gran Telescopio Canarias), a 10.4 m segmented telescope in La Palma under contruction. • Contract currently under negociation between CNRS (owner of OCam) and GTC (GRANTECAN telescope, La Palma) • OCam + CCD220 will be used as WFS camera for the GTC AO system • Schedule: signature of contract: autumn 2007, delivery ~ one year later JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
WP5: detector tests • Detector Tests at Factory • Tests under responsibility of the detector manufacturer (E2V) • To verify basic operational parameters and detector characteristics. • Defined in VLT-PLA-E2V-14690-0008_issue_3_TestPlan and testing equipement and facilities, according to VLT-SPE-E2V-14690-0002_issue_6_TestEquip_Req • Detector Controller and Camera supplied by JRA2 • Tests at IAC split in 2 main topics: • Laboratory tests • Telescope tests JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
Detector Tests in Laboratory • Detector characterization facility will be available on time • All the equipment has been already acquired • Test Bench components are computer controlled • Variable monochromatic flat field source is now under calibration • Direct imaging targets are assessed • IAC Test Objectives • Verification of IAC Test Bench performance with calibrated detector systems • Independent verification of all CCD220 factory test results • Additional tests with emphasis on: • Long term gain stability • Detailed assessment of unwanted charge generation and charge confinement problems (CIC, dark current, smear, PSF) and optimization of operational parameters • Detector / Camera health check procedures JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
Detector Tests at IAC Telescope • The tests will run in a Telescope, either at the Observatory of El Teide in Tenerife or at the Observatory of Roque de Los Muchachos on La Palma. • Telescope/IAC Test Objectives • Verification of performances of the CCD220 as the detector of a wavefront sensor in a real situation • To include the CCD220 WFS within the very-low-latency IAC AO Real Time Controller, based on reconfigurable logic (FPGA), and test under real circumstances, at the telescope. Comparison with previous detectors. • To confirm the suitability of CCD220 for AO, measure system performances and give inputs for further developments. • AO Tests will be performed with science grade detectors, either on loan from ESO or bought by IAC with a new joint ESO/IAC contract for CCD220 detectors delivering. JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
Detector Test Facility at IAC • Detector Characterization Laboratory: • A group called LISA (Laboratory of Imaging and Sensors in Astronomy) has been created at the IAC to be in charge of detector testing and will characterize the CCD220. • LISA has a new general Detector Test Facility at the IAC complying with the requirements of the CCD220 test plan JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
LISA Test Bench at IAC JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
Status of deliverables and milestones (Month: 43) JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
Schedule: milestones and deliverables Achieved: Management Delayed: Detector Controller Cryogenics Tests 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
Schedule and delays: some remarks Schedule late, but this can be explained: • Late arrival of funds at beginning of the contract (6/12 months) has delayed activities where hardware/contracts are concerned. • WP3 (controller) and WP4 (cryogenics) strongly dependent on final detector design (WP2), so did not start as early as expected • Under-estimation of the time to deliver detector controller and cryogenics (extremely challenging development, critical path) • All these dependencies explain the delay of the overall schedule, but this delay is under control . Main objectives of the JRA2 will not be affected and remain compatible with the Opticon FP6 schedule • Some testing activities may run after formal end of the FP6 contract (i.e. in 2009). Should be also tested on the GTC! JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
FP7 proposal Edinburgh 07: " Fast detectors for E-ELT AO " • JRA2 FP6: was dedicated to 2nd generation of AO instrument for 8-10 m class telescopes • FP7: two needs for E-ELT AO WFS detectors identified: • LGS WFS detector: very large pixel format to sample spot elongation, high frame rate (700 Hz), low noise (~1 e). • XAO WFS detector: for a pyramid WFS, 2562 pixels are sufficient, but extremely high frame rate (3 to 4 kHz) and very low noise (~1 e) are required. • ~ 5.5 years development (2008-2013) • 3.6 M€ eligible cost: clearly too much… De-scope to be done. • For the proposed activity: at least ~ 3 European countries (Germany, Spain, France), 2 European institutions (ESO, IAC), ~ 3 laboratories (INSU/CNRS), 2 industrial partners . • AO applications are strategic for E-ELT but this activity open to wider applications in the field of fast detectors. JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
Conclusions • Great succes of the JRA2 activity: • The CCD200 detector developed here by a European manufacturer (e2v UK) will be used by every AO system in Europe: ESO, IAC, GTC. And also probably in the US ! • The OCam test camera will be duplicated for a lot of European places: IAC, ESO, GTC • Products of this JRA will be re-used in the European astronomical community: OCam will help for ESO NGC development, OCam will be used as GTC wavefront sensor camera • Complete program of detector validation carried out by IAC on telescope, as foreseen at beginning of JRA2. • Strong probability for a commercial transfer license of OCam to Andor Technlogy (UK) • Excellent partnership between the European laboratories/institutes/industry of the JRA2. Wish to continue during the FP7, same kind of applications in the framework of E-ELT development. JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR
ENDMany Thanks for Listening JRA2 - Opticon FP6 MTR