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Heroes, Gods, and Monsters A Look into the World’s Oldest Soap Opera That is Mythology

Heroes, Gods, and Monsters A Look into the World’s Oldest Soap Opera That is Mythology. Purpose of Mythology. To entertain. To teach. To explain natural phenomena. Why we study mythology.

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Heroes, Gods, and Monsters A Look into the World’s Oldest Soap Opera That is Mythology

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  1. Heroes, Gods, and MonstersA Look into the World’s Oldest Soap Opera That is Mythology

  2. Purpose of Mythology To entertain To teach To explain natural phenomena

  3. Why we study mythology • Our main concern in studying mythology is so we can understand and recognize allusions later on in literature. • An allusion is a reference to a well-known story, character, etc. Allusions commonly come from mythology, stories of the Bible, and pop culture. • Ex. If I said that I had the strength of Hercules, how many people would know what I was referring to? • If I went over to a friend’s house and he had two dogs, two cats, and two birds, I might say, “Hey Noah, do you have your boat ready?”

  4. Allusions in our society

  5. The Mighty Zeus: Reigning Under Thunder and Lightning • Parents are Cronus and Rhea • Brothers are Poseidon and Hades • Married to Hera (not a healthy relationship) • Zeus ruled over Olympus with wisdom and justice (yeah right) • Mortals learned to not mess with Zeus • Weakness: Insatiable lust of women

  6. Hera:Goddess of Marriage and Childbirth • Wife/sister of Zeus (yes this is gross, but what’s a God to do?) • Often outwitted Zeus • Upset with Zeus because of his infidelities • Children were Ares, Hephaestus, and Eris • Weakness: jealousy & a violent temper

  7. This Means War!!The Goddess of War: Athena • Daughter of Zeus & Metis • Born out of the head of Zeus • Also known for her mercy • Also called the virgin goddess of arts and crafts • Introduced the plow, rake, yoke, and bridle to farmers • Designed the first chariot and ship • Taught mathematics, spinning, weaving, and cooking

  8. Poseidon Ruler of the Seas • God of horses and earthquakes • Lived in an underwater palace • Married to Thetis, a water nymph • Pursued Demeter • Argued with Athene over claim to Athens • Weakness: quarrelsome & changeful

  9. Hades: God of the Underworld • The unluckiest of brothers, he had to take the Underworld to rule • Kidnapped Persephone while she was picking flowers to be his bride in the Underworld • Demeter, her mother, searched for her daughter for 9 days • Demeter destroyed land, crops and livestock • Zeus stayed neutral in the issue

  10. Persephone & Hades…A Hellish Union • Hades tricked Persephone to eat a single pomegranate seed, thus not permitting her to leave the Underworld • As an agreement, Persephone had to spend 6 months as Queen of the Underworld and 6 months with Demeter. The story of Persephone helps explain the change in seasons. When she goes to the Underworld, the Earth becomes colder and less fertile.

  11. Demeter • Barley mother, lady of growing things • Mother of Persephone • Sister of Zeus, but she also had two kids with him, one of whom was Persephone • Responsible for the change of seasons (see Persephone)

  12. Artemis • Goddess of the moon & eternal chastity • Favored & spoiled by Zeus • Likes hunting • Her color is silver • Tomboy • Will remain a child forever

  13. Apollo • Color = Gold • Responsible for riding his golden chariot across the sky • Best-looking of all the gods; likes the ladies like his father • Aristeus, his son, taught man beekeeping, olive culture, cheese-making, and other useful arts • Asclepius, his son, became a famous surgeon/doctor. He had the ability to bring the dead back to life.

  14. Hermes • Stole Apollo’s cows • Has the gift of augury • Became the messenger God & the last to enter the Pantheon • Became Patron god of liars, thieves, & gamblers • God of commerce, framer of treaties • Guardian of travelers • Delivers souls to Tartarus • Invented the alphabet, astronomy, scales, playing cards, and games

  15. Hephaestus • Smith-god, forger of weapons • Kicked out of Olympus by Hera • Ugliest of all gods • Adopted by Thetis, a naiad • Made beautiful jewelry • Welcomed back to Olympus after Hera saw his handiwork • Was given a workshop with Cyclopes as helpers • Wishes to serve his mother • Has Aphrodite as a bride

  16. Oh Baby, Baby, it’sAphrodite • Goddess of love & beauty • Has a magic girdle • Born out of primal murder; Cronus murdered his father, his body was flung off of Mt. Olympus, & the body mixed with sunlight produced a naked and beautiful goddess • Hera was jealous of her and wanted her married off • Suitors lined up

  17. Fire, Fire!The Contribution of Prometheus • Was a young Titan • Argued with Zeus about giving man fire • Defied Zeus and also gave man water to control the fire • As a result, man “progressed” and started building ships, weapons, etc. • Zeus almost destroys man but instead lets them destroy themselves • Punishes Prometheus by chaining him to a mountain and lets vultures eat at his stomach and liver forever • Eventually rescued by Heracles

  18. Pandora’s Box • created by Hephaestus out of clay and modeled by Aphrodite • possessed all the great qualities of the Gods • Hermes gave her the box • Hera gave her curiosity • Married Epimetheus • When box was opened, lizard-like creatures came out; became old age, disease, famine, insanity • Closed box in enough time to keep “Foreboding” in box which restored hope for mankind

  19. Daedalus

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