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Nationalism, Sectionalism, & the Era of Good Feelings. Unit III. NATIONALISM: AN “ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS”. What is NATIONALISM? First, let’s define NATION. A large group of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, living in a particular area.
Nationalism,Sectionalism,& the Era of Good Feelings Unit III
NATIONALISM: AN “ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS” • What is NATIONALISM? • First, let’s define NATION. • A large group of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, living in a particular area. • NATIONALISMis extreme loyalty or devotion to your nation (right or wrong). • Why was nationalism on the rise at this time in U.S. history? • REASONS: • Success in War of 1812 • Nationalist economics: Henry Clay’s American System • Boost in federal power from Judiciary • American art and literature flourish
Sectionalism • What is SECTIONALISM? • First, let’s define REGION. • Part of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries • Some REASONS: • Differing economies: Industrial (North) vs. Agricultural (South) • Issues over slavery • Differences in population growth (Immigration ) • Development of cities in the North SECTIONALISM is an exaggerated devotion or allegiance to the interests of a region (the North vs. the South).
EQ: How did domestic & foreign policies reflect the nationalism of the times? • Economic • What nationalistic economic policies surfaced during the 1820’s? • The American System, developed by Senator Henry Clay
Henry’s Clay’s American System consisted of three main policies: • Protective tariffs • Building new roads & canals to link the states (Atlantic & Midwest) • Establish Second Bank of the U.S. • How do each of these policies promote nationalism?
Food stuffsto feed workers NEManufacturedGoods • Henry Clay’s American System Manufacturedgoods WestFoodStuffs Manufacturedgoods Raw materialsto cities Migration SouthRawMaterials(cotton) • What new inventions arebeing used in each region?
Cultural • Nationalism also influencedart & literature • Literature – American Renaissance • James Fenimore Cooper • The Last of the Mohicans • First American to make a career as a novelist • Webster’s American Dictionary • Novelists expressed pride in the newnation and its immense potential
Cultural • Artists – Depicted America’s beautiful landscape • Hudson River School • Group of landscape painters who used realistic detail to depict the beauty of nature and reflect the spirit of nationalism • How do these images reflect nationalism?
Election of 1816 James Monroe – DR, VA
The Virginia Dynasty 4 of the first 5 Presidents are from Virginia Monroe is the last of the “Founding Fathers to be President
The Monroe Doctrine • Told Europe colonization was over • Western Hemisphere is under American control • Example of American Nationalism
Political • John Quincy Adams (President Monroe’s Secretary of State) promotes national expansion • Adams-Onis Treaty • US gains Florida from Spain, open to settlement • Monroe Doctrine • Latin American nations gained independence from European countries • Warned European countries to stay out of Latin America • How do these policies reflect nationalism?
Domestic • Supreme Court rulings under John Marshall • Chief Justice from 1801 to 1835 • Favored a strong federal government, gave more power to the federal government • McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) • Denied the right of a state to tax a federal agency (a national bank) • Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) • Upheld congressional power to regulate commerce between states (NY steamboat monopoly) • How did these decisions reflect nationalism?
Sectionalism – Differences Between the North and South EQ – How did the North and South differ during the early 1800s?
Sectional Differences Emerge • Missouri Territory applies for statehood • Why is this a problem? • There are an equal number of slave/free states, Missouri would tip the balance • Henry Clay – Missouri Compromise (1820) • Missouri = slave • Maine = free (split from Massachusetts) • 36-30 line: north= free, south = slave
North South Industrialized Economy Agricultural, slavery Differences between North and South
North South -Population grewquickly-Middle class-Working class-Immigrants faceprejudice Pop.Growth&Citizens -Lower population-Slower populationgrowth-Lower education • Differences between North and South
North South -Industrializationspread quickly-Factories-Cities grew Cities,Develop.,&Indust. -Few large cities-Limited regionaldevelopment-Slavery spread,plantations grow • Differences between North and South
What common interests and similarities do these two regions share? -Both rely on cotton crop -King Cotton -Both rely on new technology -Cotton gin (Eli Whitney) makes cotton profitable
American Land Expansion 1789-1819
The Treaty of Greenville (1795) • Cleared 2/3 of Ohio/Indian of Indian Tribes • British abandon NW Territory, flee to Canada
Pinckney’s Treaty (1795) • Normalized relations with Spain • USA gains free access to Mississippi River
Adams-Onis Treaty (1819) • Settled all border disputes between the USA and Spain • Florida and Western lands were purchased for $5 million