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This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme. Clusters for European Innovation Cross-Linking - CLUSTER IX Dr.ing.Muraru-Ionel Cornelia INMA Project Coordinator. Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012.
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Clusters for European Innovation Cross-Linking - CLUSTER IX Dr.ing.Muraru-Ionel Cornelia INMA Project Coordinator Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Cresterea competitivitatii si a potentialului de inovare al regiunilor UE, prin imbunatatirea si reorientarea strategica a politicii de cluster catre specializarea inteligenta. OBIECTIV Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Punerea la dispozitia autoritatilor nationale/regionale de instrumentepentru identificarea, analiza si explorareapotentialului dezvoltarii strategice viitoare a clusterelor, pe baza schimbului de experienta si de bune practici SCOP Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Recomandari comune de politica in domeniul clusterelor (cross – clustering) Planuri individuale de implementare (RIP) – la nivelul fiecarui stat partener in proiect Manual de bune practici REZULTATE Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Vizite de studii – bilaterale (reprezentanti ai autoritatilor responsabile pentru politica de cluster - pentru Romania MECMA si ANCS si managerii de clustere) Intalniri ale grupurilor de lucru - PG Instruiri (Danemarca si Franta) Schimburi de experienta Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Bugetul Proiectului (ERDF + Cofinantare nationala + Cofinantarea partenerilor): 1.6877.872 € Perioada de derulare: ianuarie 2012 – decembrie 2014 Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme BUGET Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme In functie de nivelulpoliticii de cluster in statelepartenere CLUSTERIX, regional – Austria, Danemarca, Franta, Germania, Ungaria, Italia national – Romania, Suedia, parteneriatuleste format din autoritatiregionale/ nationaleresponsabilepentrupolitica de cluster si din organisme de drept public cu experienta in domeniu (INMA), care colaboreaza cu autoritatileresponsabile (MECMA si ANCS) CONSORTIU Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme LP:ECOPLUS,The Business Agency of Lower Austria-Austria P2, Lund University – Suedia P3, Region of Southern Denmark – Danemarca P4, ERAI - Entreprise Rhône - Alpes International – Franta P5, Economic Development Karlsruhe – Germania P6, Nyugat-Pannon Terület- és Gazdaságfejlesztési SzolgáltatóKözhasznú Nonprofit Kft (PP06) – Ungaria P7, TIS - Techno Innovation South Tyrol SpcA – Italia P8, INMA – Romania, care colaboreaza cu MECMA si ANCS P9,Tillväxtverket - Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth – Suedia CONSORTIU Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Sem I 2012: Kick-off meeting (Austria), Conferinte nationale de lansare, Steering Commitee 1 (SC) - Austria,study visit1 (SV) - Austria, 5-17 februarie SC 2, Peer Group 1 (PG), SV 2 – Suedia, Malmo, iunie Sem II 2012: SC 3, PG2, SV 3, eveniment 1 de diseminare inter-regionala – Romania, 30 octombrie 2012 WP 1 MANAGEMENT 1/3 Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Sem I 2013: SC 4, PG 3, SV 4 – Ungaria, Gyor, februarie SC 5, PG 4, SV 5, eveniment 2 de diseminare inter-regionala – Danemarca Sem II 2013: SC 6, PG 5, SV 6 – Germania, Karlsruhe, octombrie WP 1 MANAGEMENT 2/3 Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Sem I 2014: SC 7, PG 6, SV 7, eveniment 3 de diseminare inter-regionala – Italia, Bolzano, februarie Sem II 2014: SC 8, PG 7, SV 8 – Franta, Lyon, iunie SC 9, conferinta finala – Austria, Viena, septembrie WP 1 MANAGEMENT 3/3 Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Sem I 2012: Prezentarea proiectului la max.2 conferinte externe 2 comunicate de presa, conferinta de presa in Suedia Newsletter 1, Web site proiect Sem II 2012: 1 comunicat de presa, conferinta de presa in Romania Newsletter 2 Prezentarea proiectului la max.3 conferinte externe Crearea listei organizatiilor/ persoanelor implicate in proiecte INTERREG IV C in domeniul clusterelor WP 2COMUNICARE si DISEMINARE 1/3 Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Sem I 2013: 1 comunicat de presa, conferinta de presa in Danemarca Prezentarea proiectului la max.3 conferinte externe Newsletter 3, brosura proiect Sem II 2013: Newsletter 4 Prezentarea proiectului la max.3 conferinte externe Prezentarea proiectului intr-o sectiune wikipedia WP 2COMUNICARE si DISEMINARE 2/3 Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Sem I 2014: 2 comunicate de presa, conferinta de presa in Italia Prezentarea proiectului la max.3 conferinte externe Newsletter 5 Diseminare recomandari comune de politica in domeniul clusterelor si Manualde bune practici in domeniu (in special la forumul European Cluster Alliance) Sem II 2014: 1 comunicat de presa, conferinta de presa in Austria Newsletter 6 Prezentarea proiectului la 1 conferinta externa WP 2COMUNICARE si DISEMINARE 3/3 Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Intalniri ale grupurilor de lucru (PG) Schimburi bilaterale de experienta intre reprezentantii autoritatilor responsabile pentru politica de clustere si managerii de clustere Instruire organizata in Denmarca, in iunie 2013, la care organismele de drept public partenere in proiect asigura participarea reprezentantilor autoritatilor relevante din statul lor, in domeniul clusterelor Instruireorganizata in Franta cu tema colaborarea internationala intre clustere (iunie 2014) WP 3 Schimb de experienta 1/2 Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Elaborarea recomandarilorcomune de politica de cluster (cross-clustering), in cadrul si intre statele/regiunile partenere in proiect (la intalnirile nr.4 si 5 ale PG si finalizarea acestora la intalnirea nr.7 a PG) Elaborarea planurilor individuale de implemenatre (RIP) – la nivelul fiecarui stat partener in proiect ElaborareaManualului de bune practici WP 3 Schimb de experienta 2/2 Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Malmo/ Suedia SC- PG - study visit 27 - 29.06.2012 Prezentarea exemplelor de buna practica in domeniul clusterelor: Ro - 4 best practices: Cluster Generation Methodology Innovative Cluster Guide Cluster Mapping Methodology Development of the ITT Infrastructure – INFRATECH ACTIUNI IN VIITORUL APOPIAT – CLUSTERIX (1/2) Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Malmo/ Suedia SC- PG - study visit 27 - 29.06.2012 Prezentarea informatiilor asupra dezvoltarilor la nivel european: RO – 2 tehnologii inovative Aceste informatii vor fi analizate la Malmo in PG si rezultatele vor fi prezentate la seminarul de la Bucuresti Study visit 2 ACTIUNI IN VIITORUL APOPIAT – CLUSTERIX (2/2) Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Exemple de succes: Lower Austrian Clusters 1/3 1.The Green Building Cluster of Lower Austria (German: BEUC) 2. Plastics Cluster of Lower Austria (German: KC) 3. Mechatronics Cluster in Lower Austria (German: MC) 4.Food Cluster of Lower Austria (Leb German: LMC) 5. Logistics Cluster of Lower Austria (German: LC) Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Exemple de succes: Lower Austrian Clusters 2/3 Domeniilecelor 5 clustere – conform sectoareloreconomicestabilite de guvernul Lower Austria 590 companii, 72.000 angajati, cifra de afaceri 23 miliarde € Managementul de cluster - asigurat de ECOPLUS (finantareasigurata de guvernul Lower Austria si UE, management asigurat de ECOPLUS) Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Exemple de succes: Lower Austrian Clusters 3/3 Valoareatotala a proiecteloraccesate de cele 5 clustere: 52,2 milioane € (la 30 Iunie 2011), din care finantarepublica: 37,6 milioane € (regionala, nationalasi UE) Exemple de succes 3/3 Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme Va multumim pentru atentie! cmuraru@inma.ro Bucuresti- Romania, 26.06.2012