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Effective Behavior Intervention Plan for Challenging School Behaviors

This plan outlines strategies to address challenging behaviors in a school setting including non-compliance, profanity, and aggression, aiming to replace these with acceptable alternatives. The plan includes manipulations of setting events, antecedents, behaviors, and consequences, along with guidelines for implementing a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP). The process involves data collection, hypothesis development, direct observation, and the creation of a BIP with detailed strategies for monitoring and evaluation.

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Effective Behavior Intervention Plan for Challenging School Behaviors

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  1. Setting Event Setting Event   Antecedent Event Antecedent Event   Behavior Behavior   Consequence Event Consequence Event None None Teacher presents multiple step request. Peers play game & have conflict. Verbal protest, non-compliance, foot stomping. Pushes peers away, uses profanity, throws rocks. Teacher repeats request 4 to 5 times & threatens after school suspension. Peers stop playing with Kirsten. Get adult attention Escape peer social

  2. Desired Alternative Typical Consequence Summary Statement Setting Events Triggering Antecedents Problem Behavior Maintaining Consequences Acceptable Alternative

  3. Summary Statement Desired Alternative Typical Consequence Points, grades, questions, more work. Do work w/o complaints. Setting Events Triggering Antecedents Problem Behavior Maintaining Consequences Noncompliance, profanity, physical aggression, Lack of peer contact in 30 minutes. Do difficult math assignment. Avoid task, remove from class. Function Acceptable Alternative Why is function important? Ask for break, ask for help. Because consequences compete!!

  4. Setting Event Manipulations Antecedent Manipulations Behavior Manipulations Consequence Manipulations Immediately reinforce entering class. Provide reinforcer w/in 1 min. of starting task (3 min., 5 min., 10 minutes) Give break & help Sit with preferred peer when done Arrange for peer interaction before math class Provide positive adult contact Sit with preferred peer Introduce review type problem before difficult tasks Remind of alternative behaviors Do first problem together Teach options to problem behavior: 1. Ask for break 2. Ask for help 3. Turn in assignment as is. Teach missing math skills

  5. Do quiz without complaints. Discussion about answers & homework. On Mondays and/or when up all of the night before. Daily nongraded quiz on previous night’s homework Verbal protests, slump in chair, walks out of room. Avoids doing quiz & homework discussion. Turn in with name & sit quietly w/o interrupting.

  6. Do quiz without complaints. Discussion about answers & homework. On Mondays and/or when up all of the night before. Daily nongraded quiz on previous night’s homework Verbal protests, slump in chair, walks out of room. Avoids doing quiz & homework discussion. Turn in with name & sit quietly w/o interrupting. + Give time to review homework. + Give quiet time before starting. + Give easy “warm-up” task before doing quiz. + Precorrect behavior options & consequences. + With first sign of problem behaviors, remove task, or request completion of task next period. + Remove task based on step in task analysis (STO). + Provide effective verbal praise & other reinforcers. Teach options to problem behavior: 1. Turn in blank 2. Turn in w/ name 3. Turn in w/ name & first item done. 4. Turn in w/ name & 50% of items done.

  7. BIP Guidelines • Design antecedent strategies to make triggering antecedents irrelevant….so they no longer serve as triggers. • Design behavior teaching strategies to make problem behaviors inefficient….so more acceptable behaviors are easier to do.

  8. 3. Design consequence strategies to make maintaining consequences ineffective…so they no longer are present or are less reinforcing. 4. Design setting event strategies to eliminate or neutralize effects of setting events…so they have less impact on routines & reinforcers.

  9. Add effective & & remove ineffective reinforcers Neutralize/ eliminate setting events Add relevant & remove irrelevant triggers Teach alternative that is more efficient

  10. FBA Team Process Steps • Collect information. • Develop testable hypothesis or summary statement. • Collect direct observation data to confirm summary statement. • Develop “competing pathways” summary statement. • Develop BIP. • Develop details & routines for full implementation of BSP. • Develop strategies for monitoring & evaluating implementation of BSP.

  11. ٭ Process Guidelines • Conducted by team • Behaviorally competent • Student-knowledgeable • Led by behavior specialist • Link behavioral strategies to summary statement • Ensure that implementers are fluent • Monitorcontinuously & evaluate early

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