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Work Group for Multi-Mission Phased Array Radar. 20-21 March 2007 Co-chairs: Dr. James Kimpel (NOAA) Mr. James Williams (FAA) Col Mike Babcock (USAF) Executive Secretary: Dr. Mark Weadon. Telecon # , pass code # 1- 866-917-0894, 3942817
Work Group for Multi-Mission Phased Array Radar 20-21 March 2007 Co-chairs: Dr. James Kimpel (NOAA) Mr. James Williams (FAA) Col Mike Babcock (USAF) Executive Secretary: Dr. Mark Weadon Telecon # , pass code # 1- 866-917-0894, 3942817 GoToMeeting https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/956380113
Agenda • Welcome from the Federal Coordinator • Administrative Remarks • Discussion Topics (Tuesday & Wednesday) • Assess current status of PAR research and development • Next steps toward a cost-benefit analysis • Review agency inputs: radar needs, gaps, funding • Review action items • Plans for next meeting
Welcome and Administrative Remarks • Administrative remarks • Attendance roster • This meeting is being recorded • GoToMeeting use • Facility information • Lunch and dinner plans
Work Group Objectives Develop an MPAR risk reduction implementation strategy needed prior to acquisition decision Detailed analysis of life expectancy of legacy radars Perform cost-benefit analysis over MPAR versus legacy radars over complete lifecycles of both Build understanding of MPAR within scientific community, federal government, and general public through education & outreach Further define MPAR mission and initial operational system requirements Develop metrics to objectively assess progress of MPAR risk reduction R&D program Publish annual statement of research priorities and previous-year accomplishments COMPLETE INCOMPLETE NOT STARTED
Status of Action Items • ACTION ITEM 2006-1.1: Submit recommendations for changes to TOR to Co-chairs and the Executive Secretary. Changes must be approved by Committee for Integrated Observing Systems. OPR: MPAR/WG Members. SUSPENSE: 22 Dec 2006 STATUS: Closed • ACTION ITEM 2006-1.2: Extend invitation to government and academic partners involved in PAR research to present state-of-technology briefings at next WG/MPAR. Notional list of agencies: MIT LL, DARPA, ONR, Army Research Lab, AF Research Lab, CASA, and NCAR OPR: Executive Secretary OCR: BCI, co-chairs SUSPENSE: 22 Dec 2006 STATUS: Closed • ACTION ITEM 2006-1.3: Identify funds for cost-benefit analysis from agencies “owning” legacy radars: i.e. FAA, NOAA, DOD. ($100K each to match commitment from OFCM). OPR: Agency reps from DOD, NOAA, and FAA. OCR: Exec Secretary SUSPENSE: 15 March 2007 STATUS: Deferred (until firmer requirements are available)
Status of Action Items • ACTION ITEM 2006-1.4: Refine current radar requirements for each agency and report at next WG/MPAR meeting. OPR: All WG/MPAR members SUSPENSE: 15 March 2007 STATUS: Ongoing • ACTION ITEM 2006-1.5: Identify gaps in radar capability for future and report gap analysis status at next WG/MPAR meeting. OPR: All WG/MPAR members SUSPENSE: 15 March 2007 STATUS: Ongoing • ACTION ITEM 2006-1.6 Orchestrate an MPAR awareness campaign within the defense/homeland security community responsible for air surveillance of hostile targets over the homeland. OPR: Co-chairs OCR: Executive Secretary, DOD reps SUSPENSE: 15 March 2007 STATUS: Closed
Status of Action Items • ACTION ITEM 2006-1.7 Confer with NORTHCOM and SOUTHCOM on their classified air surveillance requirements. OPR: DOD reps SUSPENSE: 15 March 2007 • ACTION ITEM 2006-1.8 Report at next WG/MPAR how individual agency spending aligns with MPAR R&D requirements. OPR: each WG member SUSPENSE: 15 March 2007 • ACTION ITEM 2006-1.9 Conduct market survey for current cost and projected cost of T/R modules; report at next WG/MPAR meeting. OPR: FAA (Benner) OCR: Exec Sec. SUSPENSE: 15 March 2007
Status of Action Items • ACTION ITEM 2006-1.10 Present National Weather Radar Testbed Review Panel process at next WG/MPAR meeting, including Spring ’07 severe weather research plans. OPR: NOAA (Jeff Kimpel) SUSPENSE: 15 March 2007 STATUS: Closed • ACTION ITEM 2006-1.11 Submit an WG/MPAR abstract to the Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance Conference in Herdon, VA (May 1-3, 2007) Abstract will explain results of the MPAR Research and Development Report and aims of the WG/MPAR. OPR: Executive Secretary SUSPENSE: 9 February 2007 STATUS: Closed • ACTION ITEM 2006-1.12 Submit technical MPAR abstracts to the Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance Conference, covering MPAR capabilities for weather and aircraft surveillance. OPR: NOAA and FAA reps OCR: Executive Secretary SUSPENSE: 9 February 2007 STATUS: Closed
New Action Items • ACTION ITEM 2007-1.1 Using NGATS CONOPs as model, develop an MPAR CONOPsrough draft OPR: OFCM w/CONOPs Development Team SUSPENSE: 1 Jun 07 • ACTION ITEM 2007-1.2 Perform life cycle cost analysis for legacy radar systems. OPR: FAA (ARSR 1,2,3,4; ASR 9,11; TDWR), NOAA ROC (NEXRAD) SUSPENSE: Fall 07 (interim status and WG coordination: Jun 07) • ACTION ITEM 2007-1.3 Establish process for collecting validated operational requirements from stakeholders OPR: SUSPENSE: Closed • ACTION ITEM 2007-1.4 Craft an invitation and timeline for an industry day on MPAR to include academia, industry partners, stakeholders (federal and non federal), congressional staffs OPR: OFCM SUSPENSE: 1 Jun 07
Next Meeting • Colorado Springs/NORAD? DHS/DOD (NORTHCOM) Co-hosts -- Date -- Facilities -- Security Arrangements