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Multifunction Phased Array Radar

Multifunction Phased Array Radar. Radar Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Cost Data Collection and Analysis Update. PAR Work Group. Magda Batista-Carver. September 11, 2007. Radar O&M Cost Data Collection.

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Multifunction Phased Array Radar

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  1. Multifunction Phased Array Radar Radar Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Cost Data Collection and Analysis Update PAR Work Group Magda Batista-Carver September 11, 2007

  2. Radar O&M Cost Data Collection • Being developed in response to MPAR Working Group Action Item # 2007-1.2, “Complete life cycle cost analysis for legacy radar systems”

  3. Challenges • FAA Cost data from Quantech reports do not go out to target date (2025) • Quantech data is in picture format, need to retype high-level data into excel • Due to workload team has not been able to complete O&M work in time allowed

  4. Next Steps • NEXRAD Team will continue to put final touches on data • Reformat NEXRAD data into Quantech outline • NEXRAD portion of O&M report will have to be reviewed by ROC Director • FAA continuing to retype Quantech data into excel • Determine how best to forecast available Quantech data to the year 2025

  5. New Target Date • Barring any major setbacks, team will attempt to have a first draft by end of October

  6. Back-up

  7. NEXRAD Team Composition • National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration • Tim Crum • Marty Williams • Russ Cook • Department of Defense • Mike Spaulding • Office of Federal Coordinator for Meteorology • Mark P. Weadon • Federal Aviation Administration • Magda Batista-Carver

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