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Appeasement: Bullies and Your Lunch Money

Appeasement: Bullies and Your Lunch Money. Mr. Paulson U.S. History Tues. Mar. 27 , 2012. Spark # 2. 1 . What is Aggression? Appeasement? 2. What was the response of the major European powers when Hitler (Germany) began to aggressively expand in the 1930’s?

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Appeasement: Bullies and Your Lunch Money

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  1. Appeasement: Bullies and Your Lunch Money Mr. Paulson U.S. History Tues.Mar.27, 2012

  2. Spark # 2 • 1. What is Aggression? Appeasement? • 2. What was the response of the major European powers when Hitler (Germany) began to aggressively expand in the 1930’s? • 3. What were some areas/regions/territories that they took over? • 4. Put yourself in Britain or France’s shoes in the 1930’s. What options did they have in dealing with Germany’s aggressiveness? List a few options.

  3. Agenda • Spark # 2 • Appeasement notes and set-up (YT clip) • Hero or Goat? • Group Research on Appeasement • T-Chart • Homework – BBC 30 second spot (opinion)

  4. Set up new notes on your own paper • Title – “WWII Notes”

  5. Appeasement • German Aggression - Lebensraum or “Living Space” • Re-armament • Rhineland “re-occupied” – March 1936 • Both violates V.P.T. • France and Britain do nothing • Hitler unites Germany w/ Austria (why does this make sense? – March 1938 • Austria is Hitler’s homeland! • Hitler demands the Sudetenland --why? -Sep 1938 • Industrial center – resources!! • German population – why shouldn’t they be in Germany?!

  6. Munich Conference Sep. 1938 • Hitler and Mussolini • Chamberlain and Daladier (Fra. Pres.) • Hitler keeps demanding more territory • Britain and France unprepared to fight • Sacrifice Sudetenland to avoid war • Appeasement: hoped this would “satisfy” Hitler • Czechoslovakia's leaders were not consulted • Chamberlain returns home a hero • Put yourself in Hitler’s shoes…

  7. Hero or goat?? • Neville Chamberlain Appeasement World War Two http://www.nevillechamberlain.com/vidpages/neville-chamberlain-0004.html Shows both sides – then ask the question…

  8. Chamberlain’s Peace • Hero’s welcome @ home • “Peace in our time” • Not everyone is convinced • “Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonor. They choose dishonor, and they will have war.” – Churchill • “The Prime Minister has believed in addressing Hitler with sweet reasonableness. I have believed that he was more open to the language of the armored fist. – A. Duff Cooper (resignation speech)

  9. What do you think??? Hero or Goat? • Is Chamberlain a HERO… or a COWARD??? • Divide in the room • Appeasement: For and Against arguments • Make a t-chart • Read to investigate further

  10. Differing viewpoints Complete the following on a separate sheet of paper. • 1. Read through the details on your viewpoint • 2. Decide what you think are the 2 strongest arguments for your viewpoint. • 3. Now flip it over and do the same for the other side – 2 strongest arguments. • 4. Why do you think Chamberlain chose appeasement?

  11. Last… • You are a BBC reporter live from Munich after the historic signing of the Munich Agreement between Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain. • You have a 30 second live broadcast and it is essential that you capture the mood of the hour. You are speaking to the British public. • Decide whether you think Chamberlain is a HERO or a COWARD. Has he saved Britain from war or simply put it off and encouraged Hitler to take over Europe? • You are informing the public AND telling them how they should feel about it. • Hint – 30 seconds = about 5 good sentences.

  12. Homework • Finish BBC 30 second spot • 5 sentences pretending you are a reporter – • Facts/news • Add opinion on facts/news

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