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APPEASEMENT. Throw the dog a bone…. What were some of the feelings that people had after the First World War?. WWI Aftermath. Massive numbers of dead Destruction People didn’t want to see another war like that

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Presentation Transcript

  1. APPEASEMENT Throw the dog a bone…

  2. What were some of the feelings that people had after the First World War?

  3. WWI Aftermath • Massive numbers of dead • Destruction • People didn’t want to see another war like that • The whole idea of peace, and keeping that peace was brought up and influenced policies.

  4. The League of Nations • The UN – but old school • Set up after WWI by President Woodrow Wilson to ensure that no more wars would happen. • Mentioned in his 14 points • Uphold peace and security, and collective disarmament • Ensured that Versailles was upheld…sort of…

  5. Japan Tests the League - 1931 • Population grew, Japan needed resources • Invaded China – province of Manchuria • League’s response? • International context • #LONfail

  6. Italy Tests the League - 1935 • Rise of Mussolini • Hitler comparisons • Invades Ethopia • PM Mackenzie King does nothing • Canadian/World Context • Mussolini created the Fascist party • Tried to make a modern Roman Empire through dictatorship • “Il Duce” • #LONfail

  7. Hitler’s Foreign Policy was built on three aims • To reverse the Treaty of Versailles • To create a “Greater Germany” by uniting all German speaking people • The creation of Lebensraum - living space for the German people.

  8. The Treaty Of Versailles • Hitler removes Germany from the LON • The German Army was limited to 100,000 men • Hitler triples it in 1935 • Germany had to pay reparations to the allies • Hitler refuses to • Germany had to accept the War Guilt Clause (231) • Germany lost 13% of its territories and all her colonies

  9. Hitler showed he didn’t care about Versailles What do you think the response of the League was?

  10. Rhineland – 7 March 1936 • Initially set up as a buffer zone between France and Germany • Enters the de-militarized zone after WWI • Sends in soldiers with shovels and light munitions. • Wanted to see what Britain and France would do • Significance?

  11. Let’s be friends • Hitler openly defied the Treaty of Versailles and the League did nothing • Italy and Japan also had defied the League • World was not ready for another WW • 1936 – Japan, Italy and Germany agree to support each other.

  12. APPEASEMENT • A policy aimed to prevent aggressors from starting wars by finding out what they want and agreeing to demands that seem reasonable • Neville Chamberlain was the British Prime Minister that negotiated with Hitler

  13. King Visits Hitler - 1937 • “A man of deep sincerity” • King loved the idea of appeasing Hitler • Canadian position • King was a mama’s boy • Hitler convinces King of no further aggression

  14. Anschluss - 1938 • Reunification of Austria and Germany • Hitler breaks his promise of leaving Austria alone. • Gave the Austrian President a ultimatum, and then marched in • Took over a country without firing a shot • Germany’s population instantly adds 6 million people

  15. LEBENSRAUM • Hitler’s Greater Germany would have a population of over 85 million people • Germany’s land would be insufficient to feed this many people • Hitler intended to expand eastward towards Poland and Russia • Russians and Poles were Slavs-Hitler believed them to be inferior and so Germany was entitled to take their land.

  16. Creation of a Greater Germany • Hitler wanted a single homeland for all German speaking people • After Versailles millions of Germans were living in Foreign countries • The Treaty of Versailles had forbidden the union of Germany and Austria- The Anschluss

  17. 1938 Munich Agreement • Pact for the annexation of Czechoslovakia’s Sudentenland • Czechoslovakia was not present at the conference • Significance of the territory.

  18. Chamberlin’s fatal mistake • Chamberlin is invited by Hitler to discuss the annexation of Czechoslovakia • Eventually appeases Hitler and allows it • Czech’s are pressured by Britain and France to give up territory • 1939 march into Czech territory – Munich betrayal

  19. Chamberlin Video

  20. Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact • Hitler (fascist) and Stalin (communist) • Expansion of both countries territories • Two front war • SU was suspicious of the West • Wasn’t at the Munich agreement • Hitler and Stalin divide Poland secretly.

  21. WWII is ready to go

  22. Chamberlin • Is Chamberlin responsible for the start of the Second World War, or was he right in adopting appeasement as his foreign policy?

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