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April 30, 2013 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ ,
April 30, 2013 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As I wrote my last letter for the Newsletter I watched snow falling out my patio door. With the beautiful weather over the weekend and May beginning this week I thought our winter mix was over and spring had arrived. Checking the forecast I see I am wrong. I know that for many of us this has been a hard winter which seems to have no end. Perhaps it will help to remember that in Ecclesiastes 3:1 we read that for everything there is a season. If the moisture we receive soaks into the ground this summer we may be thanking God for it considering how dry things were the end of last fall. For many of us thoughts are turning to making plans for summer. People in this area are familiar with preparations, preparing the soil for planting has been a "season" for many generations. As you prepare plans for the summer do not forget to include time for studying and worshiping to strengthen your relationship with God. Preparations are being made for the summer at the churches to help with this. Ono-Plum City UMW lunches will be starting in June and two Wednesday evening family worship times are being planned- one on June 26th and one in August. Maiden Rock UMC is in the process of planning a three evening Vacation Bible School for July (all children invited). The hopeful outcome of preparing the soil for planting is a fruit filled harvest or in the case of those not actually planting fields, a happy family which has had many enjoyable experiences throughout the summer. As churches in the Wisconsin Annual Conference we are being challenged to prepare as a church and individually to a "commitment to live the fruit of the Spirit." Every congregation is being challenged "to contemplate the question, “What would it take for our congregation to become known as a center for love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." What would a fruit filled life look like this summer and beyond? Shalom, Pastor Shannon The fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Children's Ministry Team When a child is baptized parents and sponsors promise "to raise the child in Christ's holy church, that by teaching and example they may be guided to accept God's grace for themselves". The congregation promises to provide a loving community to help in teaching and modeling Christ's love and grace to the child. We praise God for Margie and Jill and for their commitment to this promise. Planning and providing for children's spiritual formation is a big job. To help make the job lighter for some I would like to form a Children's Ministry Team. I envision three to four meetings a year. Some of the things the team would be involved in include helping decide what stories will focused on each month of Sunday school, plan special events such as the Christmas program, help with registering children for Sunday school, help organize the space available, help secure teachers and substitutes. Please let Diane Johnson, Jill Bechel, or Pastor Shannon know if you are interested in joining the team. ONO Finances! We are struggling a bit….Please don’t forget us! At the last Ad Council meeting it was decided to put the past two months of income and expenses in the Newsletter . March Income: $2,786.50 March Expenses: $3,798.11 April Income: $2,694.28 April Expenses: $3,695.19 We are running a little behind as of late. If you can help, we really appreciate it. Remember…if you cannot help financially, you can always help in other ways…Let us know.
UMW News… Meals are fast approaching. June 12th is the first scheduled noon meal. Last year we served around 110 people per meal. That of course takes a lot of work…food….and fellowship (the fun part)! We brought in $8569 last year. With that money we have donated to many organizations and individuals/families in need….and so we march on into another year! The June serving group includes Maxine, Melissa, Donna, Angie and Deb Clare. For July the servers are LuAnn Kopp, Kristin Elbe, Julie Peterson and Jill BechelThey are ready, to go but do need help. Please come help with serving, dishwashing and clean-up. It is a lot of work! If you can't help on that date, please help the night before or call Jill (714-285-5335)l for something that could be donated towards the meal. Thank you much! Help Wanted! Sunday School Teacher needed! We are in need of some additional Sunday School teachers. Margie has put in many years and we want to send out a GREAT BIG THANK YOU for all she has done. The job is fun and rewarding. Some weeks there are 2 kids, other weeks 15 kids. If you are interested please call Jill and let her know you will help out. Last day of Sunday School before summer break is May 19th. Wednesday Evening worship: June 26 Join us, at the Ono-Plum City United Methodist Church, for a midweek intergenerational worship evening. Gather at 6:00pm for a simple meal and fellowship. Adjourn to the sanctuary for music, scripture reading and a children's book related to the evenings reading. Join in a craft/service project, outdoor games, or exploring the scripture together. Re-gather for prayer and blessing.
New Testament Reading Challenge and Bibles In the last Newsletter everyone was challenged to read all of the New Testament during Lent through the beginning of May using a copy of a reading plan available at the churches as a guide. Copies of the New Testament of the Common English Bible were provided with the reading plans. (There are still copies available.) The reason the Common English Bible was chosen is found in the preface of the Bible. Here is what it says: “The King James Version of the Bible was published in 1611. By the 19th Century in America, the KJV would be described as the ‘common English Bible’ because it was the most widely used translation of Christian scripture. Numerous translations have appeared since that time. However, it has proved difficult to combine concern for accuracy and accessibility in one translation that the typical reader or worshipper would be able to understand. 120 biblical scholars from 22 faith traditions worked as translators for the CEB. In addition, members of 77 reading groups from congregations throughout North America reviewed and responded to early drafts of the translation. As a result, more than 500 individuals were integrally involved in the preparation of the CEB. Translators created sentences and chose vocabulary that would be readily understood when the biblical text was read aloud. The women and men who participated in the creation of the CEB hope that those who read and study it will find the translation to be an accurate, clear, and inspiring version of Christian scripture." If you would like a full copy of The Common English Bible one can be ordered for you. They are available for children as well. If you are reading a version which you like, by all means continue reading it. There is not a wrong one to read but some are closer translations of the original text and some have more updated language.
VBS at Maiden Rock. July 16, 17, & 18 6:00-8:00pm. Vacation Bible School Registration Form (One Per Child) Child’s name:_______________________________________________________ Age:_______ Date of birth:_____________ Last school grade completed:_______Name of parent(s)/Guardian:_________________________________________________________________________Address:__________________________________________________________________________________City:_____________________________________ State:__________ ZIP:________Home telephone: ____________________Cell Phone:_______________________Home e-mail address: _________________________________________________Home church:(optional) _______________________________________________Allergies or other medical conditions: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In case of emergency, contact:__________________________________________Phone: _____________________Relationship to child:______________________ People who have permission to pick child up and relationship to child: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:________________________________________Date:______________ z
The Newsletter sends a "shout out" to Kraig Krueger! 3-M donated $250 to the Plum City School District in recognition of Kraig'scommitment and volunteering to the Youth Sports Program. I know there are lots of people who donate time to the church. For instance, the Seder Maundy Thursday supper that Donna Hoyt and Sandy Kopp and Pastor Shannon worked hard getting together. It was very nice and successful. Thanks for volunteering her talents on the piano, making our worship service special. Thanks to Jim Bechel and Greg Saueressig for re-doing the microphone system and the donated lapel microphone.Thanks to our Sunday School teachers, and the need for Bible school leaders. Thanks to our UMW president, Jill B. Our board president, Diane J., our organists-piano players, Kris I and Laura Kadlec who all donate their time and talents. All the flower work by Julie P. makes our environment so beautiful. Let’s not forget all those that will help out at the MW noon dinners. Thanks to everyone who attends worship too--as that is a morale booster to all. The youth "Lock in" was a huge success too and would not have been possible without the chaperones..Pastor Shannon, Sheri Almsted, Rene Linse and Yvonne Traynor. No doubt, we have overlooked someone, but thank you all for your support in every way!! HANDYMEN AT WORK! Bloodmobile—July 15th UWM are helping provide food and help on Monday July 15th.for the summer blood mobile drive in Plum City.We provide the food so the workers have a lunch to each during their shift and the blood donors have a snack and beverage after they are done to replenish their bodies needs. Usually we need the following : Two large salads, a hotdish, and a couple dessert items for the workers. For the donors we serve cookies, sand-wiches, chips/pretzels, fruit punch and coffee. This is a partial list so please keep that in mind and we will have a sign up sheet coming out soon. THANK YOU!
May 2013 May 5th, 2012 Greeters/Ushers: Janice Saueressig & Dorothy Clare May 12th, Mother’s Day Greeters/Ushers: LaNita and Brad Richardson May 19th, 2013 Greeters/Ushers: Karla & Peter Steele May 26th, 2013 Greeters/Ushers: Brian & Diane Johnson Dates To Remember: Plum City High School Graduation May 25th Memorial Day: May 27th June 2013 June 2nd, 2013 Greeter/Usher Bill & Marlene Baker June 9th, 2013 Greeter/Usher Maxine & Marvin Maxwell June 16th(Father’s Day) Greeter/Usher Mike and Margie Sweeney June 20th, 2012 Greeter/Usher Rhonda & Troy Gansluckner June 27th, 2012 Greeter/Usher Sandy and Luanne Kopp Dates to Remember: Ad. Council Mtg June 5th Ladies Aid Dinner: June 12th Flag Day: June 14th Father’s Day: June 16th Summer Solstice:June 21st Summer Time!