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ALL SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS ARE IN CHRIST. Ephesians 1:3. Part Two. Tony E. Denton, 11/05. ASiteForTheLord.com. And how do we get “into Christ”?. Into. Into. Baptized. Baptized. Rom. 6:3. Gal. 3:27. CHRIST. There are no other passages!. So what are some of the spiritual blessings
ALL SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS ARE IN CHRIST Ephesians 1:3 Part Two Tony E. Denton, 11/05.ASiteForTheLord.com
And how do we get “into Christ”? Into Into Baptized Baptized Rom. 6:3 Gal. 3:27 CHRIST There are no other passages!
So what are some of the spiritual blessings that are only found in Christ?
Recap of Part One Faith THE Faith Forgive-ness Grace Re-demp-tion Truth Sons of God Inheri-tance Recon-ciliation Christ
God gathered together in one all in Christ (Eph. 1:10), calling them a family (Eph. 3:15). New Family This new family is of a spiritual or heavenly nature, which is why Paul said that God seated us in His heavenlykingdom in Christ (Eph. 2:6,CEV). Christ And in this new family we have those who are “beloved in the Lord” (e.g.,Rom. 16:8).
God gathered together in one all in Christ (Eph. 1:10), calling them a family (Eph. 3:15). New Family This new family is of a spiritual or heavenly nature, which is why Paul said that God seated us in His heavenlykingdom in Christ (Eph. 2:6,CEV). Christ And in this new family we have those “who are over us in the Lord” to help us along the way(1 The. 5:12).
“grace … is exceedingly abundant, with faith and love in Christ” (1 Tim. 1:14 & 2 Tim. 1:13). Love New Family Here are some of my favorite verses about God’s love for us Jesus said, “‘If anyone loves Me … My Father will love him, & We will come to him & make Our home with him’” (John 14:23). Christ
“grace … is exceedingly abundant, with faith and love in Christ” (1 Tim. 1:14 & 2 Tim. 1:13). Love New Family Here are some of my favorite verses about God’s love for us Paul said our Father “has loved us and given us ever-lasting con-solation and good hope by grace”(2 The. 2:16). Christ
“grace … is exceedingly abundant, with faith and love in Christ” (1 Tim. 1:14 & 2 Tim. 1:13). Love New Family Here are some of my favorite verses about God’s love for us John cried, “What manner of love the Father has be-stowed on us, that we should be called child-ren of God”(1 John 3:1). Christ
“grace … is exceedingly abundant, with faith and love in Christ” (1 Tim. 1:14 & 2 Tim. 1:13). Love New Family Christ’s love for us in-cludes His caring for all our needs. Christ Paul said,“My God shallsupply all your needaccording toHis richesin…ChristJesus”(Php. 4:19).
“grace … is exceedingly abundant, with faith and love in Christ” (1 Tim. 1:14 & 2 Tim. 1:13). Love New Family Christ In fact, nothing is “able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”(Rom. 8:39).
Pro-fitable Life Paul said to always abound “in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord”(1 Cor. 15:58). New Family Love Christ Something I must constantly remind my-self of is that God said His Word would not return to Him without fruit—it will accom-plish what He sent it to do (Isa. 55:11).
Pro-fitable Life Paul said to always abound “in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord”(1 Cor. 15:58). New Family Love Christ To the Corinthians, Paul also said, “He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his own reward according to his own labor” (1 Cor. 3:8).
Pro-fitable Life Paul said to always abound “in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord”(1 Cor. 15:58). New Family Love Christ And concerning becoming Christians, Jesus said, “‘Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain’” (John 12:24).
Pro-fitable Life Liberty Paul wrote of the “liberty which we have in Christ” (Gal. 2:4). New Family Love Christ The liberty of this verse concerns our freedom from the curse of the law (readGal. 3:13, 5:1, 5:13, &1 Cor. 15:54-57).
Pro-fitable Life Liberty New Family GodlyLiving John wrote that “in Him (Christ) there is no sin. [So] Whoever abidesin Him (Christ) does not sin” (1 John 3:5-6). Love Christ
Pro-fitable Life Liberty New Family GodlyLiving Love Christ Christians are “light in the Lord” (Eph. 5:8). Paul wrote to a Christian about God’s teaching con-cerning godlyliving(Titus 2:11-12).
Pro-fitable Life Liberty New Family GodlyLiving Paul, while in jail for Christ, wrote, “I can do all things through Christ” (Php. 4:13). Confi-dence Love Christ
Pro-fitable Life Liberty New Family GodlyLiving Confi-dence Love Christ IMAGINE A LIFE WITH LOADS OF CONFIDENCE AND A LOT LESS WORRY!
Pro-fitable Life Liberty New Family GodlyLiving Confi-dence Speaking of prayer, we read,“This is the confi-dence that we have in [Christ], that if we ask any-thing accord-ing to His will, He hears us” (1 John 5:14). Love Christ
Pro-fitable Life Liberty New Family GodlyLiving Confi-dence Love Christ When Nehemiah was go-ing to take on the monu-mental task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, what did he say?
Pro-fitable Life Liberty New Family GodlyLiving Confi-dence Love Christ “‘THE GOD OF HEAVEN WILL GIVE US SUCCESS’” (Neh. 2:20, NIV)!
Pro-fitable Life Liberty New Family GodlyLiving Confi-dence Love Christ As Christians we can have the confidence of Peter who said, “‘At Your word, I will let down the net’” (Luke 5:5).
Pro-fitable Life Liberty New Family GodlyLiving “In [Christ] are hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2:2-3). Confi-dence Wis-dom Love Christ
Pro-fitable Life Liberty New Family GodlyLiving Likewise , Paul said,“in Christ” is “wisdom from God”(1 Cor. 1:39). Confi-dence Wis-dom Love Christ
Pro-fitable Life Liberty New Family GodlyLiving Confi-dence Wis-dom Love Christ Notice Paul’s confidence in the know-ledge of some Christians…
Pro-fitable Life Liberty New Family GodlyLiving Confi-dence Wis-dom Love I’m “confident … that you … are full of … knowledge, able to ad-monish one another” (Rom. 15:14). Christ
Pro-fitable Life “The peace of God … will guard your hearts and minds thru Christ Jesus” (Php. 4:7). Liberty New Family GodlyLiving Confi-dence Peace Wis-dom Love Christ
Pro-fitable Life “God has called us to peace” (1 Cor. 7:15). And lastly… Liberty New Family GodlyLiving Confi-dence Peace Wis-dom Love Christ
Pro-fitable Life “Ourconsolation abounds throughChrist”(2 Cor. 1:5). So… Liberty New Family GodlyLiving Confi-dence Peace Wis-dom Love Christ
Pro-fitable Life Liberty New Family GodlyLiving Confi-dence Peace Wis-dom We can say with Paul, “I HAVE REASON TOGLORY IN CHRIST” (Rom. 15:17)! Love Christ
Pro-fitable Life We can glory in this great consolat-ion and peace in Christ because we know that “‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord’” (Rev. 14:13). Liberty New Family GodlyLiving Confi-dence Peace Wis-dom Love Christ
So, if you aren't a Christian, or if you're an unfaithful one, you now know a little about what you're missing!