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2010 Annual Meeting

2010 Annual Meeting. The German Village Society. Annual Business Meeting. Call to Order and Welcome Darci Congrove, 2010 GVS Board President. Our Mission.

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2010 Annual Meeting

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  1. 2010 Annual Meeting The German Village Society

  2. Annual Business Meeting • Call to Order and Welcome • Darci Congrove, 2010 GVS Board President

  3. Our Mission Members of the German Village Society serve as caretakers of a legacy dedicated to retaining the character and distinction of the past, while creating a thriving and contemporary community in German Village.

  4. Our Vision German Village will be a celebrated, vibrant downtown neighborhood with historic integrity and a charming, pedestrian-friendly streetscape.

  5. Our Role The German Village Society plays a vital role in helping our neighborhood achieve this vision by providing civic advocacy and education, community engagement, a neighborhood hub, support for the historic preservation and architectural review process, and resources and leadership.

  6. Staff & Volunteers • RussArledge Office Coordinator • Jody Graichen Historic Preservation Officer • Cheryl Mathews Bookkeeper • Bob Jackson Volunteer, Membership Coordinator • Pam Bergeron Volunteer, Visitors’ Center Coordinator

  7. Visitors’ Center Volunteers • Ken Hunger • Ed Lefeld • Helen Lias • Sara McNealey • Mary Ann Metro • Beverly Moore • Sherry Mullett • Karen Peters • Sharon Pettitt • Jo Plunkett • Bill Quillin • Sharon Thacker • Denny Valot • Kathy Wightman • E. Jane Williams • Pam Bergeron • Meredith Blatt • Norm Burns • Agnes Carpenter • Frank Carrick • Nora Dorrian • Heidi Drake • Bonnie Drummond • Nancy Fisher • Dwight Garner • Jerry Glick • Ellen Glimcher • Pat Gramelt • Madeline Hicks • Dorothy Hughes

  8. Mailing Team Volunteers • Chuck Brunner • Claire Campbell • Hal Duryee • Tom Glass • Geneva Hensel • Gene Kruse • Bob Jackson • Bill Lenkey • Rebecca Mahan • Vince Notaroberto • Dave Phalen • Heather Phalen

  9. Maintenance Committee and Clean-up Volunteers • Mary Connolly Ross • Ned Merkle • Jeff Ruff • David Schooler • Marika Arledge • Larry Drake • Jim Plunkett

  10. 2010 Board of Trustees • Roy Bieber • Chad Bratschi • Sarah Irvin Clark • Darci Congrove • Mary Cusick • Jerry Glick • Norm Hall • Jim Hopple • Sarah Kellenberger-Harpham • Jeanne Likins • Carolyn McCall • Sara McNealey • Jim Nichols • Crystal Seamon

  11. Annual Business Meeting • Approval of Minutes • Jeanne Likins, Board Secretary

  12. Annual Business Meeting • Treasurer’s Report • Roy Bieber, Board Treasurer

  13. Treasurer’s Report: External 2008 Audit Independent Auditor’s Report for 2008 Hirth Norris & Garrison, LLP Letter accepted by board on Feb. 2010 for 2008 Audit: ….”In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of German Village Society, Inc. as of December 31, 2008, and the changes in its net assets and cash flows for the year then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.”…..

  14. Treasurer’s Report: External 2009 Audit Independent Auditor’s Report for 2009 Hirth, Norris & Garrison, LLP Status report from Tim Harris, CPA: ….”The majority of audit fieldwork is done for 2009. Audit tests and procedures show no signs of material misstatement or adjustments at this time. Will have recommendations to strengthen internal controls when audit report is completed. Projected date of completion is May ??, 2010.”…..

  15. Treasurer’s Report: 2008 In 2008, audited results: • Total revenues: $957k, expenses: $776k • Total unrestricted net assets in 2008: $904k • $220k was accepted as part of the Warner Meeting Haus maintenance endowment fund • H&G and OktoberFest did not meet budget • Reduced other costs & used savings cover operating deficit • Our ‘nest egg’ was reduced to $18k (step-up dollars) • Created new online QuickBooks for 2009. (Prior years’ books and records are being kept for historical reference).

  16. Treasurer’s Report: 2009 • OktoberFest was budgeted to net $20k. Even though the event was hosted by Schmidt’s, expenses were still incurred. • Haus & Garten Tour was successful, but sponsorship revenue was less than expected because of the poor economy. • Development was budgeted to raise $20k but did not meet this target. • Even with the bad economy, the savings, designated funds and endowment funds were not impacted at all. Only the checking suffered from the negative budget variances of over $30k for the year. • Hired Cheryl Mathews as the outside bookkeeper to maximize efficiency and ensure good internal controls. • The 2009 audit should be completed within the next month.

  17. Treasurer’s Report for 2009: Balances and Income Data

  18. 2009 Highlights: Historic Preservation and Education • Collaborated with the city in the creation of Third Street Master Plan and hosted community forums • Launched a self-guided walking tour of the village • Wrote a weekly column focused on historic preservation in This Week by Jody Graichen • Updated “German Village Guidelines” for properties in the village in collaboration with the city and the community • Added “GV Guidelines” to our new web site • Welcomed and oriented GV Commission applicants with a greeter

  19. 2009 Highlights: Historic Preservation and Education • Assisted over 200 applicants (over 65% of total applicants) in preparing for their GV Commission hearing • Conducted over 100 site visits when city Preservation staff cut • Recognized recipients of the Caretakers of a Legacy Awards in conjunction with the German Village Commission • Responded to hundreds of inquiries re: preservation, architectural review process, code violations, parking permits, history of individual properties, etc.

  20. 2009 Highlights: Historic Preservation and Education • Led educational tours & scavenger hunts for hundreds of school children • Worked with WOSU on their Columbus Neighborhoods documentary featuring German Village • Hosted countless visitors at our Meeting Haus Visitors’ Center, staffed with 30+ volunteers who contributed more than 3500 hours during the year

  21. 2009 Highlights: For the Good of the Neighborhood Initiated a vigorous effort to engage members Actively participated as a key stakeholder involving the I-70/I-71 reconstruction and re-routing plan Generated positive publicity locally and nationally, including a “Today Show” segment about wonderful places to visit in the USA that makes you feel you are in Europe Hosted monthly police lunches to support our officers and deter crime in our neighborhood

  22. 2009 Highlights: For the Good of the Neighborhood • Expanded/reformatted our Neighbors4Neighbors electronic newsletter • Launched a green initiative called “Go Grun”! • Staged the ultimate recycling event: Village Valuables • Linked dozens of students and tutors at Stewart Elementary • Awarded “Village Valuables” recognition to Diana Webster and Kathy Wightman for their work with Adopt-a-School program at Stewart Elementary

  23. 2009 Highlights: For the Good of the Neighborhood • Established a community garden with Livingston United Methodist Church • Monitored Cooper Stadium redevelopment and supported ROAR’s initiative • Reinvigorated Prost, a social group of young professionals • Planted and maintained Schiller Park’s perimeter gardens • Planted and maintained Huntington Gardens

  24. 2009 Highlights: For the Good of the Neighborhood • Wrote dozens of columns for German Village Gazette and This Week • Hosted a party to cheer 14,000 Columbus Marathoners as they passed Schiller Park • Congratulated Larry Hamill for his photos of the Village • Awarded Bob Jackson with the 2009 Frank Fetch Award for his remarkable volunteerism • Strengthened our membership base with a newly-reinvigorated Membership Committee • Collected food for Livingston United Methodist food pantry

  25. 2009 Highlights: For the Good of the Neighborhood • Collected food for Livingston United Methodist food pantry • Continued to work on the Village’s Long-Range plans • Reunited countless owners with their pets • Sent safety alerts via N4N to residents • Collaborated with GV Business Community on several events • Hosted a successful Monster Bash • Hosted Fun Committee events: Pet Parade, Winter Spaghetti Dinner, Casseroles and Carols, Chili Today-Hot Tamale

  26. 2009 Highlights: Organization and Resources • Planned an overhaul to our web site • Provided more in-depth, timely info, and new features on web • Transitioned to a leaner staff with increased volunteer efforts • Facilitated a special meeting of the membership for constitutional changes • Maintained operations without using savings or reserves • Aggressively managed expenses

  27. 2009 Highlights: Organization and Resources • Moved to a leaner business model • Consolidated financial controls with new bookkeeper and online QuickBooks • Finished 2009 with a net operating loss, impacted significantly by fixed costs associated with OktoberFest and poor results from development efforts in a tough economy • Received news that GV Meeting Haus is exempt from property taxes of more than $20k/yr • And then…received news that Cols. Board of Education is appealing property tax exemption and tax rebate

  28. 2009 Highlights: Organization and Resources • Initiated a rolling calendar for membership renewal • Created a list of “members-only” benefits starting in 2010 • Rented Meeting Haus to 27 groups for over 800 hours and $9,000 of revenue • Hosted two community forums for web site and membership • Cleaned and organized storage areas in Meeting Haus • Consolidated off-site storage to reduce rent expense

  29. 2009 Highlights: Organization and Resources • Established a long-term Development Campaign Planning Committee • Worked with Schmidt’s as OktoberFest transitioned to them • Said farewell to board members: Steve Becker, Brigid Butler, Bill Curlis, Fred Holdridge, Chris Hune & Tim Marker • Welcomed new board members: Chad Bratschi & Crystal Seamon

  30. 2009 Highlights: Organization and Resources • Reluctantly accepted resignations of Erin O'Donnell and Jody Graichen (although Jody came back part-time) • Welcomed Russ Arledge as part-time office coordinator • Celebrated the 50th Haus und Garten Tour • Formed a special 50th Anniversary Committee to plan events celebrating our history for the entire year of 2010

  31. 2010 Strategic Plan • Keys to success: • Historic Preservation & Education • Civic Relations • Membership • Governance • Operations • Fund-Raising

  32. 2010 Strategic Plan • Historic Preservation & Education • Champion preservation • Develop further educational offerings for children and adults • Create informational brochures • Preserve the GVS archives and make them more accessible • Celebrate our history in the 50th anniversary year • Enhance public spaces in GV: parks, streetscape, etc.

  33. 2010 Strategic Plan • Civic Relations • Build strong relationships with City Hall officials • Maintain excellent working relationship with City of Columbus Police Department • GV representation in key city issues like 70/71 re-build and Cooper Stadium re-development • Explore economic development ideas for GV • Recycling and green initiatives

  34. 2010 Strategic Plan • Membership • Expand number of members and grow membership dollars • Define the benefits of membership • Organize Neighborhood Representative program • Increase member connectivity • Collaborate with the Fun Committee

  35. 2010 Strategic Plan • Governance • Hold a Board retreat and vision session in January • Build a strong and well-functioning Board • Update the trustee manual • Field a full slate of candidates for officer elections in May • Build a robust committee structure • Update GVS by-laws • Compile a complete set of GVS policies and procedures

  36. 2010 Strategic Plan • Fund-Raising • Grow membership/donor dollars • Produce a successful Haus & Garten Tour • Create a strong long-term development plan • Maximize operational income from bus tours, and building rentals • Seek grant funding

  37. 2010 Strategic Plan • Operations • Accountability and transparency of financial data to the public • Determine optimum staffing within budget constraints • Excellent communication: launch a new website, establish a marketing committee • Create a maintenance committee for the Meeting Haus

  38. Board Member Recognition • Steve Becker • Brigid Butler • Bill Curlis • Mary Cusick • Jerry Glick • Fred Holdridge • Sarah Kellenberger Harpham • Carolyn McCall • Sara McNealey

  39. Welcome New Board Members • Announce election results • Jim Hopple, Chair, 2010 Organizational Development Committee

  40. Questions and Answers

  41. Thanks to our volunteers, staff, friends, and members for a terrific 2009 and a strong start to 2010! • Now, let’s celebrate our successes, our hard work, and our terrific volunteers!

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