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SOX. Calorimetric Measurement of the Neutrino SourceActivity. Stefania Farinon and Riccardo Musenich. Source initial power P 0 =2500 W τ =40 d Estimated power after 2 month : P≈500 W . Calorimetric measurements. T out. W, Ni , Fe Alloy. steel. thermal insulation. copper.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SOX CalorimetricMeasurement of the Neutrino SourceActivity Stefania Farinonand RiccardoMusenich

  2. Sourceinitial power P0=2500 W τ=40 d Estimated power after 2 month: P≈500 W

  3. Calorimetricmeasurements Tout W, Ni, FeAlloy steel thermalinsulation copper Tin

  4. Calorimetricmeasurements Steady stateequation: Temperature T: CalibratedPlatinumThermometersallowmeasurementswithwithaccuracy <10-3 Specificheat C: Using pure water, C isknown with accuracy <10-4 Mass flow : Coriolisflowmetersallowmeasurementswithaccuracy ±10-3 Heatlosses due toconduction, radiation and convectionmustbeminimized

  5. Vacuuminsulation + thermalshields With 5 coppershields Tofurther reduce , theoutogoing water fluxisusedtowarm up thevacuumchamber. (suspendedusingkevlarropes) 2 kW Otherconductionheatlosses (wires, pipes,spacers): Estimated

  6. Mechanical Design Roberto Cereseto and Fabio Bragazzi (Servizio Progettazione Meccanica, INFN – Genova)

  7. bogie service rack

  8. Nextsteps Assoonas the source design willbefinalized: update of FEA model (waitingfor the finalsource design). evaluationof the transienteffects.

  9. THE END

  10. Heatestimation via wall temperature measurements W, Ni, FeAlloy steel Problems: uncertainty on bothheatexchangecoefficient and emissivities, nonhomogeneus temperature distribution

  11. Heatestimation via measurements of ΔT across material A goodknowledge of thethermalconductivityisrequired Text W, Ni, FeAlloy Tin steel Problem: nonhomogeneus temperature distribution thermalinsulation copper Heatsink Text Tin Problem: mustbecarefullyestimated

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