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Explore basic concepts of demographic transition in various countries, from birth rates to epidemiologic shifts. Test your knowledge with game rules and final round challenges.
Human Geography Chapter 2b GAME RULES FINAL ROUND England Basic Concepts Demographic Transition Other Countries Epidemiologic Transition 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
Category A 100 The total number of live births in a year for every thousand people
Category A 100 What is crude birth rate (CBR)?
Category A 200 The percentage by which a population grows in a year
Category A 200 What is the natural increase rate (NIR)?
Category A 300 The total number of deaths of infants under one year of age compared with the total live births.
Category A 300 What is the infant mortality rate (IMR)?
Category A 400 Doubling time
Category A 400 What is the number of years it takes to double the population?
Category A 500 The average number of children a woman will have throughout her child bearing years (age 15-49)
Category A 500 What is the total fertility rate (TFR)?
Category B 100 The crude death rate plummets and the crude birth rate remained high happening around 1750 with the industrial revolution
Category B 100 What is stage 2 (the high growth rate) of the demographic transition ?
Category B 200 The time when humans first began domesticating plants and animals
Category B 200 What is the agricultural revolution?
Category B 300 Very high birth and death rates with virtually no increase in population
Category B 300 What is stage one of the demographic transition?
Category B 400 A country in stage 4 of the demographic transition has an equal crude birth and death rate and the increase rate is zero
Category B 400 What is zero population growth?
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Category B 500 Medical technology invented in Europe and North America is diffused to lDCs in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
Category B 500 What is the medical revolution?
Category C 100 In 1800 the crude birth rate was high, but the crude death rate had dropped beginning the industrial revolution
Category C 100 What is stage 2 of the demographic transition model?
Category C 200 In 1066 this group of people invaded England where the population was 1 million and the country remained in Stage 1 for 700 years
Category C 200 What is the Norman invasion?
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Category C 300 England’s population drop in the year 1250 from 4 million to 2 million in 1350
Category C 300 What is the Black Death (bubonic plague) ?
Category C 400 The moderate growth rate from 1880-1970s where the crude birth and death rates remained roughly the same
Category C 400 What is stage three of the demographic transition?
Category C 500 Today England has many women in the work force and changes in lifestyles leading to smaller families
Category C 500 What is Stage four (low growth rate) of the demographic transition model ?
Category D 100 A collection of 12 Islands off the coast of West Africa that moved to stage two of the demographic transition in 1950
Category D 100 What is Cape Verde?
Category D 200 This country had relatively the same demographic transition history as England and is currently a stage four country
Category D 200 What is Demark?
Category D 300 This Latin American country has been in stage three of the demographic transition since 1960 partly because of government family planning policies, high unemployment, and low income
Category D 300 What is Chile?
Category D 400 This stage four island country has a natural increase rate of zero and the total fertility rate is 1.3 with a huge increase of elderly people in the country
Category D 400 What is Japan?
Category D 500 The crude death rate on the island of Sri Lanka was aided by the use of an insecticide now banned in the U.S.
Category D 500 What is DDT?
Category E 100 He created an over lap map showing the victims of cholera in relation to the drinking water supply.
Category E 100 Who is Dr. John Snow?
Category E 200 The branch of science that is concerned with the incidence, distribution, and control of diseases that affect a large number of people
Category E 200 What is epidemiology?
Category E 300 History’s most violent and famous stage 1 epidemic
Category E 300 What is a the Black Plague?
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