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This program offers exchange studies in Europe for the 2019/20 academic year under the Erasmus+ program. Learn about participation requirements, credit transfer, insurance, and opportunities for different study levels.
Erasmus+ programmeExchange studies in Europe in 2019/20 ac. year+ International CreditMobility Johanna Kukk International StudiesSpecialist AcademicAffairs Office (room T-215) Tallinn University E-mail: johanna.kukk@tlu.com
Exchange Studies in Europe PracticalInformation
Praticipationrequirements • Student has to have completed at least the 1st year of Bachelor’s studies by the start of Erasmus+ exchange. • Student has to be proficient in the language of instruction at the host university(at least B1, check requirements from your academic unit’s partnersmap/partner university’s website) NB! BA and MA students have to transfer courses takenabroadtotheir TU Study Programme: Itisadvisableforthestudenttoearn at least15 ECTS/per semester at the host university and alsogetthesecourses and creditsrecognisedby TU uponreturn (coursesfulfillingstudent’sStudy Programme). Thisisnecessarytogetthenominalstudy-periodextension at TU bythe number of semestersspentabroad (importantforextra EU/EEA studentsstudying in Estonia with a residencepermit, needingtoextendtheir Estonian residencepermit). NB! For BA, MA students: At least7 ECTS/per semester havetobetransferredbackto TU tonothavetopaybackErasmus+ scholarship (coursesfulfillingstudent’s TU Study Programme) • EachErasmusstudentisobligedtomakehim/herselfanaccident and liabilityinsuranceforthe Exchange period.
Last semester MASTER STUDENTS • Last semester MA students who wish to only write their master thesis abroad can also do that. This means they are not required to take courses and credits while writing MA-thesis abroad. Or if they still wish to take courses, they don’t need to transfer those back to their TU Study Programmes. NB! Thesis supervisor’s approval is required (attach to the online application). NB! By the end of the last semester, when returning from abroad, the student has to defend his/her master thesis at Tallinn University! • When filling out the Study Plan in the online-application system: a) You will either still list courses that you are planning to take abroad and then mark in the check-box at the end of the application. b) If you prefer not to take courses at all when abroad leave the rows of the Study-Plan empty, but don’t forget to mark in the check-box at the end of the application
Last semester MASTER STUDENTS • If selected by TU (by the time the student starts compiling a Learning Agreement), and the student is certain that he/she does not wish to take any courses from the host university, the student should double-confirm with the host university whether they accept it as well. • In order to avoid refusal by host university (i.e. refusing to accept 0 courses), it is better to select some courses from host university when compiling the Learning Agreement. Keep in mind that these do not have to be transferred back to TU.
DOCTORAL STUDENTS • Doctoral students who wish to write their dissertation/research abroad are also not required to take, and later transfer the courses and credits taken abroad to Tallinn University, given the exchange-studies’ period abroad is taken into consideration during doctoral student’s evaluation back at TU. NB! Dissertation supervisor’s approval is required (attach to the online application). • When filling out the Study Plan in the online application system: a) You either list courses which you are planning to take abroad and mark a in the check-box at the end; b) If you prefer not to take courses abroad, leave the rows of the Study Plan empty, but don’t forget to mark in the check-box at the end of the application.
Wheretogo? Programme countries: All EU member states + UK Former Yogoslav Republic of Macedonia Iceland Liechtenstein Norway Turkey
In order to see thepartner universitiesyoucouldapplyto, goto: • TU Partnersmapwebsitepartnersmap.tlu.ee • Click on „WheretoGo“ • Chooseyouracademicunit • Partnersmapapplication shows you all the partner universitiesyouracademicunithasanagreementwith. • LimittheoptionsbychoosingyourTU Study Programme at thecorrectstudy-levelfromthedrop-down list above, in order to see whereyoucango! Studentcanapplyto partner universitiesthathave a bilateralagreementwiththestudent’s TU school/college, at thestudent’sfield of studies.
Forhowlongtogo? • Duration of Exchange studies: 3-12 months • Studentisallowedtoparticipate in Erasmus+ StudentMobility (forStudies/Traineeship/ orcombined) upto 12 months at everystudy-level (Bachelor/Master/PhD). • Everysinglemobilityhasto take placewithinoneacademicyear (notcrossingtwoacademicyears)
SCHOLARSHIP • Studentswhopaytuition fee and werematriculatedbefore 2018/19 academicyear, donothavetopaytuition fee to TU duringtheperiod of Exchange studiesabroad. • Studentsadmitted in 2018/19 need topay 50% of thesemester’stuition fee to TU duringtheperiod of Exchange studiesabroad. • Scholarshipiscalculated on a perdayrate: 1 month = 30 days • Hostinguniversitycannotasktuition fee, anyregistration fee, etc. fromanErasmus+ student. • TU studentshavetherighttoapplyfornational and otheradditionalscholarshipsaslongasthese are notfinancedbythe EU.
EuropeanCommissionScholarship(for 2019/2020 ac. year) Estonian GovernmentScholarship • OutgoingErasmus+ studentsgoingtohigherlivingcostcountriesreceivean EG one-timescholarship of 400 €. • Students who are going to study at the medium living cost countrieswillreceive200 € EG one-timescholarship. • Studentsgoingtostudy in lowerlivingcostcountrieswillreceivean EG one-timescholarship of 150 €.
Erasmus+ additionalscholarship • Studentswhohavequalifiedfortheneed-basedstudyallowance(paid bythe Estonian state) orspecial need-basedallowance(paid bytheuniversity) forthe semester before Exchange studies, orforthe semester of Exchange-studies, are entitledtoreceiveErasmus+ additionalscholarship of 200€/monthduringtheirexchange AdditionalSupportforStudentswithSpecialNeeds • Opportunitytoapplyforadditionalscholarshipwhichhelpscoveradditionalexpensesabroadstemmingfrom a specificspecial need (a need derivedfromone’sphysical, mentalorhealthstate). • Forfurtherinformation, and applying, contactTU seniorSpecialistfor International Studies (case-basedapplications).
February 15- March 1 Applicationsfor 2019/2020 spring semester
Applications • Applicationperiod: February 15 – March 1 • Applyonline at: https://outgoing.tlu.ee/ Consultwithinstructions on TU Erasmuswebsite: www.tlu.ee/en/erasmus→ „Preparingonlineapplicationform“ • Attachtotheonlineapplication: 1. Transcript of Recordsof currentstudies (fromyouracademicunit) 2. Proof of languageproficency • Cover Letter hastobewrittendirectly in theapplicationsystem.
Results Oncetheapplicationround at TU hasfinished: • Interviewswithstudents • Resultsusuallywithinlessthan 2 weeksaftertheinterviews (notificationby e-mail). • A shortlistiscompiledbyTU’sacademicunits • Shortlistedstudentswill present theirdocumentsto host universities. • Filling in and signingLearningAgreements(a formwhere 3 parties – thestudent, the host university and homeuniversity – agree on thecourses and duration of themobility). LearningAgreementhastobesignedbeforethebeginning of the Exchange studies and itis a prerequisiteforscholarshipcontract and grant payment. • Signingscholarshipcontracts (withSeniorSpecialistfor International Studies)
Separate info session in March 1 • tlu.ee/Erasmus-valispraktika • Freely chosen enterprise/organisation • Applicationsacceptedthroughouttheyear! (latesttimeforpresentingapplicationdocumentsis at least 2 monthsbeforetheplannedtraineeship) • Traineeshipcanbeconductedwithinthesubject „International internship“ orbycombiningitwith „Practicaltraining“ • Traineeshipcanalso take place in the summer • Minimum/maximumduration 2-12 months • TU RecentGraduatescanmakeanErasmus+ RecentGraduateTraineeshipduringoneyearaftergraduation (duration of traineeshipmax 6 months). Applicationdoccuments need tobesubmitted at least 2 monthsbeforetheplannedgraduation.
Traineeship application documents Application form (download from tlu.ee/Erasmus-valispraktika) Transcript of Records (confirmed, average grade indicated, received from student’s TU school) Cover Letter (including a brief description of the planned traineeship) Proof of language proficiency (at least B1) spoken in the host organisation Initial letter of acceptance from the host organisation(e-mail is sufficient) Present thedocumentsto TU SeniorSpecialistfor International Studies: Maarika Nimmomaarika.nimmo@tlu.ee Academic Affairs OfficeRoom: T-215
Senior Specialist for International Studies NeleDobrõš Mon-Thu 14.00-16.00 room T-215 (Narvamnt 25) +372 6409 136 www.tlu.ee/en/erasmus Erasmus@tlu.ee
Erasmus + International CreditMobility • Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility gives students the possibility to participate in exchange programs at partner universities outside of the European Union. • Erasmus+ scholarship includes travel support (depends on the distance) and monthly scholarship 650-700 euros. • Mobilitiescan last 3-12 months. • IliaStateUniversity, Georgia • LingnanUniversity, Hong Kong • University of Mandalay, Myanmar • UniversidadAutonomaMetrpolitana, Mexico • CETYS, Mexico • University of Houston-Downtown, USA • V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine • ITMO University, Russia • Dostoyevski Omsk StateUniversity, Russia • UniversidadeEduardoMondlane, Mozambique
Application Requireddocuments: • signedapplicationform; • transcript of studies; • proof of languageproficiency; • studyplanforexchangestudies; • motivationletter (max 1A4). • Moreinformation: https://www.tlu.ee/en/erasmus-international-credit-mobility
International CooperationSeniorSpecialist Kätlin Keinast +372 640 9123 katlin.keinast_01@tlu.ee
Thank you for your participation! „This Erasmus experience has been truly a vital extension to my educational exploration and for the evolution of my life path. /…/ I can now truly connect the dots and say that the Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Studies period was a natural step in my education for sure. I am honoured to prove the statement – life after Erasmus won’t be the same – to be real with my experience as well.“ Anna