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8th Grade Parent Meeting

Welcome parents of 8th graders to ZCHS! Learn about staff, high school transitions, scheduling process, diploma options, and course planning for 2019-2020. Find out more about Core 40, diploma choices, and career pathways.

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8th Grade Parent Meeting

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  1. 8th Grade Parent Meeting Welcome to ZCHS Class of 2023

  2. ZCS Mission Statement Zionsville Community Schools provide customized 21st century experiences that ensure maximum student growth leading to productive citizenship in the world community.

  3. 8th Grade Parent Meeting You will learn about: • Introduction to key staff/points of contact. • Transitioning to high school • Scheduling process for 2019-2020 • Diploma Options and Course Planning • This presentation will be posted on the ZCHS web page

  4. Administrators • Tim East, Principal • Greg Hall, Assistant Principal • Greg McDaniel, Assistant Principal • Matt Walter, Assistant Principal • Kristen Alderman, Assistant Principal • Jared Williams, Asst. Athletic Director Assistant Principal • Greg Shellhase, Athletic Director

  5. High School Counselors A-Ch Greg Kirkham (gkirkham@zcs.k12.in.us) Ci-Go Ellen Shertzer (eshertzer@zcs.k12.in.us) Gp-Kr Cassie Petrocelli (cpetrocelli@zcs.k12.in.us) Ks-Oz Steve Polivka (spolivka@zcs.k12.in.us) Pa-Sm Kristen Pache (kpache@zcs.k12.in.us) Sn-Zz Kaylee Miller (kaymiller@zcs.k12.in.us) College and Career Transition Coordinator and Counseling Department Chair: Cathy Patane(cpatane@zcs.k12.in.us) Counseling Assignments may change before the start of the 19-20 school year

  6. Transitions to High School Building Transition Social Transition Academic Transition

  7. Student Activities and Clubs

  8. Scheduling for 2019-2020 Middle school counselors meet with students to discuss four year plans. Middle school counselors meet with students to discuss and plan individual course selections. Parents provided opportunity for input on course selections. Students enter their own requests in Power School with the help of middle school or high school counselors.

  9. Scheduling for 2019-2020 • High School counselors will communicate with Middle School counselors throughout spring 2019 re: scheduling for incoming 9th grade students in an effort to finalize requests/schedules. • 8th to 9th grade enrollment window closes: February 22 • Official schedules released at Back to School Days

  10. RigorousPreparation Core 40 with Academic Honors Core 40 with Technical Honors PostsecondarySuccess CollegeTechnical School2-year SchoolApprenticeshipMilitaryWorkforce Core 40

  11. Core 40 Diploma • Considered the default diploma for the State of Indiana. • A college-prep diploma. • Core 40 alone may not meet all of the admission requirements at some schools. Be certain to check individual school requirements.

  12. Core 40 with Academic Honors Diploma • Most rigorous academic preparation • Best preparation for traditional university study • Required at some Universities in Indiana • Provides additional financial aid for families who qualify • Beyond Core 40 • Additional, specified coursework • Minimum grade and grade point average requirements • Challenging college readiness achievements/benchmarks

  13. Core 40 with Technical Honors Diploma • Rigorous academic preparation with a focus on technical studies. • Beyond Core 40 • Additional, specified coursework • Minimum grade and grade point average requirements • Challenging college readiness achievements/benchmarks • Students pursuing this diploma will do so through participation in J. Everett Light Career Center (JEL) programs.

  14. J. Everett Light Career Center (JEL) • Offers vocational/ technical programs of study at North Central High School site for juniors and seniors. (www.jelcc.com) • Hands on training in a wide variety of areas. • Many programs offer dual credit and/or certification. • Students can complete JEL programs and earn academic honors. • College –bound students can participate in JEL programs as well. • Some programs are competitive.

  15. Course Designations: Honors • H = Honors. Courses with an honors designation are considered more rigorous and advanced in nature. • Honors coursework is NOT required for the Academic Honors diploma. • Not all honors courses are Advanced Placement (AP) courses. • Not all honors courses are dual credit courses.

  16. Course Designations: Advanced Placement • AP = Advanced Placement. This designation is approved/assigned by the College Board. (www.collegeboard.com) • AP courses are taught at a college level and are our most rigorous offerings. • Students have opportunity to receive college credit. College credit is determined by scores on end of year tests AND college/university policies. • Currently, all AP courses are considered honors courses.

  17. Course Designations: Dual Credit • Dual Credit/College Credit = courses that are taught at ZCHS and satisfy requirements for college credits from participating institutions. • College Credit is determined by successful completion of coursework. • We currently offer courses that can result in credit from Indiana University, Marian, and Butler University. • Most dual credit courses are honors courses

  18. Quality Point • Most courses with an honors, AP, or dual credit designation carry an honors/quality point. • Courses carry 0, .5, or 1 quality point depending on academic rigor and student workload. • Information about which courses earn honors points are available in the course planning guide on our website.

  19. Scheduling Choices

  20. Scheduling Choices: English Required Courses English 9 or English 9H

  21. English Honors/Early Placement English 9 Honors Automatic qualification based on grades in HA English Reviewed qualification based on 3 of the following 90th percentile NWEA Reading 90th percentile NWEA Language First semester grade of A- or higher in English 8 Grade of A- or higher on argumentative writing assessment given to all students

  22. Scheduling Choices: English Electives Elective Courses Creative Writing Mass Media Journalism I Student Publications- Newsmagazine Student Publications-Yearbook

  23. Scheduling Choices: Math Algebra I Algebra I with Math Lab Geometry Geometry H Algebra II H

  24. Honors Math Geometry Honors Placement Automatic qualification based on B or higher in Alg H Reviewed qualification based on the following 95th percentile NWEA Fall Math First semester grade of B or higher in Alg or Alg H Grade of A or higher on Algebra or Algebra H first semester final exam

  25. Scheduling Choices: Physical Education Physical Education I Physical Education II Health Electives

  26. Scheduling Choices: Science Integrated Chemistry/Physics Biology Chemistry, Physics, Electives Upper Level Electives

  27. Scheduling Choices: Science Integrated Chemistry/Physics (full year course) OR Integrated Chemistry/Physics (full year course) AND Biology (full year course) OR Biology (full year course, Placement out of ICP) OR Chemistry (full year course, placement out of ICP) AND Biology (full year course) OR Physics (full year course, placement out of ICP) AND Biology (full year course)

  28. Early Placement Science • Integrated Chemistry/Physics AND Biology • Completion of or concurrent enrollment in Algebra I • Biology • Honors Geometry or Algebra AND HA science with B or above in both courses • Biology and Chemistry • Honors Geometry or Algebra AND HA science with B or above in both courses • Biology and Physics • Honors Geometry or Algebra AND HA science with B or above in both courses

  29. Early Placement Science • Reviewed Qualification for Biology without Integrated Chemistry/Physics based on 3 of the following • 90th percentile or higher on NWEA Fall Math • 90th percentile or higher on NWEA Fall Reading • First semester grade of A- or higher in 8th grade science • First semester grade of A- or higher in Algebra

  30. Scheduling Choices: Social Studies Geography, History of the World World History World History AP Human Geography, AP (1 Sem Elective)

  31. Scheduling Choices: Art Introduction to 3 Dimensional Art Introduction to 2 Dimensional Art

  32. Scheduling Choices: Music Intermediate Concert Band (Freshman Band) Advanced Concert Band Percussion Dance Choreography Beginning Chorus Tenor or Alto Concert Orchestra Electronic Music I and II Modern Band Songwriting

  33. Scheduling Choices: Business Introduction to Business Preparing for College and Careers Computer Aps I/Digital Applications Computer Aps II/Interactive Media

  34. Scheduling Choices: Engineering and Computer Science Introduction to Engineering Design (PLTW) 9+ Principles of Engineering (PLTW) 10+ Architecture and Civil Engineering (PLTW) 11+ Computer Science Principles (PLTW & AP)11+ AP Computer Science A 11+

  35. Scheduling Choices: Engineering and Computer Science Introduction to Engineering Design (PLTW) 9+ Principles of Engineering (PLTW) 10+ Architecture and Civil Engineering (PLTW) 11+ Computer Science Principles (PLTW & AP)11+ AP Computer Science A 10+

  36. Scheduling Choices: World Languages French I, II, or III Spanish I, II, or III Chinese I, II, or III

  37. Course Planning

  38. Course Planning

  39. Course Planning

  40. Summer School Options • Currently, ZCHS students can take summer school courses at another accredited Indiana high school or online. • ZCHS accepts online course credit from: • Indiana Online Academy (IOA) www.indianaonlineacademy.org • Indiana University High School http://iuhighschool.iu.edu/ • Other online providers must be approved before enrollment. • ZCHS will accept up to 8 online credits toward diploma requirements.

  41. ISTEP+ Graduation Examination Students starting with the class of 2023 no longer must pass the ISTEP Graduation Examination Instead, student will have to successfully complete a Graduation Pathway

  42. Graduation Pathways Complete the Coursework to earn an Indiana Diploma Learn and Demonstrate Employability Skills Demonstrate Postsecondary Readiness Competencies

  43. Graduation Pathways Example 1 Coursework: Earned a CORE 40 Diploma Employability Skills: Completed a project in U.S. History and made a presentation summarizing their work Postsecondary: Completed two years of coursework in specific business courses

  44. Graduation Pathways Example 2 Coursework: Earned an Academic Honors Diploma Employability Skills: Completed a project in Biology and wrote a reflection paper explaining the process and how they grew as a learner Postsecondary: Earned an Academic Honors Diploma Based on student performance history, approximately 65% of ZCHS students qualify for this path.

  45. Graduation Pathways Meetings Offered at ZCHS, ZMS, and ZW 30 minutes Registration links (found on ZCHS web page) Online version of the presentation available

  46. Educational & Career Resources • There are a number of opportunities available to students for career and educational planning, including: • Guidance counselors; class presentations, scheduling, etc. • 10th grade English classes require an extensive career research project in the spring. • Naviance personal inventories and career search tools • PSAT testing 9th, 10th, and 11th grade provides practice on college entrance exams. Results come with a host of resources related to college, career, and course planning. • College visits and fairs here at ZCHS and locally. • College and Career Transition Coordinator

  47. Questions?

  48. Thank you for attending!

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