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State Board Report

Stay informed with the latest updates on WACTC, enrollment trends, grant deadlines, and Career Connect Washington initiatives from the State Board's report on May 10, 2019.

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State Board Report

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Presentation Transcript

  1. State Board Report Nate Humphrey, Kathy Goebel, Peter Guzman, Danny Marshall Workforce Education May 10, 2019

  2. Agenda • State Board Updates • WACTC • Staffing • Enrollment Trends • Grant Deadlines • Grants Processes • Career Connect Washington • Things to Know • ABAWD Changes • Apprenticeship • CTE Dual Credit • Perkins Leadership Funds • Prof/Tech Faculty Certification • Washington State Opportunity Scholarship • Upcoming Events

  3. State BOARD Updates WACTC Updates • New President: • Dr. Daria Willis – Everett Community College • Onondaga Community College – Syracuse, NY • Strategic Visioning Committee • 2 Year Work Plans for Commissions • Professional Development Review – WELA, CTCLDA, etc. • Operating & Capital Budget

  4. State BOARD Updates SBCTC Staff Updates • Director of Transfer Education (Active Search) • Policy Associate – BAS/Workforce (Closed Monday) • Education Coordinator – BFET/WF (Filled) • Anandi Stork • Program Administrator – I-BEST @ Work (Filled) • Nicole Hopkins

  5. State BOARD Updates SBCTC Staff Updates • Anandi Stork • Education CoordinatorBFET/WF

  6. Winter Enrollment Trends • 152,905 FTEs – All Sources – Down 2% • Slightly lower than projections based on Fall • Increased Enrollments • Apprenticeship – 4,364 FTEs, Up 15% • Applied Baccalaureate – 3,459 FTEs, Up 18% • eLearning – 51,044 FTEs, Up 6% • I-BEST – 2,705 FTEs, Up ~1% • Running Start – 23,743 FTEs, Up 7% • Worker Retraining – 6,263, Up 7%

  7. Winter Enrollment Trends • Decreased Enrollments – Down 3,598 FTEs – 2% • Basic Education for Adults – 14,446, Down 7% • Basic Food E&T – 4,455, Down 7% • International Students – 9,385, Down 12% • International Contract – 6,483, Down 5% • WorkFirst 1,649, Down 12% For college level data: Allocation and enrollment monitoring reports

  8. Grants: Deadlines & Processes • Please be mindful of upcoming grant deadlines… • Aerospace Apprenticeship (AJAC) – May 16th • Basic Food E&T – July 25th • Perkins - Leadership Block Grant – May 16th • Perkins - Non-Trad – May 16th • Job Skills Program – June 6th (First Round)

  9. Grants: Deadlines & Processes • Reimagining Grant Processes • Streamlining where we can • Reducing reliance on individual grant processes to distribute funding

  10. ABAWD Navigation Design funds • BFET Work requirement waivers end October 1st • ~108,000 additional required participants • WA working to provided expanded supportive services • ABAWD Navigators • $75,000 per college (salary, benefits, G&S, indirect) • Employed by August 16th • Cohort training August/September • 1st Point of Contact for ABAWDS

  11. ABAWD Navigation Design funds • BFET Work requirement waivers end October 1st • ~108,000 additional required participants • WA working to provided expanded supportive services • BFET Programs, Job Search, Employment • ABAWD Navigators • $75,000 per college (salary, benefits, G&S, indirect) • Employed by August 16th • Cohort training August/September • 1st Point of Contact for ABAWDS • Enhance wrap around community resources

  12. Life-long learning and work CAREER CONNECT WASHINGTON (hb 2158)Bill Section: 53-61 Career Launch 60% of young adults in the classes of 2030 and beyond will complete a Career Launch program Career Preparation 100% of Washington K-16 students will have Career Awareness, Career Exploration, and Career Preparation experiences Career Awareness and Exploration Participants andemployers can pick entry points and pathways from anywhere on this progression 100% of Washington students will have access to the enablers and support they need Enablers and Support

  13. CAREER CONNECT WASHINGTON (hb 2158)Bill Section: 53-61 Career-Connected Learning Grants – ESD – Bill Section: 56 • Regional Networks (e.g. CTCs w/ multiple employers) • Program Intermediaries (e.g. CTCs, Chambers, EDCs, WDCs) • Planning grants for standing up a Career Connect Programs

  14. CAREER CONNECT WASHINGTON (hb 2158) Career Launch Programs – Section 57 • Registered Apprenticeships or Programs that… • Supervised Paid Work Experience • Aligned classroom learning to academic and employer standards • Post-secondary credential or 45 college credits • State-approved CTE sequence of courses or program of study that include requirements in alignment with RCW28A.700.030 • A qualifying degree or credential earned through a CTC or university

  15. CAREER CONNECT WASHINGTON (hb 2158) Career-Connect Learning Workgroup – 17 Members • ESD, L&I, ERDC, OSPI • State Board of Education • State Board for Community and Technical Colleges • Student Achievement Council • Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board • Public Baccalaureate • Independent Colleges & Universities • Office of the Lt. Governor • Office of the Governor



  18. Operating & Capital BUDGETs Job Skills Program - HB 1109 • Continues $5.4 Million for Biennium • Round 1 Applications due May 31st for July 1st Start • Quarterly Applications – 7 Rounds Working with partners on Short Session request to increase funding

  19. Operating & Capital BUDGETs Customer Advisory Committee (CAC) SBCTC’s Workforce Advisory Group • Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 14th Oversees: • Job Skills Grant • Worker Retraining

  20. State BOARD Updates Apprenticeship Funding Taskforce • CTC’s & Partners Both Requested Revisit • Level Set – Where are we today • Any Best Practices in/out of State • Framework for partners moving forward • Taskforce: CTCs, LNI, Apprenticeship Training Sponsors (Labor, AJAC, CITC, WSATC) • WACTC • Instructional Commission • State Apprenticeship Council

  21. State BOARD Updates Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board Rural Community Vitality Forums • April 23rd – Toppenish, WA • Yakima Nation Cultural Heritage Center • April 25th – Aberdeen, WA • Grays Harbor Community College • May 14th – Colville, WA • Spokane Community College – Colville Campus • May 16th – Quincy, WA • Port of Quincy – Quincy Valley Conference Center

  22. State BOARD Updates HOPE Center Survey – Coming Fall 2019 #RealCollege Food & Housing Insecurities Survey • Colleges are strongly encouraged to participate • Senator Patty Murray hopes to use the data to support efforts in Higher Education Act reauthorization • CTC critical mass would provide data to support our advocacy efforts for… • State Financial Aid • Student Support Services • Food & Housing Insecurities • 2020 Census – Joe Holliday & WSSSC – Push on Campus

  23. State BOARD Updates WSAC – Adult Reengagement • Cross Agency Workgroup Washington State Opportunity Scholarship • List of eligible programs in WEC Packet • List updated annually

  24. CTE Dual Credit • Working in partnership with OSPI • Recent Survey – 42 college responses • Will provide a survey summary soon • Proposal to host K-12/College regional forums • Dual Credit Summit being planned –CIH, RS, & CTE DC • Date – Nov. 18-19 • Location – Seattle Area -TBD

  25. Prof/Tech Faculty Certification • Online tool under revision • Team of college staff are currently beta-testing • In-person testing July 11th at SBCTC – volunteers welcome • SBCTC will pay travel and provide lunch • 10:00-3:30 • Launch Fall 2019

  26. State BOARD Updates Upcoming Events/Meetings • Corrections Education & Reentry • May 19-21 – Wenatchee, WA • SBCTC WorkFirst Training Forum • May 21-22 – SeaTac, WA • DSHS BFET Training/Provider Forum • June 4-5 – Tacoma, WA • ACE West Summer Summit • June 6-7 – Portland, OR • Workforce Board Retreat • June 6-7 – Leavenworth, WA

  27. Questions Nate Humphrey Workforce Education Director nhumphrey@sbctc.edu (360) 704-4333

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