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ATL II:. Pluperfect Passive Indicative. Pluperfect Passive Indicative. Pluperfect Active Indicative: servus dominum vulneraverat . Pluperfect Passive Indicative dominus a servo vulneratus erat . . Think about it like this…. A perfect passive verb uses a present form of sum + the PPP.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ATL II: Pluperfect Passive Indicative

  2. Pluperfect Passive Indicative • Pluperfect Active Indicative: • servusdominumvulneraverat. • Pluperfect Passive Indicative • dominus a servo vulneratuserat.

  3. Think about it like this… • A perfect passive verb uses a present form of sum + the PPP. • portatus sum – I have been carried • A pluperfect passive verb uses an imperfect form of sum + the PPP. • portatuseram – I had been carried • It is just one step farther back into the past.

  4. canisab omnibus civibusvideratuserat.

  5. coclea et testudo quam celerrimemotierant.

  6. discus a feminacaptuserat.

  7. nos a testundinevolantevisieramus

  8. Examples • mater a Simone vituperataerat. • Simon matremvituperaverat. • custodespropearcumpositierant. • tudiligenterlaborareiussus eras. • Haterius a Salviodeceptuserat.

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