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ATL II: Result Clauses

ATL II: Result Clauses. Result Clauses. Result clauses are just like purpose clauses but they show the result of some action. Grammatically they are nearly the same, both have ut plus a verb in the subjunctive. Result clauses will always have some type of intensifier. tam – so

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ATL II: Result Clauses

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  1. ATL II: Result Clauses

  2. Result Clauses • Result clauses are just like purpose clauses but they show the result of some action. • Grammatically they are nearly the same, both have ut plus a verb in the subjunctive. • Result clauses will always have some type of intensifier. • tam – so • tantus – so great • tot – so many • adeo – so much, so greatly

  3. Examples • tantaeratmultitudouttotamaulamcompleret. • So great was the crowd that it filled the whole palace. • Modestuseratadeopulcherutpaucaepuellaeeiresisterepossent. • Modestus was so handsome that few girls could resist him.

  4. cuniculus • cuniculus tam eratiratusutcenamesset.

  5. cuniculus • illecattuscuniculumadeooditut caput gereret.

  6. Examples • tam stultuseratdominusutomnesservieumderiderent. • tantuserat clamor utnemoiussacenturionumaudiret. • Agricola tot militesemisituthostesfugerent. • centurionemadeotimebamut ad castraredire non auderem. • tot servos habebasuteosnumberare non posses. • ancillaenostrae tam diligenterlaborabantuteassaepelaudaremus.

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