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Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

Common Core State Standards (CCSS). September 12, 2012. Objectives for Today. #1 Teachers and administrators will become familiar with the origin of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and California’s relationship to Smarter Balanced Assessment Corporation;. Objectives for Today.

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Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

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  1. Common Core State Standards(CCSS) September 12, 2012

  2. Objectives for Today #1 Teachers and administrators will become familiar with the origin of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and California’s relationship to Smarter Balanced Assessment Corporation;

  3. Objectives for Today #2 Teachers and administrators will understand the Saugus Plan for CCSS Implementation;

  4. Objectives for Today #3Teachers and administrators will understand how the CCSS for Language Arts are organized;

  5. Objectives for Today #4Teachers and administrators will deconstruct specific Speaking and Listening and Writing CCSS and track the progression over three grade levels.

  6. Objectives for Today #1 Teachers and administrators will become familiar with the origin of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and California’s relationship to Smarter Balanced Assessment Corporation;

  7. Design& Organization • College and Career Readiness anchor standards • Grade-specific, end-of-year expectations • Developmentally appropriate progression of skills and understandings

  8. Guiding Concepts Focus and coherence • Focus on key topics at each grade level. • Coherent progressions across grade levels. Balance of concepts and skills • Content standards require both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. Mathematical practices • Foster reasoning and sense-making in mathematics. College and career readiness • Level is ambitious but achievable.

  9. Federal Grant Requirements – The "Givens" • Instructionally useful information for teachers • Comparable scores across member states • Information useful to institutions of higher education • Data that “can be used for”: • School and district accountability • Identify teacher and principal professional development needs • Online assessments, with timely results • Ready in 2014-15 Source: Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 68 / Friday, April 9, 2010 pp. 18171-85

  10. States participating in the Common Core State Standards Initiative

  11. Comprised of 27 States • California is a governing state • Washington is the Procurement State • West Ed is the Project Management Partner

  12. Assessment System Components Adaptive summative assessments benchmarked to college & career readiness Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness Teachers can access formative tools and practices to improve instruction All students leave high school college and career ready Adaptive interim assessments that are flexible and open providing actionable feedback

  13. Computer Adaptive Testing Based on students responses, the program adjusts the difficulty of questions : • Individually tailored • Quickly identify what has been mastered • Shorter than paper-pencil • Test items are more secure

  14. Assessment System • Multiple choice • Short response • Longer length response • Listening and Speaking components • Performance tasks

  15. Performance Tasks Reflect a real world problem and setting: • Stimulus (reading, audio or video clips) • Information Processing (note taking, discussion, internet search, etc) • Product (Write a report, essay )

  16. 4 Major Claims for Assessment • Claim #1 - Students can read closely and analytically to comprehend a range of increasingly complex literary and informational texts. • Claim #2 - Students can produce effective and well-grounded writing for a range of purposes and audiences. • Claim #3 - Students can employ effective speaking and listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences. • Claim #4 - Students can engage in research/inquiry to investigate topics, and to analyze, integrate, and present information.

  17. 2011-12 Kindergarten students are in 3rd grade Timeline

  18. Reflection point…. My “Takeaways”: Yellow paper Ideas to Consider when implementing CCSS: Blue paper

  19. Objectives for Today #2 Teachers and administrators will understand the Saugus Plan for CCSS Implementation;

  20. The Saugus Plan: 2012-2013 • Complete BBDI and SELD training of all teachers and administrators • Fully implement BBDI and SELD in the classroom • Deconstruct CCSS for all grade levels • Identify curricular resources that match CCSS • Begin teaching the Speaking and Listening and Writing CCSS at all grade levels

  21. 2012-13 continued • Detail a training plan for Saugus Teachers (Staff Development Committee) • Create a pacing guide for CCSS (Curriculum Council) • Create technology lessons and training plan for CCSS (Technology committee) • Create a plan to integrate Next Generation ELD standards with CCSS (ELD committee) • Provide regular on line and in-person training to all teachers

  22. The Saugus Plan: 2013-2014 • Provide District-wide CCSS training • Revamp writing and benchmark assessments • Begin teaching designated Math and Reading CCSS

  23. The Saugus Plan: 2014-2015 • Fully implement CCSS • Fully implement CCSS interim assessments • Grades 3-6 take CCSS summative tests Spring 2015

  24. Reflection point…. My “Takeaways”: Yellow paper Ideas to Consider when implementing CCSS: Blue paper

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