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California Common Core State Standards (CCSS). A Presentation for the Jurupa Unified School District English Learner Advisory Committees 2013-2014. CCSS Presentation Objectives. Today’s Topics: An Overview of CCSS Goals Assessment Changes Implementation Plan What Can Parents Do Now?
California Common CoreState Standards (CCSS) A Presentation for the Jurupa Unified School District English Learner Advisory Committees 2013-2014
CCSS Presentation Objectives Today’s Topics: An Overview of CCSS Goals Assessment Changes Implementation Plan What Can Parents Do Now? Resources for Parents
An Overview of TK-12 CCSS The Common Core Standards (CCSS) were developed by the Council of Chief State School Officers and the National Governor’s Association Center for Best Practices, and were formally released on June 2, 2010.
The Common Core State Standards • A voluntary state-led effort includes parents, educators, content experts, researchers, national organizations and community groups from 45 states, 2 territories and the District of Columbia
Goals for TK-12 CCSS The major goal of the CCSS is to guarantee that all students are college and career ready as they exit from high school.
Goals for TK-12 CCSS Ensure that our students are: • Meeting college and work expectations • Prepared to succeed in our global economy and society, and • Provided with rigorous content and applications of higher knowledge through higher order thinking skills.
What are the Benefits of the CCSS? • Internationally benchmarked • Student expectations are clear to parents, teachers, and the general public • Allows for collaboration with other states on best practices, instructional materials, and professional development • Reduces costs to the state
Students with Special Needs • The CCSS provide an historic opportunity to improve access to rigorous academic content standards for students with disabilities and for the gifted. • Many experts in this area were involved in the development of these standards to meet IEP needs.
English Learners The CCSS articulate rigorous grade level expectations to prepare all students to be college and career ready, including English learners.
English Learners The development of the ELA CCSS involved linguists and EL experts. And they had a huge impact on the language and vocabulary standards The developers of the CCSS were the developers of ELD standards for the CCSS.
ELD Key Features Handout • A set of ELD standards for each grade level, Kindergarten through grade 8, and for the high school grade spans 9-10 and 11-12 • Correspondence to CCSS ELA standards noted for each ELD standard
ELD Key Features Handout • Three English language proficiency levels: Emerging, Expanding, and Bridging; • Standards organized into three language modes: collaborative, interpretative and productive, and three categories under the heading learning about how English works: structuring cohesive texts, expanding and enriching ideas, and connecting and condensing ideas.
Change in Teaching and Learning • From predominantly teacher-directed instruction and teacher-talk student engagement, interaction, inquiry-based pedagogy • From each teacher responsible for isolated content every teacher a language teacher • From ELD as just a separate curriculum/part of the day ELD as dedicated curriculum + infusion of ELD standards across the curriculum
New Assessments for the 2013–14 School Year • Spring 2014: Smarter Balanced Field Test for English–language arts (ELA) and math in grades 3—8, and grade 11 (and a select sample in grades 9 and 10) • California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) for ELA and math in grades 2 through 11 • Science in grades 5, 8, and 10, including CST, CMA, and CAPA
JUSD Implementation Plan • Installing new computers for instruction and assessment • Training teachers on the new standards • New adoption of materials in 2016; new ELD assessment for 2015-16 • Planning for instruction with Math and ELA/ELD Units of Study
JUSD ELA and Math Units of Study • Happening across the State • Designed by teacher committees • Pace the CCSS Priority Standards • Make suggestions for instruction • Provide teacher-made assessments • Spanish (DI) and English
What Can Parents and Guardians Do? • Read the standards for your child’s grade level • Talk to the principal about your school’s plan • Meet with your child’s teacher to discuss CCSS • Ask for help if your child is struggling • Talk to other parents about CCSS
Parent Resources • More information about the CCSS: http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/cc/tl/whatareccss.asp • CCSS ELA Standards in Spanish: http://commoncore-espanol.com/california-common-core-state-standards-spanish-language-arts-and-literacy-historysocial-studies • CCSS ELD Standards: http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/er/eldstandards.asp
For Further State Information CDE Assessment Transition Office sbac@cde.ca.gov 916-445-8517 Technology Readiness Coordinator sbac-itreadiness@cde.ca.gov Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Web site http://www.smarterbalanced.org/ CDE Smarter Balanced Web Page http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sa/index.asp
Fore More JUSD Information • Elementary Education: 951-360-4184 jallen@jusd.k12.ca.us http://www.jusd.k12.ca.us/departments/education/ee/SitePages/default.aspx • Technology Department: 951-360-4185 http://www.jusd.k12.ca.us/departments/business/it/SitePages/default.aspx