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Status of Preparation of the Conference of Ministers of Health and Finance. F. Sergent (AfDB) and B. Cardoso (WHO/AFRO) On behalf of the HHA Ministerial Conference Preparation Group HHA Meeting of Regional Directors Day 1 - Dakar, 13 December 2009. OBJECTIVES OF THE PRESENTATION.
Status of Preparation of the Conference of Ministers of Health and Finance F. Sergent (AfDB) and B. Cardoso (WHO/AFRO) On behalf of the HHA Ministerial Conference Preparation Group HHA Meeting of Regional Directors Day 1 - Dakar, 13 December 2009 HHA, A N e w W a y o f W o r k i n g T o g e t h e r
OBJECTIVES OF THE PRESENTATION • Provide background to participants who are not directly involved in the preparation of the Ministerial Conference • Report on progress to date in designing and organising the conference • Seek inputs from the technical group in order to improve reporting to and facilitate decision-making from RDs on Day 3, especially in view of new developments
BACKGROUND TO CONFERENCE PREPARATION • HHA Action Framework in particular foresees (i) increased involvement of MOFs for MDG-focused budgeting/MTEF, leveraging domestic resources, mobilizing predictable donor aid, analyzing and expanding fiscal space for health MDGs and (ii) Policy guidance/advocacy with MOHs, MOFs, heads of State, AU, etc. • Recommendation of Special Session of MOFs and MOHs in Tunis, 2009 (need to enhance MOH-MOF collaboration) • Decision of HHA Regional and Sector Directors and decision to prepare the conference jointly with AU and UNECA. HHA Ministerial Conference Preparation Group established January 2010, co-chaired by AfDB and WHO • Recommendation/validation from Kampala’s side meeting • 2010 World Health Report: focus on efficiency
ACTIVITIES, CONSTRAINTS AND PRODUCTS OF THE CONFERENCE PREPARATION GROUP • Collective conference design work through task sharing, virtual communication and regular teleconferences - Regular reporting to and guidance from HHA Steering Group - Adapt to evolving thinking regarding the Africa Investment Case • Progress constrained by limited involvement of AU and UNECA. New ECA position regarding conference format: slot of 2-3 hours in MOF meeting; participation of only some MOHs (teleconferences of 8 and 9 December) • Key conference documents produced in draft form and endorsed by HHA Steering Group (Draft Conference Concept Note, Draft Conference Agenda, Tentative Budget)
KEY FEATURES OF CONFERENCE CONCEPT1- Conference Objectives • Conference objective: Stimulate dialogue and enhance leadership and collaboration between MOFs and MOHs for more effective financing of the health sector with a view to accelerate progress toward MDGs. « More Health for the Money »from all sourcesand not only « More money for Health ». • Not just advocacy but forging consensus regarding the causes of ineffective financing and required remedial measures. • Adoption of a« Tool of Engagement »to be used by governments to engage all stakeholders; a commitment toward concrete action for more effective sector financing. Participants: Ministers of Health and Finance, Regional Economic Communities, development partners and selected representatives from parliamentary organisations, civil society and the private sector.
KEY FEATURES OF CONFERENCE CONCEPT2- Conference themes African Investment Case central document -presentations strongly emphasizing greater efficiency of the use of all resources i.e. not only government resources but equally important, aid and the private sector. Centrality of: -Improved health systems performance -Improved planning, budgeting, monitoring and reporting -Governance and accountability structures -Public Finance Management -Health financing options and methods
CONFERENCE AGENDA? • Conference to be mainstreamed into UNECA meeting of MOFs Initially planned for 3 ½ days (2 days technical); then 1 day and now 2-3 hours • Three directions of work: - More effective and more efficient public, private and aid investments in health - Enhancing collaboration for more effective funding of health - Agreement on a Tool of Engagement • Mix of presentations, discussions and formal reactions (ministers; Parliament and Civil Society)
OPTIONS To cope with new developments • Limit the conference to 2-3 hours is not an option, even with very effective country preparation work • Push for the requested one day mainstreamed in UNECA MOF meeting (+country preparation work) • Utilize the 2-3 hour slot e.g. to test the validity of conference approach and themes with MOFs jointly with a selection of MOHs and other stakeholders + stand alone event (+country preparation work)
CONFERENCE BUDGET? • USD 1.4 million for the initial 3 ½ day design • USD 600,000 for a one-day conference (assuming HHA does not have to pay for MOF air tickets) Will depend on which option we go for
PROPOSED COUNTRY-LEVEL CONFERENCE PREPARATORY WORK Proposed set up: - Establishment of an Advisory Committee composed of a selection of MOH/MOF staff present in Tunis meeting (e.g. Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda) - Each HHA agency volunteers to be the focal HHA agency for the coordination of country preparation work -Country offices of HHA agencies work with MOFs, MOHs and other stakeholders through preparation committees (same format as that used for seminar on financial access) with a view to identify issues relevant to the conference, explore possible remedial measures and produce a concise brief for ministers.
QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION TODAY • What is the best conference option? • Can the conference concept be further improved? • How can we use a 2-3 hour slot in the UNECA MOF meeting? • Are HHA agencies ready to invest energy in country preparation work? • What are the most urgent next steps?