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Malaysia Flight MH370 Timeline. By Jarrod Plant. http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/missing-flight-mh370-the-morning-after. Placement
Malaysia Flight MH370 Timeline By Jarrod Plant
http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/missing-flight-mh370-the-morning-afterhttp://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/missing-flight-mh370-the-morning-after Placement The article was placed on the front page of this media website because the story is on a Malaysian website and the plane was from the Malaysian airline. News Values Timeliness: the story is breaking News because it is a rare Occurrence in modern society, It also is a story which will Attract ratings because it is Ongoing. Continuity: Because the plane hasn’t been Found, as new information is Discovered their will be new Articles and news stories.
Depth The article was very long, this is because it Is breaking news and the event had just Happened. The article covers everything That the airline has discovered about the Missing flight. Style The article is informal because it gives information about what has happened and less opinions
Implications of the coverage for the media One of the implications could be that people will not want to use the airline if they cannot find the plane Another implication could be that the families could try to take legal action against the airline.
http://www.3news.co.nz/Malaysia-Airlines-MH370-lost-in-Indian-Ocean/tabid/417/articleID/337239/Default.aspxhttp://www.3news.co.nz/Malaysia-Airlines-MH370-lost-in-Indian-Ocean/tabid/417/articleID/337239/Default.aspx News Values Placement The story has been placed on the front page of the website, it is an important issue because it affects New Zealanders as well due to having two passengers born in New Zealand. It is also important because it affects everyone that uses the airline. It is a shocking article because they believe that they have lost the plane Timeliness/ Exclusivity The event is breaking news because so many people had been watching and hoping for the best 2) Continuity It is an ongoing report and reveals new information as the search continues.
Style The article was emotional for friends and family of the passangers Depth The article didn’t go into much depth, it only discussed main points like that the airline sent out a text to the families who couldn’t make it to the meeting.
Implications of the coverage for the media: An implication could be that the families who received the text and the rest of the world will think that the airline is lousy, inconsiderate and rude because they didn’t put in any effort.
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/movies/news/article.cfm?c_id=200&objectid=11257477http://www.nzherald.co.nz/movies/news/article.cfm?c_id=200&objectid=11257477 Placement The article is placed on the front page because the fact that there is a movie being made on it comes as upsetting news because it is to soon for the families and friends of the passengers News Values Timeliness: because they haven't started to make the films the story still can develop meaning more articles Shock Value: It comes as a shock as to how soon they have planned films on the event when they haven’t got much information and that the search crews haven’t found the plane or discovered what happened
Style The article was informal because it delivered information about the latest news Depth The article wasn’t in very much depth but it covered everything that had happened in the latest news on the flight
Implications of the coverage for the media: Possible implications could be that the families become upset about the films also the film directors could receive harsh criticism or even worse like threats etc.