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Laboratory 31 “Radiation Control”. NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY. Head of the laboratory 31 “Radiation control”. Glukhov Gennadij Georgievich Candidate of Chemical Science Senior researcher Tel.:+7(3822) 72-38-25,
Head of the laboratory 31“Radiation control” Glukhov Gennadij Georgievich Candidate of Chemical Science Senior researcher Tel.:+7(3822) 72-38-25, E-mail: lab31radcontrol@rambler.ru
The staff of the laboratory 31“Radiation control” • Kryazheva Tatiana Nikolaevna, researcher, kryazhevatn@tpu.ru • MaslennikovYuriySergeevich, researcher, maslennikov@tpu.ru • NesterovaYuliaVladimirovna, scientific assistant, yvn@tpu.ru • Chikova Irina Vladimirovna, scientific assistant, ivch@tpu.ru • Donjaeva Elena Sergeevna, engineer, donjaeva@tpu.ru • Zukau Valeriy Viktorovich, engineer, zukau@tpu.ru • NovikovaNataliyaGennadjevna, translator, ngnovikova@yandex.ru Tel/fax: +7(3822) 72-38-25
Laboratory 31”Radiation Control”Areas of activities • Radiation control and radiation safety in oil and gas and nuclear power complexes of Russia; • Detection of rare and noble metals in ores, rocks, minerals, products and intermediate products of mineral processing; • Monitoring of environmental contamination by natural and human-made radionuclides; • Determination of microelements (metals) of oil and study of their distribution in fractions and components; • Development and application of nuclear physical methods for research of environmental media (rocks, ores, minerals, etc.)
Laboratory 31 “Radiation control” complex Creation and implementation of a new laboratory complex at nuclear scientific research reactor IRT-T of the Institute of Physics and Technology, TPU, equipped by modern tools and facilities for rare-earth elements researches and analysis of radioactive natural substances (U-235, U-238, Pu-239, K-40, etc.) makes it possible : • to carry out training and teaching of students (bachelors, masters and certified engineers); • to provide advanced training of the staff in the field of nuclear and radiation technologies; • to carry out scientific researches; • to provide material and technical facilities for educational process and scientific and experimental-construction works.
Laboratory 31 “ Radiation control” Main works • On the basis of the new laboratory complex created at IRT-T of the Institute of Physics and Technology of TPU the following works are planned to be carried out: • radiation control and investigation of radiation situation in oil and gas and nuclear power sectors of Russia for the purpose of monitoring environmental contamination by natural and human-made radionuclides; • training of the staff and applied researches; • development and application of nuclear-physical methods for the environmental media study
Laboratory 31 “Radiation control” Partners • Joint stock company “Tomskneft”; • Institute of Physics of Semiconductors of SB RAS, Novosibirsk; • Tomsk State University; • Tomsk Polytechnic University; • Joint stock company “TNK-Nyagan”
Laboratory 31 “Radiation control” Accreditation certificates The laboratory was accredited within the State Standard Accreditation System of radiation control laboratories of Russia from 1998 and registered in the National Inventory, № CАРК RU.0001.441021 (26/05/2009; valid-2014) In 2007 Analytical Center of qualitative chemical analysis by nuclear physical methods was certified, № POCC RU.0001.518623 (valid-2016)
Laboratory 31 “Radiation control” technical basis Alpha-spectrometer МКС-01А “Multirad-AC” Alpha-spectrometer МКС-01А “Multirad-AC” with a semiconductor detector is used for measuring activity of alpha- emitting radionuclides in samples produced by radiochemical or other methods. Measurement of α-activity in “ thin layer” samples Calibration sources: Pu (238,239,242)=33Bq; Pu (238,239,242)=18Bq Power range:4000-6000keV Qualified geometry: “thin layer” sample Minimal measured activity: 0.01Bq Energy resolution:60keV Chamber pump-down time: 10min Setting time of working mode:15 min
Laboratory 31 “Radiation control” technical basis Special purpose radiometric installation РЭУС-II-4 • Special purpose radiometric installation РЭУС-II-4 is used to provide metrological activity measurements of samples (food, environmental media and biomaterials) • The installation measures activity of volume sources by photons emission with the energy 0,06-3MeV in 2 measuring geometries: “Marinelli-1l” -1M; “Denta-0,1”-up to 1 • With the duration of measurement ›6 hours, the error for confidential efficiency of 0.95 is: • 60-15% in the range of 2-100Bq; • 15-12% in the range of 100-5×105Bq • It can be used for accreditation of similar installations
Laboratory 31 “Radiation control” technical basis Special purpose radiometric installation УРС-06/07 • The installation is on the basis of Ge semiconductor detector; • Control source Eu-152+Cs-137; • Sample: “ Маrinelli-1l” and “Denta-0,1l”; • Lower measured activity bound for a mixture of radionuclidesin a sample “Marinelly-1l” with the duration of measurement ›6 hours and the error of 60% is: 5Bq (Cs-137); 20Bq (K-40); 5Bq (Ra-226, Th-232). • Upper measured activity bound by Cs-137 is 1×105Bq ( when the error is 15%).
Laboratory 31 “Radiation control” technical basis Dosimetric equipment ДКГ-02У “Arbitr” ДКГ-07Д “ Drozd”
Laboratory 31 “Radiation control” technical basis Dosimetric equipment Dosimeter-radiometer ДКС-96 Alpha-aerosol radiometer РАА-20П2
Laboratory 31 “Radiation control”Qualitative chemical analysis
Laboratory 31 “Radiation control”Qualitative chemical analysis Qualitative chemical analysis It is the branch methodology of the 3rd rate accuracy which is used for chemical analysis of silicate and carbonaceous rocks (magmatic, metamorphic and secondary); ores of non-ferrous, ferrous, noble metals, products of their enrichment and processing; environmental objects (soil, ground, plant cinders, clastic deposits, coals); hard and biological phytogenious and animal-origin materials (plants, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, fish, meat, fur, hair, nails, bones, blood, serum, urina) to detect Ba, Br, W, Hf, Eu, Re, Hg, Fe, Au, Yb, K, Co, La, Lu, As, Na, Nd, Rb, Sm, Se, Sc, Ag, Sr, Sb, Ta, Tb, Th, U, Cr, Ce, Cs, Zn by the neutron-activation analysis (NAA). The range of the element weight content (%) and analytical parameters of the detected radionuclides are presented it Table 1.
Laboratory 31 “Radiation control”Qualitative chemical analysis Table 1. Detected elements, their analytical parameters and influence of interfering elements