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Higher, Deeper, Broader Expanding IL

Higher, Deeper, Broader Expanding IL. Don MacMillan University of Calgary LOEX-of –the-West , 2010 Calgary. Introduction. University of Calgary - 30,000 FTE’s Well established IL program for students in biological sciences

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Higher, Deeper, Broader Expanding IL

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  1. Higher, Deeper, BroaderExpanding IL Don MacMillanUniversity of Calgary LOEX-of –the-West, 2010 Calgary LOTW 2010 | Higher, Deeper, Broader | MacMillan

  2. Introduction • University of Calgary - 30,000 FTE’s • Well established IL program for students in biological sciences • What impact does IL, informal learning and assignments have on student learning? • Current study compares 2006 and 2008 findings LOTW 2010 | Higher, Deeper, Broader | MacMillan

  3. Why? • Promote student reflection on research skills • What resources are upper-level biology students actually using? • Have student research habits changed over time? • Do students use different sources for different purposes? • Is IL content aligned with student needs? LOTW 2010 | Higher, Deeper, Broader | MacMillan

  4. Who? • 2 cohorts of 25 third and fourth year biological science students - CMMB 421 Virology (2006 & 2008) – cover key biology databases • Most students “information literate”- BIOL 231, 233, & 313 – BIOL 311 Intro to Genetics Nov 2007 • Majority of students considering graduate or professional degree LOTW 2010 | Higher, Deeper, Broader | MacMillan

  5. How? • getFast – Free Assessment Summary Toolwww.getfast.ca • Facilitates the collection of qualitative and quantitative data • 15 question survey administered at the conclusion of the instruction sessions LOTW 2010 | Higher, Deeper, Broader | MacMillan

  6. LOTW 2010 | Higher, Deeper, Broader | MacMillan

  7. LOTW 2010 | Higher, Deeper, Broader | MacMillan

  8. LOTW 2010 | Higher, Deeper, Broader | MacMillan

  9. LOTW 2010 | Higher, Deeper, Broader | MacMillan

  10. Results • Web of Science and Google/Scholar – increased use by 2008 cohort • ISI – shared features e.g. citing references • Google – more content e.g. e-science • Google Scholar – functionality and links to library sponsored holdings • Slight decrease in use of BIOSIS Previews, PubMed & Library Catalogue • PubMed used differently, familiarity e.g. finding specific information • Competitive landscape • Library catalogue and subject guide use mirrors other studies LOTW 2010 | Higher, Deeper, Broader | MacMillan

  11. Notable Responses • “I check PubMed after Google Scholar, just to make sure I haven’t missed any good relevant articles” • “It depends on why I’m looking for something….research work or scientific paper I would use Web of Science or BIOSIS” • “4 library tutorials in the first 2 years planted the notion of efficient research in my mind, and numerous lab reports with 10 source minimum hammered the point home” • “I never used to refine my searches so I would be sifting through thousands of articles” LOTW 2010 | Higher, Deeper, Broader | MacMillan

  12. Summary (Questions 8-15) • How do you decide which source to check first? • Little difference between 2006 & 2008 - Where they started depended on what they were looking for • Which source do you find most useful for your research purposes? • Both cohorts - PubMed, BIOSIS and Web of Science – Google widely used for background information but deemed not as useful LOTW 2010 | Higher, Deeper, Broader | MacMillan

  13. Summary (Questions 8-15) • Has the way you do library research changed as you have progressed through your studies? If so, how? • In 2006 responses based on awareness of tools, 2008 cohort indicated more sophisticated use of resources and more reflection on their research practices • What factors caused the change? • Both cohorts indicated that learning occurred in response to IL sessions, practice, assignments, peers & prof’s LOTW 2010 | Higher, Deeper, Broader | MacMillan

  14. Summary (Questions 8-15) • What do you know about library research now that you wished you had known earlier? • Overall shift from being aware of sources and finding information (2006) to finding information effectively and using it • Do you plan to pursue and advanced degree • 24 out of 25 in both cohorts indicated they would be pursuing advanced degrees (e.g. Masters, Medicine) LOTW 2010 | Higher, Deeper, Broader | MacMillan

  15. Conclusion… • Students aware that their learning & IL skills are developed in several ways – formal instruction, practice, peers & profs • Students identified reinforcement of literacy skills throughout degree program as beneficial – not just first year • Key difference between the two cohorts was the explicit comparison of multiple sources by 2008 cohort, but not by 2006 colleagues LOTW 2010 | Higher, Deeper, Broader | MacMillan

  16. Conclusion… • Search tactics change as domain knowledge increases • Changing information landscape affected results – Scholar, interfaces & full-text availability • Small sample size a limitation but nevertheless presents a snapshot of these students experiences • Survey informs students, librarian & hopefully IL librarians LOTW 2010 | Higher, Deeper, Broader | MacMillan

  17. Thank You! Don MacMillanLibrarian for Biological Sciences, Physics and Astronomy University of Calgary macmilld@ucalgary.ca

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