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Drexel University Office of the Provost Office of Faculty Development Equity

. Mission of Office of Faculty Development

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Drexel University Office of the Provost Office of Faculty Development Equity

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    1. Drexel University Office of the Provost Office of Faculty Development & Equity Janet Fleetwood, Ph.D. Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Development & Equity Professor, College of Medicine

    3. Mission of Office of Faculty Development & Equity The mission of the Office of Faculty Development & Equity is to incorporate and develop the best practices for faculty recruitment, retention and advancement, with special attention to diversity and equity.

    4. Why Are Diversity and Equity Important? While the diversity of undergraduate student populations is steadily increasing, faculty diversity continues to lag behind, especially in fields such as engineering and some sciences. Research indicates that a diverse faculty - contributes to educational quality and excellence better prepares students to live and work in an increasingly global, pluralistic society exposes students to a broader range of scholarly perspectives.

    5. Overview… Women and underrepresented minorities have made gains at Drexel (optional clock stop on the tenure policy, etc.), but there is more to do. Drexel’s gender and ethnic homogeneity is similar to that of other universities – we are all in the same boat.

    6. AAUP Gender Equity Indicators Employment Status Tenure Status Full Professor Rank Average Salary 2006 – AAUP Faculty gender Equity Indicators Extrapolate to gender and race?2006 – AAUP Faculty gender Equity Indicators Extrapolate to gender and race?

    7. History of the Office of Faculty Development & Equity 2005 to 2007 Policy – Marla Gold, M.D. Recruitment – Selcuk Gucieri, Ph.D. Retention – Donna Murasko, Ph.D.Policy – Marla Gold, M.D. Recruitment – Selcuk Gucieri, Ph.D. Retention – Donna Murasko, Ph.D.

    8. Diversity Task Force Faculty Recruitment Subcommittee Assessed Drexel’s recruitment practices, which vary by college. Recommended recruitment guidelines; suggested creating incentive programs to diversify searches; discussed recruitment/retention strategies such as dual career programs. (Profs. Guceri, Cook, Delaney, O’Keeffe, Perez, Porter, Weinberger, Waite) Currently creating a Handbook for Faculty Recruitment focused on engineering and sciences, women and minoritiesCurrently creating a Handbook for Faculty Recruitment focused on engineering and sciences, women and minorities

    9. Diversity Task Force Policy Subcommittee Analyzed Drexel’s written policies with attention to diversity, equity, consistency between schools, etc. Compared Drexel policies with best models from other schools (Univ. of Pittsburgh, Univ. of Iowa, Univ. of Michigan, et al). Recommended revisions for existing policies, procedures, or institutional initiatives. (Profs. Gold, Agosto, Cohen, Nunez, Rest, Rich, Zerva) Policies likely include tenure, promotion, benefits, retirement, sabbatical, family leave, etc. Currently reviewing tenure policies nationally, would also like to examine phased retirement, sabbatical, flexible benefits packages (child care, medical care, elder care, etc.), faculty re-entry options, etc.Policies likely include tenure, promotion, benefits, retirement, sabbatical, family leave, etc. Currently reviewing tenure policies nationally, would also like to examine phased retirement, sabbatical, flexible benefits packages (child care, medical care, elder care, etc.), faculty re-entry options, etc.

    10. Diversity Task Force Faculty Development & Retention Subcommittee Recommended programs to foster faculty development in a diverse environment, including mentoring, leadership development, transparency of promotion/tenure criteria Recommended analyzing needs and interests of deans and chairs to create programs to match specific goals Suggested systematically reviewing equity issues across faculty and comparing with national benchmarks (Profs. Murasko, Bonnici, Chandar, Cordova, Ferrier, Hornum, Landau, Nwankpa, Wheatley) ELAM – for engineering? ELAM – for engineering?

    11. Materials Produced 2005-2007: Report on Faculty Diversity Handbook for Faculty Recruitment Report on Dual Career Programs Subcommittees’ Reports on Recruitment, Retention and Policies

    12. What Initiatives Have Brought Results Elsewhere? Baseline studies / Climate studies Leadership Development Workshops Mentoring & Networking Programs Recruitment & Retention Initiatives & Training (Dual Career, Benefits, etc.) Website with Faculty Resources University of Michigan did a baseline study before and looked at data afterward. 1) Percentage of tenure track offers to women in science and engineering grew from 18% to 35%. Percentage of new hires increased from 14% to 34%. 9 female scientist department chairs, 11 departments got grants for self-study and mentoring, 53 women got grants, search committee members trained, etc. etc. ASK – WHAT ARE WE DOING AT DREXEL TO FOSTER FACULTY DIVERSITY AND WORK-LIFE BALANCE? (Next slide)University of Michigan did a baseline study before and looked at data afterward. 1) Percentage of tenure track offers to women in science and engineering grew from 18% to 35%. Percentage of new hires increased from 14% to 34%. 9 female scientist department chairs, 11 departments got grants for self-study and mentoring, 53 women got grants, search committee members trained, etc. etc. ASK – WHAT ARE WE DOING AT DREXEL TO FOSTER FACULTY DIVERSITY AND WORK-LIFE BALANCE? (Next slide)

    13. Office of Faculty Development & Equity 2007- 2010 Initiatives Includes both Faculty Affairs activities (policies, data analysis) and Faculty Development activities (speaker series, faculty resources) Assess Drexel’s academic climate, using COACHE data, and develop other data sources such as interviews/focus groups Provide resources for faculty throughout the career trajectory including a user-friendly website, faculty development seminars, and activities through the DCAE Revise academic policies to provide for equity and more flexibility in career development Work with search committees to “broaden the net” Individual faculty advisement

    14. Key Questions: Are there impediments to recruiting, retaining and promoting a diverse and gender balanced faculty at Drexel University? How can we foster a learning environment which includes the contributions of women and underrepresented minorities? Are we creating a supportive climate at Drexel to recruit and retain the best faculty? Are there work-life issues we could improve?

    15. Contact Information for Janet Fleetwood Korman Center, Room 294 215-895-1827 Drexel Med Office, Queen Lane 215-991-8468 Janet.Fleetwood@drexelmed.edu Website http://www.drexel.edu/provost/fde/

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