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Alternative IR models. STMIK ERESHA. DR. Yeni Herdiyeni , M.Kom. Technical Memo Example: Titles. c1 Human machine interface for Lab ABC computer applications c2 A survey of user opinion of computer system response time c3 The EPS user interface management system
Alternative IR models STMIK ERESHA DR.Yeni Herdiyeni, M.Kom
Technical Memo Example: Titles c1 Human machine interface for Lab ABC computer applications c2 A survey of user opinion of computer system response time c3 The EPS user interface management system c4 System and humansystem engineering testing of EPS c5 Relation of user-perceived responsetime to error measurement m1 The generation of random, binary, unordered trees m2 The intersection graph of paths in trees m3 Graph minors IV: Widths of trees and well-quasi-ordering m4 Graph minors: A survey
Technical Memo Example: Terms and Documents TermsDocuments c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 m1 m2 m3 m4 human 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 interface 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 computer 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 user 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 system 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 response 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 time 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 EPS 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 survey 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 trees 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 graph 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 minors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Alternative IR models Probabilistic relevance
Probabilistic model • Asks the question “what is probability that user will see relevant information if they read this document” • P(rel|di) – probability of relevance after reading di • How likely is the user to get relevance information from reading this document • high probability means more likely to get relevant info.
Probabilistic model • “if a reference retrieval system's response to each request is a ranking of the documents in the collection in order of decreasing probability of relevance ... the overall effectiveness of the system to its user will be the best that is obtainable…”, Probability ranking principle • Rank documents based on decreasing probability of relevance to user • Calculate P(rel|di) for each document and rank • Suggests mathematical approach to IR and matching • Can predict (somewhat) good retrieval models based on their estimates of P(rel|di)
Example Relevance Feedback
Relevance Feedback • What these systems are doing is • Using examples of documents the user likes • To detect which words are useful • new query words • query expansion • To detect how useful these words are • change weights of query words • term reweighting • Use new query for retrieval
Query Expansion • Add useful terms to the query • Terms that appear often in relevant documents • Try to compensate for poor queries • usually short, can be ambiguous, use too many common words • add better terms to user’s query • Try to emphasize recall Rada Mihalcea, LIT, UNT, NLP, Computer Science Rada Mihalcea
Term Weighting • Reweight query terms • Assign new weights according to importance in relevant documents • Personalized searching • Try to improve precision Rada Mihalcea, 2.0 LIT, 1.5 UNT, 1.5 NLP, 1.5 Computer Science,1.5 Download,0.5 Rada Mihalcea, 1.0
Probabilistic Models • Most probabilistic models based on combining probabilities of relevance and non-relevance of individual terms • Probability that a term will appear in a relevant document • Probability that the term will not appear in a non‐relevant document • These probabilities are estimated based on counting termappearances in document descriptions
Example • Assume we have a collection of 100 documents • N=100 • 20 of the documents contain the term sausage • Searcher has read and marked 10 documents as relevant • R=10 • Of these relevant documents 5 contain the term sausage • How important is the word sausage to the searcher?
Probability of Relevance • from these four numbers we can estimate probability of sausage given relevance information • i.e. how important term sausage is to relevant documents • is number of relevant documents containing sausage (5) • is number of relevant documents that do not contain sausage (5) • Eq. (I) is • higher if most relevant documents contain sausage • lower if most relevant documents do not contain sausage • high value means sausage is important term to user in our example (5/5=1) # of relevant docs which contain sausage - I # of relevant docs which don’t contain sausage
Probability of Non‐relevance • Also we can estimate probability of sausage given non‐relevance information • i.e. how important term sausage is to non‐relevant documents • is number of non‐relevant documents that contain term sausage (20‐5)=15 • is number of non‐relevant documents that do not contain sausage (100‐20‐10+5)=75 # of non-relevant docs which contain sausage - II # of docs which don’t contain sausage # of relevant docs which don’t contain sausage • Eq(II) • higher if more documents containing term sausage are non‐relevant • lower if more documents that do not contain sausage are non‐relevant • low value means sausage is important term to user in our example (15/75=0.2)
F4 reweighting formula how important is sausage being present in relevant documents how important is sausage being absent from non-relevant documents from example on slide 10 weight of sausage is 5 (1/0.2)
F4 reweighting formula • F4 gives new weights to all terms in collection (or just query) • high weights to important terms • Low weights to unimportant terms • replaces idf, tf, or any other weights • document score is based on sum of query terms in documents
Probabilistic model • can also use to rank terms for addition to query • rank terms in relevant documents by term reweighting formula • i.e. by how good the terms are at retrieving relevant documents • add all terms • add some, e.g. top 5 • in probabilistic formula query expansion and term reweighting done separately Rada Mihalcea, 2.0 LIT, 1.5 UNT, 1.5 NLP, 1.5 Computer Science,1.5 Download,0.5 Teaching,0.25 Rada Mihalcea, 1.0
Probabilistic model • Advantages over vector‐space • Strong theoretical basis • Based on probability theory (very well understood) • Easy to extend • Disadvantages • Models are often complicated • No term frequency weighting • Which is better vector‐space or probabilistic? • Both are approximately as good as each other • Depends on collection, query, and other factors
Explicit/Latent Semantic Analysis • BOW • Explicit Semantic Analysis • Latent Semantic Anaylsis Democrats, Republicans, abortion, taxes, homosexuality, guns, etc American politics Wikipedia:Car, Wikipedia:Automobile , Wikipedia:BMW, Wikipedia:Railway, etc Car {car, truck, vehicle}, {tradeshows} , {engine} Car
Explicit/Latent Semantic Analysis • Objective • Replace indexes that use sets of index terms/docs by indexes that use concepts. • Approach • Map the term vector space into a lower dimensional space, using singular value decomposition. • Each dimension in the new space corresponds to a explicit/latent concept in the original data.
Deficiencies with Conventional Automatic Indexing • Synonymy: • Various words and phrases refer to the same concept (lowers recall). • Polysemy: • Individual words have more than one meaning (lowers precision) • Independence: • No significance is given to two terms that frequently appear together • Explict/Latent semantic indexing addresses the first of these (synonymy), and the third (dependence)
Technical Memo Example: Titles c1 Human machine interface for Lab ABC computer applications c2 A survey of user opinion of computer system response time c3 The EPS user interface management system c4 System and humansystem engineering testing of EPS c5 Relation of user-perceived responsetime to error measurement m1 The generation of random, binary, unordered trees m2 The intersection graph of paths in trees m3 Graph minors IV: Widths of trees and well-quasi-ordering m4 Graph minors: A survey
Technical Memo Example: Terms and Documents TermsDocuments c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 m1 m2 m3 m4 human 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 interface 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 computer 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 user 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 system 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 response 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 time 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 EPS 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 survey 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 trees 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 graph 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 minors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Technical Memo Example: Query • Query: Find documents relevant to "human computer interaction“ • Simple Term Matching: • Matches c1, c2, and c4 • Misses c3 and c5
Mathematical concepts • Define X as the term-document matrix, with t rows (number of index terms) and d columns (number of documents). • Singular Value Decomposition • For any matrixX, with t rows and d columns, there exist matricesT0, S0andD0', such that: • X = T0S0D0‘ • T0andD0are the matrices of left and right singular vectors • S0is the diagonal matrix of singular values
Dimensions of matrices t x d t x m m x m m x d S0 D0' X = T0 m is the rank of X< min(t, d)
Reduced Rank • S0can be chosen so that the diagonal elements are positive and decreasing in magnitude. Keep the first k and set the others to zero. • Delete the zero rows and columns of S0and the corresponding rows and columns of T0 and D0. This gives: • X = TSD' • Interpretation • If value of k is selected well, expectation is that Xretains the semantic information fromX, but eliminates noise from synonymy and recognizes dependence.
Dimensionality Reduction t x d t x k k x k k x d S D' ^ = X T k is the number of latent concepts (typically 300 ~ 500) X ~ X = TSD'
Mathematical Revision A is a p x q matrix B is a r x q matrix ai is the vector represented by row i of A bj is the vector represented by row j of B The inner product ai.bj is element i, j of AB ijth element of AB' q r r q p p B' ith row of A jth row of B A AB'
Comparing a Query and a Document • A query can be expressed as a vector in the term-document vector space xq. • xqi= 1 if term i is in the query and 0 otherwise. • (Ignore query terms that are not in the term vector space.) • Let pqjbe the inner product of the query xqwith document djin the term-document vector space.
Comparing a Query and a Document ^ X [pq1... pqj ... pqt] = [xq1 xq2 ... xqt] document dj is column j of X ^ inner product of query q with document dj query cosine of angle is inner product divided by lengths of vectors