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Faith Declaration and Pledges: Living by Islamic Principles

This text outlines the conditions of initiation (Ba'iat) in the Islamic faith, including abstaining from sin, offering prayers, and living a righteous life. The pledges discussed in the text include sacrificing for the faith, upholding the Ahmadiyya Khilafat, and spreading the message of Islam and Ahmadiyyat globally. The ultimate pledge is to dedicate one's life, prayer, and sacrifice to Allah. The text emphasizes the importance of faith, obedience, humility, and devotion to God and the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad.

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Faith Declaration and Pledges: Living by Islamic Principles

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  1. Declaration of our Faith There is none worthy of worship except GodMuhammad is the Messenger of God

  2. Conditions of Initiation (Ba’iat) 1. That he/she shall abstain from Shirk (association of any partner with Allah) right up to the day of his/her death. 2. That he/she shall keep away from falsehood, fornication, adultery, trespasses of the eye, debauchery, dissipation, cruelty, dishonesty, mischief and rebellion; and will not permit himself/herself to be carried away by passions, however strong they might be. 3. That he/she shall regularly offer the five daily prayers in accordance with the commandments of God and the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him); and shall try his/her best to be regular in offering the Tahajud (pre-dawn supererogatory prayers) and invoking Darood (blessings) on the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him); that he/she shall make it his/her daily routine to ask forgiveness for his/her sins, to remember the bounties of God and to praise and glorify Him.

  3. Conditions of Initiation (Ba’iat) 4. That under the impulse of any passions, he/she shall cause no harm whatsoever to the creatures of Allah in general, and Muslims in particular, neither by his/her tongue nor by his/her hands nor by any other means. 5. That he/she shall remain faithful to God in all circumstances of life, in sorrow and happiness, adversity and prosperity, in felicity and trial; and shall in all conditions remain resigned to the decree of Allah and keep himself/herself ready to face all kinds of indignities and sufferings in His way and shall never turn away from it at the onslaught of any misfortune; on the contrary, he/she shall march forward. 6. That he/she shall refrain from following un-Islamic customs and lustful inclinations, and shall completely submit himself/herself to the authority of the Holy Qur’an; and shall make the Word of God and the Sayings of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) the guiding principle in every walk of his/her life.

  4. Conditions of Initiation (Ba’iat) 7. That he/she shall entirely give up pride and vanity and shall pass all his/her life in humbleness, cheerfulness, forbearance and meekness. 8. That he/she shall hold faith, the honor of faith, and the cause of Islam dearer to him/her than his/her life, wealth, honor, children and all other dear ones. 9. That he/she shall keep himself/herself occupied in the service of God's creatures for His sake only; and shall endeavor to benefit mankind to the best of his/her God-given abilities and powers. 10. That he/she shall enter into a bond of brotherhood with this humble servant of God, pledging obedience to me in everything good, for the sake of Allah, and remain faithful to it till the day of his/her death; that he/she shall exert such a high devotion in the observance of this bond as is not to be found in any other worldly relationship and connections demanding devoted dutifulness.

  5. The Lajna Pledge I affirm that I shall always be ready to sacrifice my life, property, time and children for the cause of the faith and the community. I shall always adhere to the truth and shall always be prepared to make every sacrifice for the perpetuation of the Ahmadiyya Khilafat.

  6. Pledge of Khilafat Today at the completion of 100 years of Khilafat–e–Ahmadiyya, we swear an oath to Allah to vouch to spread Islam and Ahmadiyyat and to make the name of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reach the corners of the earth, we shall keep exerting till the last moments of our lives, and for the accomplishments of this cause and duty, will always keep of our lives dedicated to Allah and His Messenger (PBOH), and will offer every sacrifice, no matter how big is that, to raise the flag of Islam higher, in every country of the world, till the last day of the earth. We also affirm that we shall strive till the last breath to safeguard the institution of Khilafat and its stability and shall direct our progeny after progeny, to always be bonded with Khilafat and be given the blessings of it, so that Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya continues to go on safe and sound and the propagation of Islam may go on through Ahmadiyyat till the Day of Judgment and the flag of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBOH) may fly higher and higher than all the other flags in the world. O God, grant us the capacity to fulfill this pledge. (Translation by Ahmad Mubarak)

  7. …Our Ultimate Pledge… Say, ‘My Prayer and my sacrifice and my life and my death are all for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds (6:163)

  8. Are we true to our pledges? If Yes, How so? If not, Why not?

  9. They love Allah and His Prophetsaw They believe in the Imam of the Age They practice Sabr (patience) They show utmost humility. They have fear of Allah – Taqwa They are grateful to Allah Distinctions of true believing ladies • 9 1/4/2020

  10. Practical distinctions of believing ladies They abstain from lies, deception and fraud They do not degrade others or deceive others They do not gossip about others behind their back and then say we did not say those things What ever they say from their mouth, that is what is in their heart They spend in His way without showing off

  11. Hazur’s advice All ladies and girls, who come into the rivers of piety and sanctity have the capacity to take away the sins from other people. The status of an Ahmadi lady is much higher than others. When you have accepted the Imam of the Age, worldly things do not influence you. You have made a covenant that you will follow the teaching of the Holy Qur’an - in a practical way and you will not spare any sacrifice to bring people under the banner of the Holy Prophetsaws. How will you be ready for sacrifices when you follow the worldly pleasures and so called freedoms? Peek in to your own self, into your heart. Try to employ all means to increase your faith.

  12. Bring about a revolution Those women who talk about rights of women are only concerned with their worldly rights – only secular and worldly knowledge. There is no spiritually in their revolution. When an Ahmadi lady speaks of revolution, she has the love of Allah in her mind. Your education is so that you can look after your children very well. This task has been entrusted to you. You cannot do it if your own example is not there. You must increase your spiritual knowledge. Your revolution is not a temporary one. It will be something, which will protect the whole world from vices. It will be such a revolution that will bring you and your generations closer to Allah Almighty.

  13. Offer your own self in sacrifice. This is your means of salvation Your firm link with Allah Almighty is the real happiness. The path of closeness to Allah is endless. In the Khilafat centenary, you renewed your pledge. You have to establish the flag of the Holy Prophetsaws in all countries. You have to give all sacrifices for that jehad. Make your actions acceptable to God. • 13 1/4/2020

  14. Hazur’s prayer for ladies May Allah enable you to become a true Ahmadi so that you become like those companions of the Promised Messiahas, so that you are able to sacrifice everything for your Religion and your Faith.

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