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This research explores the role of tensor force and isoscalar pairing in spin-isospin excitations of nuclei using Self-consistent HF+RPA based on Skyrme force. It investigates Skyrme parameter sets with tensor force, effects on excited states, GT and SD constraint on the tensor force, HFB+QRPA theory for open-shell nuclei, and isoscalar pairing in GT excitations of N=Z nuclei. The study provides valuable insights into the interaction mechanisms and constraints on nuclear excitations. Collaborative efforts with experts contribute significant findings.
Skyrme tensor force and Role of isoscalar pairing in spin-isospin exciations of nuclei Chunlin Bai Department of Physics, Sichuan University Chengdu, China ●Self-consistent HF+RPA based on Skyrme force ● Skyrme parameter sets with tensor force ● Tensor effects on the excited states ● GT and SD constraint on the tensor force ● HFB+QRPA theory for open-shell nuclei ● isoscalar pairing in GT excitations of N=Z nuclei ● GT excitations in Sn isotopes (N>Z nuclei) ● Conclusion and outlook
Self-consistent HF+RPA based on Skyrme force • Skyrme effective nucleon-nucleon interaction • HF used to study the ground state properties, and get the single-particle wave functions. • Self-consistent HF+RPA studys the excitation states • In our code tensor and spin-orbit forces are included. The same interactions as those in HF are used to calculated A,B so that to keep self-consistency.
Skyrme parameter sets with tensor force The tensor terms postulated by Skyrme: Nucl. Phy. 9, 615(1959) Skyrme parameter sets which include tensor force: Fl. Stancu et. al, PLB68, 108(1977), B. A. Brown et. al, PRC74, 061303(R)(2006) G-Matrix interaction T >0, U>0 G. Colòet. al, PLB646, 227(2007), D. M. Brink et. al, PRC75, 061311(2007) Single-particle energies T >0, U<0 T ±, U ± Ground state properties T. Lesinski et. al. PRC76, 014312(2007)
Tensor effects on GT states • Main peak • Low energy tail • 10% strength shifted to 2ħωenergy region Bai , Sagawa, Zhang, Zhang, Colò, Xu, Phys. Lett. B675, 28(2009)
Tensor effects on Charge-exchange SD Bai, Zhang, Sagawa, Zhang, Colò, Xu, PRL 105,072501(2010) Exp. From T. Wakasa et. al., PRC 84, 014614(2011) In T43, T >0, U<0 In SLy5+Tw, T>0, U>0 The SD 1- state is shifted downward dramatically by the tensor RPA correlations.
GT and SD constraint on the tensor force Bai, Zhang, Sagawa, Zhang, Colò, Xu, PRC83,054316(2011); The exp.main peak energy of SD and GT in 90Zr and 208Pb can be the constraints by requiring the condition ● In TIJ family, only T21, T32, T43, and T54 fulfill the condition; ● SD 1- states strongly constrain the value of T; ● Together with SD, GT main peak can be used to constrain value of U.
HFB+QRPA theory for open-shell nuclei I HFB+pnQRPA in canonical basis
HFB+QRPA theory for open-shell nucleiII Details of the calcualtions: ● In HFB T=1 pairing is adjusted to reproduce the neutron pairing gap of some certain nuclei. ●In HFB cut-off of the quasi-particle energy :180MeV; ●In QRPA cut-off neutron states withvn2<10-6 Choosing of the pairing interaction: HFB pnQRPA The strength of the T=0 pairing is not well evaluated, In N. Vinh Mau, arXiv 0711, 3173 (2007), f=1.36, In our calculation f = 0.0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 1.7
Isoscalar pairing in GT excitations of N=Z nuclei Collaborated with H.Sagawa, M.Sasano, T. Uesaka, K. Hagino, H.Q.Zhang, X.Z.Zhang, and F.R. Xu ●The unperterbed strength are distributed in to energy regions; ●When isoscalar pairing is small, the strength is almost concentrated in one peak; ●When isoscalar pairing increased, the strength in low energy peak enhanced dramatically.
Mechanism Isovector pairing force produce partially occupied single-pariticle states, which work between two Particle configuratin and produce: Isoscalar pairing work between two particle configurations and produce: With And GT operator works so that The high energy peak is dominant by the particle-hole configuration, With strong isoscalar pairing, the low energy peak become coherent combination of those configurations which are tend to be coupled by the isoscalar pairing.
Comparing with Experiment Experimental data from: M. Sasano et al., PRL. 107, 202501(2001); The present data constrain f in a very small range around 1.5.
GT excitations in Sn isotopes T=0 pairing has almost no effect on the main peak energies.
Conclusion and outlook ● Tensor force have strong effects on the main peak energy of GT and charge-exchange SD transitions in closed shell nuclei. ●GT and SD main peak energies can be used to constrain the strengths of tensor force in a small area; ● In certain N=Z nuclei, strong isoscalar pairing force collaborated with isovector pairing may dramatically enhance the low energy peak; ●Since the main higher energy GT peak is usually dominant by the particle-hole configurations, they are not affected strongly by the isoscalar pairing, especially in N>Z nuclei such as Sn isotopes.